Friday, October 31, 2008


Had been busy watching chess. So, now it's time for philosophy. Today's topic is Karma.

Karma is an abstruse topic. That's why I was not writing about it. It's not easy to quantify the karma. If i knowingly kill a mosquito how much bad karma I will get? No body knows. No body can know. If we have taken this body then we have to do Karma. There is no way out. Except in Samadhi. Except samadhi every activity is Karma. Samadhi is the only phenomena when all the Karma dissolves. Because, at the time of samadhi there is no doer. Karma needs doer. Doer does karma. If no doer, no karma. The doer has to vanish.

Secondly, if you are the observer of Karma. Then karma won't bind you. Because, you are just an observer. An acute observer is free from Karma. Whole life we do Karma. And what do we get out of it. Nothing. Look at the child. They have done less karma, they are happy. We did more karma, we became unhappy. Because, the observance of karma was missing. We didn't observe. We just did without observing it. Because, we were not taught to do like that. Because, our teachers, our parents, our friends didn't know anything about observation. Because, they were also not taught. The knowledge was lost. And is still lost. Don't think what you have learnt in the schools and colleges in a haphazard manner is the only reality. In my view that's the holy bullshhhhit they have taught us. Our education system is one of the most important factor in creating a perverted society. We need more people like Buddha, Jesus. Else the whole of the humanity will get destroyed. Humanity never moved in the right direction. Humanity had been always against of truth. Always. Else we would have a happy cheerful humanity by now. Today we do not have cheerful humanity. So, tomorrow also we would not have. Then day after tomorrow also. And it will we have been working for 5000 years for better humanity and we could not achieve it by now. So, just like that in the next 5000 years we are not going to have a cheerful humanity. Unless otherwise we have lots and lots of people like Buddha. Our need is not to create engineers who know just F=MA and nothing else. We need to create persons who understand why does F=MA work? What makes F=MA work.We should not create just lame engineers who just has remember F=MA like a parrot. The point I am trying to state is we need more contented humanity. After Jesus, nobody became like him in Christianity. After Buddha, nobody became like him in Buddhism. The rate of making of enlightened being is too less. That's why we have problems.

I want to make whole of humanity like Buddha. Not even a single person should escape from truth. I have no intention to create engineers/doctors/MBA who just know superficially. Think, I mentioned this in any of my previous post - if we have even a single unhappy person that will make the whole of humanity unhappy. So, every body has to be happy. Like Buddha. I know it's not easy to happen. That's the only way out to create a cheerful humanity. Every living being has to attain the truth and become like Buddha at the same time. Otherwise, there is no way out.

Anand Won

Anand won. Congrates to him. For defending the title against russian V Kramnik. Anand was in need of just half point to attain the life time mission. Notably, Kramnik had a spectacular win in just 29 moves over Anand in the last game. However, as he started the last game with e4 the result was pretty known what's gonna happen. When Anand played e4 with white was very difficult for the russian to defeat him when he had not won any match in the last 2 years playing with black. He is the 2nd non-russian world champion after Bobby Fischer. Fischer was a mad genius of the chess. He doesn't follow much of opening theory like Kasparov.

I thoughroughly enjoyed Anand-Kramnik games watching live on Things I learnt is even grandmasters also take upto 30 mins to play a single move, sometimes. Lol.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A long game but not draw. Had to take few moves back at the time of beginning of end game. ;) Click here to follow the game.

Started the game in Sicilian defence e4. It was a comparatively complex middle game. Strategically, on 21.Bxh6 I sacrificed my bishop to break Nagaskaki's kingside castle. Which ultimately yielded an advantage of a rook over bishop. However, the endgame was also tricky.

Please be noted that PGN viewer I am using doesn't work with Chrome browser. It works with latest firefox and IE of course.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weldone Kramnik!

Thanks Kramnik for drawing the game. Lol. Kramnik opted for slav defence. Again d4 business. Both player were playing at their best. So, no one could gain any advantage. However, Anand's position was slightly relatively stronger but unfortunately he couldn't make much use of it. They agreed to draw.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kramnik WCC 2008

Kramnik what's wrong with you. You lost 3 games. If you can't win then you should draw the games. I know you can draw easily. Most of the player loose becuase they want to win. I think Anand will peacefully retain his world championship title opting for draws in the worst case in the subsequent games. 

