Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Truth and False

Anything which has a cause is False. Anything which is created by human is False. Only thing which has no cause is the truth - that is existence. Existence has no cause. It's just there. Without any reason. Without any purpose. It's simply there. Nothing can be done about it. No body could ever did. You can do something where there is a cause, where there is a scope of doing something. Right? There is no scope of doing anything for existence. Because existence is causeless. The final and only reality. Ask Buddha or Jesus why does existence exist? He won't answer you. Because you are asking a wrong question. And even if this question is correct they don't know the answer. And even if they don't know the answer it's not a problem. Problem comes when you know something. That's where the whole problem comes. Not knowing anything is far and far better than knowing something. Because you know only what has a cause. Then it has purpose. Then it expands into chain of purposes. And whenever that cause is lost the purpose is also lost. Existence has no purpose associated with it. It's just plainly there. We create purpose. We humans create purpose. Then we fight to achieve that purpose. If you look at the human history. There are recorded 15000 wars in last 5000 years. What a shit figure. That itself shows what a perverted civilization we have. Trust me - we have not yet witnessed peace. We have no idea what is called peace. No one the earth knows what is peace. Because so far we have only fought. Look at the figure. Either we fight or we do preparation for the next fight. On top of that cold war is always there. That's what we have been doing since the very beginning of the civilization. Hardly anyone among billions and trillions of people is able to achieve peace. What's wrong going on. Why such a perverted civilization. Everybody is in constant mood of war. I want to see whole world full of people like Jesus and Buddha. I don't want to see big big scientist with perverted attitude. If even a single person is unhappy that means the whole humanity is unhappy. Because, that person is an integral part of humanity. Society is definitely going in the wrong direction. Otherwise, we would had not so less number of enlightened being. The reason behind this is society always stress on something which has a cause. There should be some cause and some purpose of what you are doing. If there is no purpose you are doing nothing. That's what the holy crap society has taught you. Don't get surprised if society is producing pervs and morons and low temper fellas.
Fundamentally, everyone has that potential to get connected with divine. But, why so less number of people is able to do that. Why only Ram Krishna and Vivekananda and no one else after that. What went wrong. Perhaps society doesn't want you to become like them. Look at what happend to Jesus. Ceaser crucified him. The meoment you start acting which has no defined purpose society will send you pain. Because you are becoming causeless. Society doesn't know anything which is causeless. We need to to have proper baseline of understanding of what is truth what is false. As I said - anything which has a cause is false. Now this has to be understood completely. Say I made an empire. Then I am the cause of that empire. Right?
Therefore empire is false. One day it may not exist. Roman empire was dismantled. Anything which has a cause will be dismantled one day. Any religion which was created will be destroyed. Be it Buddhism or Jainism or Christianity of even Hinduism. A time will come when none of these religion will exist. The creator of these religion was aware of it. Anything which is created, it's seed of destruction is automatically created. For example we take birth. That's why we die. Birth is the cause. Life is the process. Death is effect. Only existence is causeless. So, it Will be never destroyed. No possibility. It was always there and it will be always there. I or you may not be there but the existence will be always there.
Therefore, the existence is the only truth. Rest all is the false.

