Thursday, March 6, 2008

Judaism Vs Hinduism

In my post "My Education - Part 2", I discussed about Judaism. So, here I am continuing...
Judaism is a practical religion. Hinduism is a great religion. Practicality belongs to this world. The greatness I am taking is transcendental. In the core, these religion has same philosophy. Judaism's GOD concept is very similar to the our concept of BRAHMAN. Concept is same. But implementation is slightly different in Judaism. Hinduism was furhter degraded when 33 crores GODs were incorporated. Judaism stick to single GOD. Hinduism made temples. Jews didn't make temple. For them everything is temple. We separated home and temple. That was the biggest downfall of Hinduism. Which we have not yet recovered yet. Slowly and slowly soul of India started drifting into temples. People consciousness got divided into temple and home. Any activity in the temple became more divine as compared with home. This divided the soul. This bifurcated the Indian consciousness between temple and home. This was the greatest insult of BRAHMAN caused. BRAHMAN knows no boundaries. It's everywhere. All temples are part of BRAHMAN. Not that BRAHMAN manifest into a stone. Never. Stone has popped out of BRAHMAN. I consider this as Indian's biggest downfall of which no compensation is possible. In spite of this, Hinduism has done greatest declarations. None of the religion has dared so much. Hinduism directly put you to the level of GOD withing a fraction of second. That way I consider Hinduism as the fastest religion. Zen also. I will talk about Zen later. Judaism is all about practicality. They don't worry about enlightenment. That's the one reason, Judaism has not produced a single enlightened being. Judaism cannot produce Buddha. No possibility. But Judaism will produce Einstein. There are many fundamental similarity between Einstein and Budddha. To me both are same. Different attributes of existence. Buddha sees the divinity everywhere. Einstein sees energy. E=mc2. Only approach is different. Result is same. I would not do deep quantitative comparison between Einstein and Buddha. To the society Einstein can be more important. Because Buddha simply transcend the society. He left society. So, society wont be able to understand what Buddha is saying. But society will understand Einstein. Because Einstein obeyed society.
Jews incorporated holiness in their every activity. For them every work is holy. They are united They believe in WE. India is all about I. I for India. Lol. However, this is ok when observed from core. People have misunderstood this I-ness. This I-ness is about totality. It's not your ego. Ego is extremely subtle. Many people says I am not at all egoistic. But they don't know that saying I am not egoistic is also a part of ego. Ego is extremely subtle. To become ego less mind has to transcend. Otherwise it's impossible to give up ego. I have seen many polite, humble and consistent people. If you talk to them it will appear that they have no ego at all. He will appear as if a perfect human being. But when you observe him little bit closely. You will start seeing ego. A subtler ego of politeness, humbleness and consistency. Grosser ego has disappeared but a new ego has started forming. And sometimes, this subtler ego is even more bigger than grosser ego. Somehow, I find ego of politeness and humbleness are far greater than so called normal ego. Usually, it's said polite and humble people are ego less. But on the contrary I find them most egoistic - ego of politeness.


indiansays said...

Politeness & Humbleness is begat from 'TRUE FAITH IN THE 1 TRUE GOD' & is the only thing that defeats every other thing in this world,even death.If you understand this,my logic,than you will no problem understanding life itself & the tests or trials you are put through to prove yourself.How do you really see yourself as when you see a mirror?What you see,is it perfect & would you be a best friend if someone like you came along?I know I'd be one if there was someone like me wanting to be my friend.

indiansays said...

Politeness & Humbleness is begat from 'TRUE FAITH IN THE 1 TRUE GOD' & is the only thing that defeats every other thing in this world,even death.If you understand this,my logic,than you will no problem understanding life itself & the tests or trials you are put through to prove yourself.How do you really see yourself as when you see a mirror?What you see,is it perfect & would you be a best friend if someone like you came along?I know I'd be one if there was someone like me wanting to be my friend.

Shubh said...

you are right. Actually whatever it is - be it politeness or humbleness i t should be real.