Some of the move Kramnik played was too trivial. A grandmaster playing such moves is surprising. Only a miracle can stop Anand to retain his title.

There is something new in these mataches. First is they are starting the game with d4. I don't know why they are not playing e4. I want to see an e4 game. e4 is the best possible move. Secondly, Anand is not castling. This is strange. Castling keeps your king safe but that same time you loose one move in just castling. Anand's strategy is to use that move for other purpose. What Ananad is doing is he is able to save the king without castling. And that's what the logic says. If you can save your king and attack too without castling then why to castle? This strategy is working for him so far. However, Anand's king did got into trouble at times but that was pre-calculated by him.

I found Anand doesn't follow classical chess. He loves to break the rules. In game 5 he had not pawns in a b c file in contrast with Kramnik's 2 pawns back to back. Remember although pawns are weak pieces but they have potential to become queen, the strongest piece on the board. So, basically no one likes to do that. But, Anand did and won the match too. That shows his perfectness. So, far Anand is playing superb game. He moves same as suggested by supercomputer. Even Kramnik too. I don't know why Kramnik is not able to convert it to win. Kramnik had defeated Kasparov also. Kasparov is the most fundamental player in the history. I yet am keeping eyes on the games. 6 more matches to go. Result is known yet hoping for miracles...Lol

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Had been long since I could play a game. Click here to follow a boring long draw. Lol


Started the game in my favorite Sicilian defense manner without any apparent advantage. I aligned my pieces to fight on c5 square but Nagaskaki chose to fight on c4 square where I didn't have any extra attack. That finished the middle game without any appreciable advantage to either side. In the end game I had to scarifice my bishop to eat away two potential strong pawn. I could convert a pawn into queen but lost immediately by eating black's bishop. After that the game ended with a trival draw.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

WCC Anand-Kramnik 4th game

The game was draw. What to analyze a draw game. Lol. Both were playing well. The game started in queen's gambit style. Again I don't have much experience in this variation but essentially what it does is, it generates lame d5 black pawn. Then Kramnik had to exert lots of energy in just saving the d5 pawn. However, Kramnik was able to get hold of d4 square pushing the Anand's rook on d3 which enabled Kramnik to play d4. Which ultimately yielded a draw game. The way how Kramnik got hold on the centre squares is by pushing Anand's white bshop on g2 enabling Kramnik's knight on c5 to capture e6 square which in turn push Anand's rook to d3 as described above.
Overall a boring draw game. Waited 4 hours to see a draw. Let's see what's gonna happen on Monday. I am expecting Kramnik to start with sicilian defence. Enough of d4 business. He has enough time to make strategy for Monday.

Anand Kramnik

Yesterday, had been following World Chess Championship 2008 where Anand is trying to defend his world champion title against Russian Kramnik. Yesterday was the third game which Anand won. Last two game was draw. They started the game in slav defence. I never played this opening variation. Don't know much about it. In the middle game Anand was in trouble when he took more than 10 minutes to play 19...h5. I think move 22...Rg7 was the game saviour for Ananad. Before this move Kramnik had developed an excellent line of attack which made me to think that he is gonna win. After 22...Rg7 game was heading towards a probable draw when Kramnik made a mistake in 33.Bd3. Although Kramnik just margnally lost to Anand but win is a win. Lol. Because, Kramnik got a strong pawn (on the cost of loosing the queen) on a7 square which unfortunately he could not convert it to queen. Becuase, Anand had a white bishop which can capture white a8 square anytime. Had it been converted to queen Anand would had lost.