Monday, May 26, 2008


आजकल इंटरनेट की दुनिया मे कविताओं की होड़ लगी है। जिसे देखो वो कविता लिख रहा है। अपने ब्लॉग पे किवता दाल रहा है। आख़िर क्या है इस कविता मे। मैं कविताओं का भी बहुत बरा प्रेमी नही रहा। मुझे एक - आध कविता है। मुझे याद है जे शंकर प्रसाद की वो कविता जो मेट्रिक मे पढ़ना था।
हिमादरी तुंग श्रृंग से
प्रबुद्ध शुद्ध भारती
स्वयंप्रभा समुज्ज्वला
स्वतंत्रता पुकारती।
बस इतना ही याद है। इस से जादा याद नही है। याद होने की जरुरत भी नही है। इतना ही काफ़ी है। अगर तुम इतने मे भी न समझे टू कभी न समझोगे। कविताओं मे कवि/कवयित्री अपने मन की अभिव्यक्ति टू प्रकट करते हीं। उनके मन जो होता है वो शब्द मे ढाल देते हैं। अतः कविता मन की तरेंगे हैं। कविता उन महासागरों के तल पर चलते उस छोटे छोटे नाओ की तरह है। जो मन रूपी लहरों की अभिव्यक्ति है। टू तूम्हारे मन मे जो है उसे तुम शब्द मे अवियक्त करने की कोशिश करो। पर इतना ध्यान रखना की हर एक वाक्य का अन्तिम शाब्द श्रुतिसम हो। अर्थात हर एक वाक्य का अन्तिम शब्द सुनने मे समान हो। तभी कविता बंदी है। अगर हर एक वाक्य का अन्तिम शब्द समान न हो टू फिर टू वो गद्य हो गया। फिर पद्य कहाँ रहा हो। यहइ टू कवि लोग दिन रात करते हैं। अन्तिम शब्द जादा महत्वपूर्ण है। कविता लिखते समाया अगर अन्तिम शब्द थिक से न बैठ रहा हो टू वो थोरा बहुत भावार्थ को बदल भी सकते हैं। कविताओं मे सत्य की उतनी चिंता नही होती है जितना की रस, अलंकार और छंद की होती है। अलंकार बलाघात थिक होना चाहिए।सत्य अगर थोरा बहोत इधर उधर हो जाये लेकिन अलंकार - बलाघात बन जाए टू कवि वो कर लेते हैं। यह हुआ पहली बात।
दूसरी बात यह है। की कविता बहुअर्थी होती है। एक ही कविता ke दो अर्थ हो सकते हैं। पढने वाले पर निर्भर करता है। जैसे मन लो किसी ने पार मोहब्बत पे कविता लिखा। टू पढने वाले ने सोचा की ये प्यार मोहब्बत इंसान की है। लेकिन कवि न कविता किसी बिल्ली लिखी थी। लेकिन उस पूरे कविता मे न टू बिल्ली का नाम है न किसी इंसान का नाम है। अब तुम ख़ुद सोचो की कविता किसके बारे मे लिखी गई है। तुम विचलित हो जाओगे। तुम ग़लत अर्थ भी ले सकते हो कविता का। क्योंकि कविता मूलतः बहुअर्थी होती है। इसलिए मain कविताओं के बहोत बरा प्रेमी नही हूँ। कविताओं मे सत्य की उतनी जगह नही है जितनी की काव्यात्मक अलंकारों की है। इसलिए कवितोंओं के माध्यम से सत्य को प्रकट करना थोरा मुश्किल है। किसी ने नही किया आजतक। इसलिए टू समाज ने गद्य को चुना। सारी सूचनाएँ टू गद्य मे होती हैं। हमारी बोल चाल की भाषा भी गद्य है। जद्य एकअर्थी होता है। उसका एक ही अर्थ होता है। उसमे लाप लपेट नही होता है। कवितों को बहोत लपेट के लिखा जाता है। छुपा के लिखा जाता है। सत्य को छुपा के लिखा जाता है। सत्य के इर्द गिर्द लिखा जाता है। और सत्य क्या है वो तुमपर जानने के लिए छोर दिया जाता है। फिर तुम अपने मन से जो समझना है समझो।
ये कोई जरुरी नही है की तुम्हारी जो अभिव्यक्ति है उसे तुम शब्द मे ढालो। वो अभिवयक्ति ही क्या जो शब्द मे ढल जाए। वो अभीइव्यक्ति तुम्हारी है। तुम उसे अपने पास ही रखो। दूसरों को भी मौका दो उन्हें अपनी अविव्यक्ति खोजने का। कविता को पढ़ के कवि मत बनो। अपनी अंतरात्मा मे झांको और देखो की वहाँ क्या हो रहा है। वहाँ शब्द के लिए कोई जगह नही है। रत्ती भर भी जगह नही है की वहाँ शब्द ठहरे। बुद्ध एक भी कविता नही लिखे। अगर कविता ह्रदय की ही अभिवयक्ति है टू फिर बुद्ध और महावीर और जीसस से अच्छा कोई नही लिख सकता। कुछ दिन पहले मैंने एक लेखक की कविताओं की संकलन की कुछ प्रति मंगवाई थी। उसमे कुछ कविता टू वस्तुतः ह्रदय से लिखी गई थी। पर कुछ कविताएँ मान्सिक तल से लिखीं गईं थी। कभी कभी ऐसा हो जाता है। मान्सिक बुद्धि ह्रदय के जैसा लिख सकता है। अधिकांश कवितायें मन के तल से लिखी जाती हैं। जबकि कविताओं की ह्रदय से लिखा जाना चाहिए।

