Saturday, August 9, 2008


One of my friend asked me to write something about meditation. Also got feedback about previous post that it was too heavy to grasp the subject matter. I understand. The topic itself was abstract. No worries if you couldn't grasp my previous post. So, in this post I am writing about meditation.
Meditation is the key. Nothing happens without meditation. All these philosophy are valueless without meditation. Again I would refrain myself from talking philosophy behind meditation. Rather I would concentrate on practical aspect of meditation. Meditation is easy if you are good in Pranayaam. I won't talk about pranayam in this post. The main thing pranayam does is to attain the kumbhak. Kumbhak is state of no breathing. A simple procedure to start meditation could be something like this - Sit in any aasan, comfortably. Close your eyes. Then concentrate on your breaths. Just watch your breaths. After some time breath should calm down. Once breath is calm and you are also relaxed then look at the space between the two eyebrows keeping eyes closed. When you close your eyes we still see something. In yoga it is called "Chidakash". That represents the whole of the creation. So, the meditator should concentrate on the space between two eyebrows. Space between two eyebrows is very important in Yoga. It is usually termed as third eye. Space between two eyebrows is the doorway of Brahman. This is the door from where yogis enter into Brahman. Anything below this is vyakt. Anything above this is ayakt. This is where ayakt and vyakt meet together. This is the point of transition. So, basically meditating at the space between two eyebrows will be very effective. There are many ways to meditate. I just described one which I think is very powerful. In addition to that one can also chant OM while meditating. As and when you progress ahead you may not need to chant even OM. You would automatically hear universal sound OM. In yoga it is called "Naad". You can meditate on that sound also.
Nothing happens much if you meditate for half and hour. But if you meditate for 2 hours continuously many things can happen. Actually, it depends on your current spiritual status. I would suggest to go deep into meditation. But don't go very deep. Very deep meditation can create trouble also. Meditation is like you are diving into ocean of infinite depth. The more you dive in it the more it becomes deep. So, there is chance of drowning in it. The amount of pleasure is so high that you might not want to come out of meditation. Lol. This happens rarely but can happen. So I described two method of mediation- 1. Meditate at the space between two eyebrows, 2. Meditate at OM sound. You can choose any method you like better. :)


surrender-to-guru said...


I enjoyed your post on meditation very much. I am spiritually inclined and I am not a regular meditator. I learnt a lot from your post.

I am very curious to know how it all started for you? How did you get interested in spirituality and did someone guide you ? I, myslef, am looking for a guide or a teacher or a guru.


Shubh said...

I am interested in spiritually since my childhood. In my childhood days Ramayan and Mahabharat serial used to come on Sunday mornings. That was a very important factor in me becoming spiritually inclined. Apart from that I always had quest to know the truth.

Please meditate.

The technique I described in this post is a very good technique. There are many techniques. Please feel free to ask any info you want.

A real guru is difficult to get. In himalays there do exist very advanced gurus.

surrender-to-guru said...

Hi Shubh,

Thanks for responding.

Its very rare these days to find someone who is diligently doing meditation.

I am interested to know more about the meditation technique you have given. Did you learn it from somewhere? Or did you discover it through your experiments in meditation?

Can you send me any pointers (books, etc) to learn more about these meditation practices?

I am trying to overcome my laziness and do meditation daily. Lets see how it goes.


Shubh said...

Yes, I learnt few techniques from a teacher. Few, I developed on my own. If one technique works well for a person that doesn't mean the same technique will also work for another person. It varies greatly from person to person. If you google it you will get many sites which describe meditation techniques. However, the most important is the breath. That is meditating on the breath. Buddha's whole meditation was breath based. The basic idea is to transcend this world and get connected to super-consciousness. For that you should find the best method for you. Could be anything ex- meditating on breath, on OM, on flower, on the vast sky etc.

About philosophy I consider Ashtavakra geeta as the best text ever written. You can read them here -

Shubh said...

Secondly, Few classical texts on Yoga are:

1. Patanajali Yoga Sutra
2. HathYoga Pradipika
3. Gherand Samhita
4. Yog Vashishtha
5. Ashtavakra Geeta (also mentioned in the previous post)
6. Krishna's Sri Madbhagwad Geeta

surrender-to-guru said...

Thanks for the pointers.

I have heard of Buddha's meditation on breath. I came to know that it is called as "Anapanasati". I do practice this (as I said before *irregularly*). Its a great technique that works for me. The beauty is its simplicity.