Today, is the fourth game. Anand will play with white. Let see what happens today.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


हमने बहोत सारे ज्ञान खो दिए हैं। समय के गर्त मे खो गया। अब स्थिति ऐसी हो गई है की हमने अज्ञानता को ही ज्ञान मान लिया। और काफ़ी प्रगाढ़ता से माना है। लेकिन पूर्ण प्रगाढ़ता से नही माना है। मेरा मानना है की अगर अज्ञान को भी पूर्ण प्रगाढ़ता से मान लिया जाए तो वह ज्ञान हो जाता है। अज्ञान- को ज्ञान मानकर ज्ञान को भुला दिया| सारा अज्ञान अपूर्णता से उत्त्पन्न होता है। पूर्णता मे अज्ञान कहाँ? पूर्ण, पूर्ण है उसमे अज्ञान की जगह कहाँ? पूर्ण से ही अद्वैत का बोध होता है। अपूर्णता ने तो हमेश द्वैत पैदा किया है। हमें द्वैत दिखाई देता है, अद्वैत दिखाई नही देता। हमने हमेशा से दो देखा है, एक का हमें कुछ भी नही पता। एक को हमने समय की गर्त मे भुला दिया। हमें सीमा दिखाई परती है, असीम हमें दिखाई नही परता। हमें सूरज और चाँद दिखाई परते हैं, उस सूरज और चाँद के बीच जो विराट आकाश है वो हमें दिखाई नही परता। उस आकाश के चलते ही सूरज, चाँद और तारों का अस्तित्व है। अगर आकाश हो तो ये सारे, सूरज, चाँद खो जायेंगे। अब भी ब्रह्म का काफ़ी हिस्सा व्यक्त नही हुआ है। अभी भी आकाश ही आकाश है। एक परमाणु की अन्दर भी ९९% से जादा हिस्सा मे सिर्फ़ खाली आकाश होता है। हमारे घर के अन्दर भी जादातर स्थान खालि होता है। सूर्य और पृथ्वी के बीच १५ करोर किलोमीटर का खाली आकाश है। मेरे अनुसार अभी भी पूर्ण ब्रह्म के % हिस्सा भी व्यक्त नही हुआ है। अगर होता, तो सिर्फ़ पदार्थ ही पदार्थ होता। इतना खाली आकाश होता। पदार्थ ब्रह्म का काफ़ी संघनित रूप है। इसलिए अगर आकाश पे ध्यान किया जाए तो वह काफ़ी प्रभावशाली होगा। हमने ब्रह्म को की माध्यम से जाना है। ब्रह्म का सबसे निकटतम प्रतिनिधि है। और शायद आकाश से भी सूक्ष्म है। हम हिन्दुओं ने की अपरम्पार महिमा गाई है। सारे वेद मंत्र से ही शुरू होते हैं। और फिर कलयुग मे मंत्र योग का ही प्रावधान है| इसलिए मंत्र का जाप कलयुग मे कल्याणकारी सिद्ध होगा। कलयुग मे हठयोग , ज्ञानयोग, राजयोग थोरा मुश्किल है।