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Love and Marriage - Part 2

I wanted to clarify once and for all that Love and Marriage is not same. People generally think that every marriage is a love and vice versa. Basically, they think love and marriage are same. No, they are not. But yes, they have some correlation to some extent. I'll come to that later. Let me refute this by the example of Jesus. Jesus was the most lovable person who ever walked on the earth. And he was not married according to New Testament. So, that gives a rough Idea that love is not necessarily marriage. Instead, love is fully transcendental. It happens at existence level. At root level. It doesn't understand social boundaries. Love is a divine word. But, the love you see in Hindi movies that's not the love I am talking. That's junk love. And that's what you have learnt. Only thing you know about love is it can be intercast. Except this you have no idea of what is love. Society is against of love. But society is not against of marriage. Society doesn't want to produce Laila-Majnu. But they want to produce married couple to produce baby. Society wants to survive. They want babies not the love. A two lovable (at existence level) person may not produce baby. But two married couple with no sprout of love will produce baby. That's what society wants. But there is an upper limit to it. Society should not just producing babies. It will be difficult to survive then. Because, natural resource are limited. Everybody will start fighting. World cannot sustain 100 B people. Current population is 6B and there are so many problems. Imagine when world's population is 100B. Then people will eat people. Then population will again reduce due to war or loss of natural resource. It may so happen that whole humanity will be finished.Excessive population will decrease the population. But it may decrease to the extent that there wont be any person on the earth. Lol. So, control the population. Produce less babies. It's better to produce 1 lion than thousands of goats. What you are producing is goats. Low temper people. These are all goats. And society further contribute to make them goats. We want people like Vivekananda like Buddha like Jesus. We don't want morons and low temper people. They all are goats. Lol. Produce healthy and wiser kids. Stop producing large number of morons. It's will ruin the humanity, one day. And for that to happen society once again has to start learning Love. Unless you love population control won't happen. So much population of India itself shows that marriage are not love based. It's flesh based. Fleshed based marriage will produce more flesh - that is babies. The entire Indian marriage system is flesh based. That's why India has so much population. Don't feel surprise when west says India as a baby factory. Indian marriage has done nothing except producing babies. The sole aim of Indian marriage is to produce babies. Increase population. To stop this - inculcate love. Love is the only solution to population. Infact love is the solution to all problems.

Love is not confined to single person unlike marriage. You can love a bird, a tree or a flower also. I am the lover of horizon. A non-ending vast horizon. Horizon is a place where space appears to be touching the earth's surface. But actually it doesn't. It gives me the insight of vastness of sky. Something like horizon can be also seen in meditation.

To summarize - Inculcate Love and control population.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Again Draw :(

I'm extremely bad in the middle game. That's causin all these games draw :(((
Click here to follow the game

Friday, May 23, 2008

Game draw

Click here to follow the game As usual use IE.
In the initial game I was thinking nice. But again lost concentration in the middle game. Or probably computer played better.The Game was draw.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


