Saturday, January 17, 2009


जैसा की मैंने कहा था की प्रेम का निस्वार्थ होना जरुरी हैनिस्वार्थ प्रेम की कसौटी हैअगर प्रेम मे थोरा भी स्वार्थ है तो वो प्रेम नही हैफिर वो वासना हैइंग्लैंड मे जब औद्योगिक क्रांति हुई तो प्रेम का समाज मर गयासमय कम हो गयाप्रेम करने के लिए समय चाहिएअब समय कहाँ हैं? सुबह से लेके शाम तक तो हम अपने काम काज मे व्यस्त रहते हैंकाम इतना महत्वपूर्ण हो गया की प्रेम की अभिव्यक्ति भी काम करने से होने लगीशाम के बाद भी हमें चैन कहाँरात्रि मे तो हम भोजन करते हैं, टीवी देखते हैं, ऑरकुट करते हैं, फिर सो जाते हैंफिर हमने प्रेम किया कब? २४ घंटे के समय मे हमारे पास १० मिनट भी नही बचता है प्रेम करने के लिएहम हमेसा कुछ करते रहते हैंहमेसाऔर जन्म, जन्मान्तर, कल्प, कल्पान्तर तक करते रहते हैंऔर भी हमें कुछ नही मिलता हैमैंने आजतक ऐसे एक भी व्यक्ति से नही मिला जो कुछ नही कर रहा हैजेसुस ने कुछ नही किया होगाबुद्ध ने कुछ नही किया होगाकुछ नही किया और सब कुछ हुआहम किए और कुछ भी नही हुआहम करते ही रह गएप्रेम का हमें कुछ भी नही पता चल paaya। आज के समाज का जो प्रेम है वो रात का प्रेम हैक्योंकि दिन भर तो हम अपने काम काज मे व्यस्त रहते हैंदिन मे हम प्रेम की कल्पना भी नही कर पातेक्योंकि हमारे काम हमने कल्पना भी नही करने देतेहमने भौतिक उत्पाद को तो बढ़ा दिया पर उसका हमें मूल्य चुकाना पारामूल्य तो चुकाना ही परता हैबिना मूल्य चुकाए सिर्फ़ सत्य ही मिल सकता हैसत्य को छोर कर हर चीज का मूल्य चुकाना परता हैभौतिक उत्पाद मे बढोतरी का मूल्य ये है की हमने प्रेम को भुला दियाबस प्रेम राख के रूप मे रह गई हैकी कभी कोई रोमियो जूलियट हुआ होगाकी कभी कोई लैला मजनू हुआ होगाअब लैला मजनू नही पैदा होतेहो भी नही सकतेकोई सम्भावना नही है की पारमार्थिक प्रेमी पैदा हो जाएकहाँ से होगा ? समाज अब उपभोक्तावादी हो गया हैप्रेम करने की जगह नही है अबकब प्रेम करोगे? समय नही है प्रेम करने काआज हर कोई व्यस्त है अपने काम काज me। "Sweetheart, I am in the middle of a meeting call u later!!" अब प्रेम नही होते हैं, अब मीटिंग होती है

प्रेम का वास्तविक सिद्धांत था अद्वैत को प्राप्त करना। प्रेम अद्वैत की तरफ की यात्रा है। दो मिल के एक होना। एक होना हमारी गहनतम आकांक्षा है। प्रेम तो बस माध्यम है। होना तो हमें एक ही है। चाहे वो प्रेम से हो या फिर ध्यान से हो या फिर किसी और माध्यम से हो। हम दो नही समझ सकते। दो होता भी नही हैं। क्योंकि अस्तित्व एक है। इसलिए एक होना हमारी गहनतम आकांक्षा है। अगर तुम ठीक से अवलोकन करो तो हमारे सारे कार्य अद्वैत की तरफ़ की यात्रा है। बस हमें प्रतीति होती है की बहोत कुछ हो रहा है। हो कुछ भी नही रहा है। मृगतृष्णा की भांति हम जीवन काटते हैं। की भविष्य मे कुछ मिल जाए। अब तक तो कुछ मिला नही। अगर कुछ मिलना ही होता तो अब तक मिल गया होता। जन्म जन्मान्तर बीत जाते हैं फिर भी हमारी निगाहें भविष्य पे टिकी होती हैं। की कहीं कुछ मिल जाए। और नही मिलता है। कभी किसी को नही मिला। कुछ है ही नही तो मिलेगा क्या। और अगर मिले भी, तो मिल ही गया। अब मिले, तब मिले उस से क्या फर्क परता है। अगर मिलेगा, तो ये समझो की मिल ही गया। क्योंकि मिलेगा ही, मतलब मिल ही गया। फिर किस बात का रोना धोना। क्योंकि सब तो मिला ही हुआ है तुम्हे। मिलेगा, मतलब मिल ही गया, मतलब मिला ही हुआ है।

