Tuesday, June 3, 2008


What is success? To me it's totally relative. In general, making money, fame and prestige is what is termed as success. The more money you have, the more successful you are, in general. Success has a parameter associated with it. Someone may be successful on one parameter but may be totally failure on other parameter. Success is predominantly determined by society. And anything which is determined by society is false (to me). May not be for you. But to me it's false. Most of the time success doesn't matter to me. I give zero value to academic and professional success. To me success means self-realization. Because, academic and professional success are ephemeral. One day it won't be there. Self-realization will be always there - that is existence. Except existence everything is crap. It has to be crap. Even if I solve the most sternest problem of mathematics it wont gonna help me or you. Say I solve NP-hard problem. If I decide to solve it won't take me much to solve it. Say I give you the unified general theory in physics which can describe the nature. So what? It's not gonna solve the problem. To me it will be just re-discovering the wheel in a wrong manner. That's why I am no going into this business. I am just taking a shorter and better route. I accept the problem. I accept NP hard problem. I don't solve NP hard problem. Because, essentially a problem doesn't exist. In the existence there is no NP hard problem. Whatever problem we face that's flaw in our own system, in our own assumption. If you make a faulty rather I should say incomplete number system that will create intractable problem. Change you number system, that is the way you count, intractability will be lost. So, all the problem you see can be pointed to some flaws, some anomalies in the basic system we created. Existence has no anomalies. All anomalies are created by human. That's why we have so many intractable problems. If I have to define success then - Success means innocency, cheerfulness, happiness (I am assuming demand of survival is met). Usually what you call a success is actually the demand of survival. It's day by day survival. Assuming you have no problem in survival then success is love, compassion, happiness, joy, innocency. Remember- if you know that you are innocent then you are not innocent.

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