How to get knowledge? But first make sure you don't have knowledge. Sometimes this happens. You have knowledge and you are searching knowledge. It's easy actually. It's so easy that it has become word's most rare phenomena. It's extremely difficult to do extremely easy task. Because, that's what society had taught us. Society always taught us to think big, do something great. They never taught us to do something simple, something easy. The more arduous problem you solve the more society will praise you. That's why we have forgot how to do easy work. We can do difficult work but not easy work. Self-realization is actually the easiest phenomena but yet the rarest. Why it happened to Buddha and it's not happening to you? Imagine that night when Buddha was sitting under peepal tree. Amazing would had been that night. That was the night? of knowledge. What he did that night? What actually happened that night? Except that night he was doing something before. That was the first night he stopped doing anything. And it happened. The whole existence descend in him. He become one with entire creation. The moment he stopped from within he became infinite. Supremely free. It happened within a second. He did so much penance in the past that's not that important. The important moment is when it happened. Actually nothing happened that time. Before that it was happening. That's why it was not happening. Because it was happening.
Happenings can prevent happenings. Knowledge can debar you to gain knowledge. Remember Kaalidaas was cutting the same branch of tree on which he was sitting. Something like this happened with Buddha that day. He cut that substrate on which his ego was sitting. And when that substrate is cut he became one with whole consciousness. Again it's not your fault. This is how society has been progressing. Society simply doesn't want you to become like Buddha. Society wants you to help society growing and multiplying. This is what they have taught you. You would need huge amount of momentum to overcome the inertia society taught you. Only thing the society taught you is the crap. They have not taught you anything except crap. The whole education is crap. Because, it is mind based. Mind is the worst part of the body. Heart is probably the best part of body. Society never created a school where heart development is taught. Not even a single school in the whole world where heart development is taught. That's strange. Society doesn't what you to laugh. Society doesn't want you to be happy. People actually get frightened to see happy person. They start thinking why he is happy for no reason? They become mad to see a happy person a lovable person. This is what you did with Jesus. He was happy and lovable person. You crucified him. Didn't you throw stones at Buddha? You did. Why? Because trust me - you don't like happy and laughing people. Society wants crying people. Crying humanity. Society doesn't want contented humanity. The more you cry the more crap you do the more society will praise you. If you want society to help you keep crying. Cry as much you can. But if you are happy for no appearent reason society will send you pain. And the moment you try to do something on heart level. They will simply crucify you. Jesus was perhaps the first and last person who ever dared to work at heart level. And he was crucified. After that no body dared so far. Who wants to be crucified? Society will never let you to use your heart. Society will ask you to use your mind. Because, mind can't open the doorway to God. No possibility. There is some chance that heart can open the doorway to infinite. That's why society has closed it. They closed all the doors by which you can merge into infinite. But some people like Jesus and Mahavira had that momentum to overcome that.

Closed Anonymous Commenting

Today I closed anomymous commenting. Now you would need a blog to comment on my blog. Enough of Tom and Jerry race. Lol.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