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This post may not make any sense. Because, I want it that way. I don't want to make sense always. Have become bored of making sense always. I want to ramble. I see a beauty in random. The random beauty. And sometimes better than a pre-planned artificial beauty. The world outside is beautiful, extremely beautiful. The trees, birds, these rivers, forests, mountains, terrain, sky, clouds, horizon are indeed beautiful. To me horizon is the most beautiful visible manifestation. But, if you go inside, that is even more beautiful. Perhaps infinite times more beautiful than the outer world. It looks like there is nothing inside. Everything is outside. The world outside is infinite and the world inside is also infinite. Both are infinite. That's how it stabilizes. It makes absolutely no sense if there is nothing into inside. Every outside has an inside. Every inside has an outside. Einstein goes outside. Buddha goes inside. Both mind thinks upto infinity. But one goes outside, another goes inside. Here inside is a relative term. Actually it's neither outside not inside, it's transcended. Randomly splash a handful of sand on the floor. Do you able to see any beauty in it's pattern? Initially you won't so any beauty in it. But if you observe little closely you would start finding beauty in it. An unprecedented beauty. What we observe the world is just a trivial observation. It's default observation. That is observation without any effort. But that doesn't go deep. So, the inferences you out of those trivial observation is very straightforward. I don't know whether it's good or bad. Neither I want to know. But the observation can change if you observe carefully. Lots of things will be revealed to you. Suppose a bird is flying the sky. What do you understand by it? A bird is just flying? That's true but not only that. The whole nature is supporting that bird to fly. What is that consciousness that made that bird to think and fly. The very first perturbation in the brain of the bird to fly. How much time passed in the bird's time frame. The bird might feel thousands of years equivalent time passed (in the bird's time frame) in a short fly of 10 minutes. There is something divine consciousness operating in that bird which makes it all to happen. There may be so many things to observer in a bird's fly. But you need time to observer. But where is the time? Everybody is in hurry. More than 95% of humanity is in hurry for no good reason. Time has been compressed. All these industrial revolution created a time compressor unknowingly. Because, everything has a cost associated with it. Nothing works at zero operating cost. We did so many things, so many devices we made that's true. But on cost of what? On the cost of compressing the time. Look at the world history before industrial revolutions. Time was expanded. People had time to observer, to love. Now when do you love? You and your wife both are in different office. Humanity only know the love in nights and weekends. After industrial revolution humanity has no idea of what is called day time weekdays love. Most of the love making happens in night. I think time has come to reduce the production. But first reduce the population. Create less and good people else it's gonna ruined the humanity. There were so many animals. But the all got extinct. Ask why? Because, they started multiplying. And their population became so large that everyone started fighting and eating everyone. I am afraid if it can happen with humans also. It may happens if we don't control the population. Just control the population and lots of problem will be solved automatically.

Little bit more on pranayam

I wanted to stress out that that Pranayam is not a simple practice. It looks simple though - Just playing with breath. But if done in wrong manner it can be hazardous to the health. Averse effect may happen to health. So, it's always better to do it under the proper guidance of Yoga teacher preferably under a guru.