Sunday, October 12, 2008

सत्य की खोज

जीवन दुःख हैबुद्ध ने ठीक कहा थाबुद्ध का पहला वचन था की जीवन दुःख हैठीक कहा था उन्होंनेकुछ भी करो उसका अन्तिम परिणाम दुःख होता हैये संसार दुःख सागर हैदुःख सागर कहना भी कम परेगादुःख का ऐसा सागर जिसकी गहराई अनंत हैमैंने इसे अनुभव किया हैकरते ही दुःख हो जाता हैकुछ भी शाश्वत नही है यहाँलेहमन ब्रोदर डूब गयाकोई नही बचा पायासारा एम्.बी. का ज्ञान धरा का धरा रह गया और डूब गयाबनाया गया था इसलिए डूबा, अगर नही बनाया जाता तो नही डूबतायह जीवन बना है, इसलिए डूबेगाजो बनता है डूब जाता हैदेर सबेर डूब ही जाता हैजिसे प्रेम करो उसी से अप्रेम हो जाता हैपर दुःख मान्यता का ही हैअगर दुःख का कारण है तो उसे समाप्त किया जा सकता हैअगर दुःख का कारन हो तो उसे समाप्त नही किया जा सकता हैफिर दुःख शाश्वत हो जाएगाऔर अगर दुःख शाश्वत हो जाए तो दुःख दुःख रहेगा, फिर दुःख ही सत्य हो जाएगापर जिन जिन लोगों ने जीवन को बहोत ही गहराई से परखा है उनका यही कहना है की दुःख शाध्वत नही हैउन्होनों सुख की शाश्वत किरण को देखा होगाएक किरण काफ़ी हैअगर तुम्हे सुख की एक भी किरण दिखाई परने लगे तो वो तुम्हे अनंत तक ले जा सकता हैजैसे की तुम अगर सूर्य की एक भी किरण को पकर लो तो वो तुम्हे सूर्य तक पंहुचा सकता हैपर उस किरण को समझने के लिए थोरा सा ज्ञान चाहिएज्ञान मे वो शक्ति है जो कर्म के बंधन से मुक्ति दिला सकेइसलिए मैंने ज्ञान को सर्वोपरि माना है। हालाँकि, कलयुग मे मंत्र योग की ही गाथा गाई गयी हैचैतन्य महाप्रभु इसके बहोत बारे समर्थक रहे हैंक्योंकि कलयुग का आदमी दीन हीन होता हैउस से हठयोग जैसे कठिन साधना सम्भव नही हो सकेगीइसलिए मंत्र योग का प्रावधान है कलयुग मेपर इसका मतलब यह नही है की लोग मंत्र योग के अतिरिक्त कोई और योग करेअबतक एक मेरे अनुभव के अनुसार मैंने ज्ञान योग को ही सर्वोपरि माना हैमेरा मानना ग़लत भी हो सकता हैया ऐसे कहे की मेरे लिए ज्ञान योग सरलतम मार्ग हैकिसी और के लिए भक्ति मार्ग सरल हो सकता है, किसी की लिए हठयोग सरल हो सकता हैमार्ग कुछ भी हो, पर अन्तिम परिणाम मुक्ति हैहम वस्तुतः इस शरीर मे कैद हैंयह शरीर जेल जैसा हैधयान के माध्य से इस शरीर के बहार निकला जा सकता हैध्यान तुम्हे अनंत तक ले जा सकता हैखुले आकाश मे विचरण करा सकता हैआकाश के बारे मे मे दो शब्द कहना चाहता थासबसे पहले आकाश का निर्माण हुआ थाखुला आकाशइसलिए आकाश को मात्र देखने मात्र से ब्रह्म की अनुभूति होती हैइसलिए हम इश्वर को जब भी याद करते हैं तो आकाश की तरफ़ देखते हैंजीसस को तुमने देखा होगा आकाश की तरफ़ देखते हुएआकाश ब्रह्म का शुद्धतम रूप हैएक समय था जब हम थे, आकाश थाएक समय होगा जब हम रहेंगे, आकाश रहेगाआकाश से मेरा बचपन से ही लगाव रहा हैबचपन मे अपने गाँव मे रात मे छत पर सोने समय खुले आकाशे मे चाँद तारों को देख कर आनंदित हुआ करता थाआकाश ने मुझे अब बचपन से ही आकर्षित किया हैखासकर क्षितिज ने

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lessons from Buddha's Enlightenment

