Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The first and the last

For anything first and last is kind of special. Particularly special. Lets understand this in terms of life. Birth is the first thing of the life - the very first breath. Which you don't remember. Death is the last thing of the life - the last breath. Which hasn't come. Life exists between these two breath. Indian yogic system gives too much stress on breath. Even in Buddhism breath is immensely important. In Christianity it's not that important. Because Christianity is primarily based on the prayers. On the pope. On the priest. On the father. Father will pray for you, then only you can go to kingdom of God. But, essentially this is not the case in Hinduism. That's why Hinduism has produced great meditators. Hinduism give you more freedom. But some people do not like it. There are reason behind this. A temple priest wont like to see you meditating. Ask why? Because, when you meditate you are trying to connect yourself with infinite. You are trying to contact God directly. You are bypassing the channels made by others. Made by priest, Pope, Muhammad. So, these people get frightened with that. Your meditation questions on their existence. Because, in meditation what you are doing is, you are simply bypassing them. And they don't like it. They want you to follow their paths, their rules. So that, their paths and rules remain always active. And this is what happened in the almost every religion excluding some sects of Hinduism.

Birth is important. Someone taking birth at midnight, and someone taking at midday will make a difference. Best time to take a birth should be in the morning around 8-9-10 am. That time nature is charge with freshly awaken people. Everybody is fresh, enthusiastic about the day. Everybody is optimistic. So all these positive environment will affect the kid positively. And the reverse is true in the night. There are many other factors as well. An astrologer would know it better. Lol. Few moments before the death is also special. Person's behaviour is unpredictable. Unpredictable in the sense that he is just about to die. He feels rejuvenated just before death. Death of enlightened person will be even more special. Yoga students in hiamalayan region are taught to watch the death of yogis. You will find them totally abnormal just before death. Because his life force is at the peak. In just a few minute it will be mearged into infinite. His entire life force gears up to take the final flight. It's like just few seconds before an air plane takes off. There are various ways Pran can exit out of the body. Yogi's Pran will exit out of crown of the head. Also called Sahasrar. And it is said, if it exits from the crown of the head. You are done!! Your rebirth won't happen again. You are freed, liberated. Else you will again take birth. And again life will start...you will again learn A B C D...Lol :)


Mirage said...

Hey I didn't know you blog. I liked the piece. Good going

Mirage said...

you can read my blogs at www.vritaant.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Shubh, well and truely said. Even if you see the 1st child always get more attention than 2nd or 3rd. Isn't it? I feel so as I was the 1st child of my pure khandan :-) Aur jab bhi kisi ko bulana hota hai to kahte hen sab munni ke papa or munnu ki maa... and when my bro was very young at that time he used to ask mom that why people call munnu ki maa and munnu ke papa....maa or papa kya sirf didi ke hen. :-)

Shubh said...

Yes they like first child. Because it's their first experience. Gaon me log bare bete/beti ke mummy papa ke naam se bulate hain :)