Sunday, March 9, 2008

One Meditation Technique Developed by Me

Although, I am not a hardcore supporter of techniques, methods etc. But, I feel these are required from practicality point of view. Practicality and absoluteness is totally different. The society you live is practical, absolute is transcendental. Absoluteness doesn't worry much about society. That was one reason why society had always suppressed the absoluteness.
Techniques and methods are sequential process. I am not believer of sequential process. I believe in the parallelism. Because, sequential process spread the time. Sequential process will show you a goal. It will show you a milestone. It will give you a feeling that something great gonna be happen in the future. It will drift your mindset to future. Sequential process are the genesis of cause and effect. On the other hand parallelism is just opposite. It happens in the present. Cause and effect will happen together. Basically, both will disappear.
Just to temporarily accommodate practicality methods and techniques are required. Later when you master the technique it will dropped automatically. So, these days I had been working on one meditation technique. This is not a great invention or discovery. Many meditation techniques exists. But I developed this technique getting ideas from other techniques.
This technique is related to breath. Because, breath is very important in yoga. Breath is the bridge between you and god. This technique involve imagination. I will talk about imagination sometime later. Somehow imagination word has earned bad name. For the time being just take it as granted if you would like. Before I formally describe the technique, reader would need to know about Chakra System. According to Indian Yogic System. There exists primarily 7 chakras and 3 channel in the subtle body. These channels carries pran. So the basic idea is to regularize the movement of pran across these channels. It might sounds you disgusting. You can simply stop reading in that case. So, I developed one technique which will enable you to harmonize the movement of pran in these channels. Please note all these phenomena are happening in the subtle body which in turn will effect the physical body.
Take a deep breath in. And imagine that pran is moving from Muladhar to Ajna through Ida channel. Then exhale and imagine that pran is going from Ajna to Muladhar through Pingla Channel. This become one step. Repeat the steps as many times you want. Then do it in reverse order. That is when you inhale imagine that pran is moving from Muladhar to Ajna into Pingla channel. Exhale will follow accordingly. This way both Ida and Pingla channel should be balanced the pran should move inside Sushumna. This technique would need strong imagination. The basic idea is to balance the pran flow in Ida and Pingla. You can device any technique to do that.
Disclaimer: I do not take any solicitation if the technique shows side effects.

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