If any sincere seeker is reading this blog and possesses the eternal quest of knowing the truth then I have some knowledge which I should reveal to the whole world. My intention is simple. Extremely simple. I am writing about spirituality because, I know there are some fine souls trapped in the body and trying to get out of this bondage of karma. I am nothing, I am just a medium. The knowledge is coming from brahman, I write it on the blog, reader reads it, then it goes into his/her heart and from his/her heart it goes back to brahman. So, the knowledge travels from Brahman to Brahman via me and you. Let it travel. Don't interfere. Society has badly prepare you to interfere the natural flow. Drop it.
In this post I will write about how Buddha got enlightenment. There is high probability that if you do the same thing what Buddha did you will attain the truth. But, Buddha did very tough penance. He was not even taking food. You may not be able to do that. If you can do that, fine, go ahead. If you can't do that then read this post carefully. So, I devised a technique by which the extreme penance can be relaxed as follows:
Buddha did very tough spiritual practice for 6 years continuously. He met many gurus but no one could satisfy his thirst of truth. Finally, he became his own guru. However, this doesn't lessen the importance of guru. Buddha's case is special. He was very advanced seeker. Already almost enlightened. So, he may not need a guru. But, most probably you would need a guru. I am not talking about guru in this post. The trick is you don't need to do exactly what Buddha did for 6 years. Just do what Buddha did on the day of his enlightenment. If you can generate the same condition within you as Buddha generated on the day of his enlightenment you would achieve same. So, what did Buddha do on the day of enlightenment? That's all you need to know. And do atleast that. Buddha did only one thing that day. Only one thing. Before that day he was doing lots and lots of thing. And nothing was happening. He was doing and it was not happening. He stopped doing and it happened. Why he stopped doing is not that important. Important is he stopped doing. He stopped everything and it happened. It looks funny, but that's how it is and that's how it should must be. If you also stop, it will happen to you also. Whole life we work like a donkey and nothing happens. If it will happen, it will happen quickly otherwise it may not happened in billions and trillions of life. Like it happened to King Janak. One of the fastest realization ever happened in the history. It happened to him within a second. That's what is the power of Gyan. Gyan is most powerful that's why fastest. Bhakti can be slow. But to eternity slow or fast doesn't matter. Slow and fast is for you. The eternity has nothing to do with slow or fast. So, Buddha's mind has nothing to do that day. He was awake and mind had nothing to do. So, his mind simply disappeared and truth appeared. Mind always needs an object. Mind cannot work without an object. So, once the object is dropped mind simply disappears. And once mind disappears truth appears. Remember, that's why I had said - Either you exist or God exists. It fully applies to Buddha. When Buddha was existing, that is his mind was existing, that is he was doing something, then God, that is truth never existed for him. When his mind dropped, that is he disappeared, truth as God existed. When we are in wake state we have always something to do. Always. Out of your entire life , if you can mange to get few seconds in which you have nothing to do, that is your mind has nothing to do, you are blessed. Before that day, although Buddha had dropped, family, kingdom, fame, etc but he was still with his mind. He was keeping his mind, his ego with him. But, that day he dropped everything. He dropped to the extent that he had nothing left to drop anymore and that's how he got the truth. So, if you can simulate Buddha's day of enlightenment in your life you might attain truth.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I and my father are one - Jesus

In the gospel of John chapter 10 verse no 30 Jesus says "I and my father are one". I consider this as one of the most revolutionary statement of the bible. Once realized, this statement has power to bring the revolution of super consciousness. If not realized, it just remains like another sentences. However, this statement is wrongly understood even by catholics. Yesterday, I was chatting with a catholic saintly person from Texas about this statement. We differ in our understanding of this statement. This is not a simple statement. It looks simple but, actually it's not. The whole of the crux is hidden in this statement. However Jesus said that in slightly diplomatic manner. And mind you, this statement is complete. Means you don't need to read few more verses before and after this verse. It's a complete statement - I and my father are one. One thing is clear - he is definitely not talking about Joseph. He is talking about God. That he and his father who is God himself are one, means Jesus is God. Even catholics say this. But catholics think that this statement is only applicable to Jesus. That is, it's not entirely true for you. It's fully true only for Jesus. I differ with them on this. According to me it's true for whole of the humanity. Not only for Jesus. If it is not true for us that means God doesn't love us. What they say is - we can never become God but we can become god-like. There is a difference between God and God-like. Huge difference. According to Hinduism we can become exactly equal to God. Brihadaaranyak Upanishad says - "Aham Brahmasmi" perhaps the most straight forward declaration ever made so far. It's not a mantra, it's a declaration. Means you don't have to chant "Aham Brahmasmi". It's a one time declaration, that's it. The sage who realized it wrote it. He didn't realize Brahman by chanting Aham Brahmasmi. No way. He somehow realized the Brahman, but how? - that's different topic. And then he wrote "Aham Brahamsmi". It's a post effect of realization. So, it's a declaration. It's not a mantra. Gayatri mantra is a mantra.
So, basically I noticed catholics and Hinduism differ in philosophy greatly.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I love "you" but I don't love "your"
There are some more oneliners here