I love reading Osho books. He writes perfectly. Speaks what it should be spoken. One of the very primitive thinker. He was a very real person. He can speak what others would never dare to. His books, his talks changed my perception to the life. And I also paid reading his books :-) If you understand his books wrongly, that may cause disaster in life. He was able to understand human behaviors more accurately. According to him life should be like a mirror. Should reflect what is there in-front. And when nothing is present, mirror should be empty. That simply means without pretending. Never pretend. I usually take his point and extend it further if there is any scope to extend. By mirror he is simply saying that be natural. As natural as possible. No judgement. Just an observer. When he says life is flux, what he wants to say is every moment is new. So, there should not be any boredom. If you go to a river today, it doesn't carry the same water it was carrying yesterday although the river is still same. He is very particular about "this moment". He says this present moment is complete and there is nothing beyond this moment. There is not much need of evolution in it. Why would God create something and leave it evolve on its own till eternity. According to christians God created this world in 6 days and on the 7th day
he rested. What the heck he did on the 8th day? What has been he doing from 8th day onwards till today? Allowing the nature to evolve by itslef? This whole universe looks like an error case which is evolving to nullify the root cause of the error. Nothing much is needed in this universe. Everything seem to be complete in itself. Just a careful watch, a careful observation is needed. Just see a little more carefully and you would know that you are complete. You cannot be improved dramatically. You exist that's enough. In that moment you exist. So the whole universe must have supported you to exist. That must be the plan of the whole. The whole doesn't have a very big plan like we have. We have big plans, big dreams which all lies in the horizon of the future. In this momemnt which is existing we have nothing. Everything is in the future. One day I would become billionaite. And that one day never come. "One day we will be successful". Shit on that "one day". What about now? Are we successful now? Just make sure that you "now" is perfect. It will ensure that your future will be perfect. Future doesn't drive the present, present drives the future.
1 comment:
I've heard a lot of bologna, but yours takes the cake! Christians believe God created in 6 days and rested on the 7th. What He did and still does from then is watch over His world and His people, bringing salvation to those who believe in His son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Nothing evolved. All was created. The form you see now will be there in the future in the same form. Monkeys will always be monkeys, man will always be man. You should try reading the Bible to learn to truth about life.
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