Breath is the most vital thing. Infact, whole of Yoga system is laid on the breath. Even is Aasan concentration is upon breath. Asan is not just a physical posture as it appears. Which whole of the west understands. Different physical posture channelize the Pran in different directions. That's what is the purpose of Aasan. For example "Paschimmotansan" channelizes the pran into naval centre. There are some 8 millions number of asans Lord shiva has taugt. Shiva is the greatest yogi. All the knowledge about yoga comes from him. So, before practicing yoga we must pay our reverance to Lord Shiva. But I guess you cant do 8 millions asaans. There are asans on the name of almost every animal. Few asanas can be done is - Siddhasan, Padmasan, Paschimottanasan, Dhanuransan, Bhujangasan, Chakrasan, Sheershasan, Sarvangasan etc. Asan should help in Pranayaam.

But remember these are practical things. These aid in attaining the truth but truth has nothing to do with it. This is tricky. If by doing pranayam only we get the truth then Pranayam is greater than truth. Then pranayaam is encircling the truth. Truth simply knows no boundaries. So, it's not that without doing pranayam you cant attain truth. You can attain(provided you've lost, you cant attain something which you havn't lost, which you just think is lost for some stupid reason), but again it needs extremely ripe consciouses, what Ashatavakra had. What Ramanna Maharshi had. What Lao Tse had. What Jesus had. Look at the Jesus. A simple shepheard with love is ruling the half of the humanity for any reason possible whatsoever. Knowledge can simply bypass all these practices. There are lots and lots of practical things to know in yoga. But all these are one side and knowledge is one side. Knowledge is the final resultant of doing all the pranayam and asan. That's why Ashtavakra starts with samadhi. He doesn't bother much about pranayam and all. Infact he doesn't bother at all. Definitely he must be a high class saint. He starts from where it ends and ends there only.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Pranayam is generally required to do fine meditations. However, this is not always necessary. One can directly do meditation without doing pranayam. There are so many practical things to know. But you may not need to know all of them provided you understand. That's why I consider Gyan yoga as highest form of yoga. Whatever is the total configurational change by doing thousands of pranayam can be achived in a second by knowledge. Knowledge is the most powerful, it simply bypasses all the minor yogic pratices. However on the contrary, pranyam is not considered as minor yogic practice. At least that is what happneed to Janak. But you need that much ripe consciousness to understand what's going on...But unfortunately the average consciousness of the humanity is much lower than that of Buddha, Jesus etc. Jesus will not do pranayam. Because hee understands. You should do paranaym coz you don't know. There is a possiblity that pranayam can open another dimension for you.

Essentially what pranayaam does is to expand the pran. There is concept of Pran in Yoga. Pran means everything. Sarvam Pranmayam Jagtam. Whatever you see is the manifestation of pran is what they say. They are right. But for our purpose we relate pran with breath. Pran and breath are related. So, pranayam regulates the breath which in turn controls the pran. The final aim of pranayam is attain kumbhak. Kumbhak is the state no breathing. Rather I should say no appreciable breathing. Breathing frequency is too lesss. In samadhi, effective breathing frequency could be once in a day. Patanjanjali has given an excellent forumula to monitor samadhi. Usually 12 prayanyam is 1 pratyahar. 12 Pratyahas is 1 Dharna. 12 Dharana is one Dhyan, 12 Dhyan is one Samadhi. 12 Samadhi is one sanyam. Sanyam is final. Don't go to sanyam state. That's too far. I would recommend to go upto Dhyan state and come back. That takes approximately 3 hours of paranayam. So basically if you do pranayam for approx 3 hours continuously that should log you into Dhyan. Remember body should be standstill for 3 hours. No movements at all. That's not easy to do. So there are many meditative psotures to do that. Padmasan is the best. Buddha used to use Padmasan for his meditations. So try to sit longer time in padmasan. Then do pranayam. Again there are many ways to do pranayam. Choose on your own what suits your best. What Buddha suggest is to observe the breath. Just observe. You can choose anything u like. That's how pranayam aids in meditations.

Friday, January 9, 2009

You never know

Society is not able to produce even a single happy human being. Society is producing babies. The whole world has become a baby factory. We need less people but contented people. Society can produce a great scientist but not a happy person. A simple village farmer, who wakes up in the early morning, goes to the field and work there, come back in the evening and listen BBC on radio, who doesn't have much goals in his life, I consider him far and far better than the CEO of a big company. Much better is that farmer. It makes absolutely no sense to grow alone. We have to grow together. It's absolutely bullshit If I grow and you don't and vice versa. That's why we had said - "Sarve Sukhino Bhawantu". Means everybody has to be happy. We prosper together. It's holy bullshit to prosper alone.

You can think that something might be good or bad but in reality you would never know. Never. Only time will tell. That's why I say just observe. Because, you anyway never gonna know exactly what's happening or gonna happened next or happened. That's why I had said observance with respect to time kills the time. That means if you observe something that will simply vanish. It has to vanish. If you think that you can do something and become happy then you would never be happy. You have to be happy at this very moment. There is no another moment except this present moment. So, if we are not happy at this moment that crudely mean we will be never happy.

Why does this present moment exist is an interesting question should must be addressed. Somehow I consider the space as more fundamental than the time. Meaning the space can create time. Because, the space is more fundamental. It's very difficult to destroy the space. I have been trying to destroy the space since my childhood. No success so far. Time can be stopped. Just by rearranging few atoms in our brain time can be stopped. But space can never be destroyed. And an easier way to stop the time is to stop the clock. Just by stopping the clock we are apparently able to stop the time. That means time is dependent. However, stopping the time in one dimension doesn't mean it is stopped into another dimension. Time exists in the multiple dimension. There was a time when there was no time. Possibly a big bang. There is a place where there is no space. Possibly the point at which big bang happened. If big bang happened at a single point that means the universe is finite. And the probability that the universe is finite is very less. So, there were many big bang happened at many points. May be each big bang constituted a universe.

If you think even more deep much deep you won't find time to be moving. Fundamentally a differential change in the time is equivalent to total spatial configurational differential change in any given reference frame. That's why time moves ahead fastly or slowly. And there can exist infinite reference frames. That means there exist infinite domain of time. The reason I said the time can stop is that in some particular reference frame there may not be any configurational change. So, in that frame time won't move ahead. It will be standstill.

I am firm believer of the existence of many parallel universes in the multiple dimensions.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


What is a joke? Jokes are part of truth but supposed to generate humor. There must be some amount of truth in the jokes. Otherwise, jokes will make no sense. And sometimes, truth hidden in the jokes are even more heavier than the normal so called truths. Means the knowledge hidden in the jokes are of very high class order. I usually consider jokes as complete truth. Which I think is a mistake. Whenever someone jokes with me, I think he is speaking truth. Lol. Be it no matter how stupid joke. Sometimes, jokes contains the information hidden into you sub-conscious mind. Whatever is there in your mind or sub-consciousness mind it comes out in the form of jokes or dreams. You can use jokes as protective countermeasure. Example, hurt someone saying something and then say that was a joke. Doesn't mean that jokes can't hurt anyone. The problem comes when one person thinks it's a joke and the other doesn't. It happens at the every step of the life. We all are humans that's true, but that doesn't mean we are same. Everyone is living in his/her own world. Don't think there is only one world. There are are approx 6 billion worlds running parallel. Each person has his/her own world. That's why we conflict. At the time of conflicts no one is right or wrong but they are just different. The only solution to avoid the conflict is - at least either of the two has to be submissive. When you are submissive then conflict will vanish. Because you are assimilating now. If you go to the root of the conflict you would always find that conflict doesn't exist. Not only conflict, at the root everything vanishes. Only truth remains.

By nature, I am also very funny and humorous. But, I joke only with people who are close to me. But at times I get confused whether someone is joking or telling truth. Lol (-:) (:-)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Bye bye 2008 - perhaps the most important year so far which added a chapter in my life :-) Wish 2009 would be even more better. Wish all our dreams come true. Had spent yesternight with Sumit and Shinjan at my home. I wish humanity would head towards better life, love.

I wish all of you a very Happy New Year.