मृत्यु - एक शाश्वत satya

मृत्यु एक शाश्वत सत्य है। एक अटल सत्य। जिसे कोई नही ताल सकता। पर मृत्यु शरीर की होती है। आत्मा अमर है - जैसा की श्री कृष्ण ने गीता मे कहा। जिसने आत्मा क जान लिए वो कभी नही मर सकता। ये शरीर एक दिन मिटटी मे मिलेगा और हमे पता है की मिटटी मे मिलेगा। फिर हम ऐसे जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं जैसे की हम अमर हों। यह संसार का सबसे बार आश्चर्य है। जैसे की युधिश्तिर ने कहा था यक्ष को। उसने थिक कहा था। मृत्यु इस जीवन की सबसे बरी विडम्बना है। उसे दिन सब कुछ खत्म हो जता है। सरे बुने सपने मिटटी मे मिल जाते हैं। रत्ती भर भी टू नही बचा पते। सब मिट जाता है। सारा अहंकार गिर जाता है उस दिन। सारे सगे सम्बन्धी छूट जाते हैं। वस्तुतः वे कभी थे ही नही। इसलिए टू छूटते हैं। परिवार एक सामाजिक व्यवस्था है। इस से जादा कुछ भी नही है। तुम कितना भी अपने माँ बाप को प्रेम करो पर उस दिन कोई काम न आयेगा। तुम अकेले ही जाओगे। इस अनंत जीवन मे तुम अकेले यात्री हो। कोई किसी को बाँध के नही रखता। सब की अपनी अपनी यात्रा है। अपनी अपनी डगर है। मेरा बाबा मेरे पापा को छोर के चले गए। कुछ दिन रोये होंगे। फिर भी जीवन टू उनका चाल ही रहा है। और चलेगा। क्योंकि जीवन अकेला है। इसमे कुछ सगे सम्बंदी कुछ समय के लिए तुम्हारे हमसाठी बन जाते हैं। फिर तुम उसे पाकर के मत बैठ जाना। जैसा की तुम हमेशा से करते आये हो। इस पूरे संसार मे पकरने के लिए कुछ भी नही है। तुम यहाँ से रत्ती भर भी नही ले जा पाओगे। तुम यहाँ से एक मिटटी का एक कण भी नही ले जा पाओगे। सब छूट जाएगा उस दिन। मृत्यु जीवन का एक पराव है। इसलिए मई कहता हूँ की सत्य को समझो। आत्मा को जानो। जीसी जानने का बाद कुछ जानने के लिए नही बचता है। फिर तुम्हे मृत्यु से डर नही लगेगा। तुम मृत्यु का हस कर स्वागत करोगे।
मृत्ये हमेशा शरीर की होती है। चैतन्य की कभी मृत्यु नही होती है। वह शाश्वत है। हमेश से था। जब तुम न थे पर वो था। आज से बस २०-५० साल पहले तुम्हारे शरीर का कोई अस्तित्व न था। पर चैतन्य हमेशा से था। उस निराकार अविनाशी पर परात पर ब्रह्म को पहचानो। जिस से इस सारे जगत की उत्पति हुई है। ये किताब को छोरो। वो तुम्हे ले डूबेगा। क्योंकि लिखने वाले को ख़ुद कुछ नही पता की उसने क्या लिखा है। उसने जल्दी मे लिखा है। उसे धन कमाने ही होर लगी है। वो तुम्हे सत्य नही दे सकता। किताबों मे सत्य नही छिपा है मेरे भाई। सत्य तुम्हारे अन्दर है। किताब तुम्हे सत्य से दूर जरूर ले जा सकता है।
उस साक्षी को पहचानो जो घाट घाट मे विद्यमान है। वही साक्षी टू बुद्ध, महावीर और जीसस के पास था। उसे पकारो। buuddh एक मृत का शरीर देखे और सब छोर के चले गए थे। क्यों? इसके पीछे कारन है। एक आदमी मारा की सारी मनुष्यता मर गई। बुद्ध के पास परिपक्वा चैतन्य था। उन्हें पुनि मनुष्यता दिखाई परती थी। की एक मारा की सारी मनुष्यता मर गई। इसलिए टू उन्हें ज्ञान प्राप्त कर के भी बहोत दुःख हुआ था। उनका कहाँ था की जबतक धरती का एक एक मानव बुद्ध न बने टू मेरे बुद्ध बनने का कोई प्रयोजन नही। वो थिक कहता थे। एक आध आदमी मे सत्य प्रकट हो और सारी मनुष्यता सत्य के लिए लालायित रहे, टू इसका क्या परिणाम होगा। बद्ध को भी पूर्ण ज्ञान नही मिला था। हालांकि बुद्ध सारी अकन्षाओं के बाहर चले गए थे। ऐसा कभी अभी होता है। अरबों खरबों आदमी मे कोई एक बुद्ध पैदा होता है जो सारी आकाँक्षाओं के बाहर चला जाता है। जिसके सारे अहंकार गिर जाते हैं। रत्ती भर भी अहंकार नही रहता उनका। बस शुद्ध अस्तिव होता है उनके पास। वो मन और बुद्धि के बाहर होते है।
बुद्ध को ज्ञान मिला और तुम्हे नही मिला। इसका क्या मतलब है? इसका मतलब ये है की सत्य ख़ुद पूर्ण रूप से प्रकट नही हुआ। वो सिर्फ़ बुद्ध मे प्रकट हुआ। शुद्दोधन मे कहाँ प्रकट हुआ। इसलिए टू बुद्ध दुःखी हो गए थे। वो ये सोचे की ज्ञान मुझे मिला पर मई टू रहा नही। फिर ज्ञान का क्या प्रयोजन। इन्हे टू मिला नही। मेरा ही ज्ञान मेरे को ही मिलके क्या प्रयोजन? इसलिए टू बुद्ध तुम्हारे लिए थोरा बहोत बोले। की तुम्हे ज्ञान मिले। तुम भी बुद्धत्व को प्राप्त कर सको।
मानव जाती तभी सुखी होगी जब एक एक मानव सुखी हो। अगर एक भी मानव दुखी है टू सारी मनुष्यता दुखी है। क्योंकि वो मानव मनुष्यता की ही हिस्सा है। उसके अन्दर भी वही चैतन्य है जो बुद्ध के अन्दर था। तुम्हारी मूर्खता सत्य पर भी प्रश्न चिन्ह लगा सकती है। वो बुद्ध पर भी प्रश्न चिन्ह लगा सकती है। फिर तुम पूछोगे की सत्य का क्या उपयोग है। ये २०वीं सदी उपयोग्वादिता का युग है। हर चीज का उपयोग होना चाहिय। बात थिक भी नही। पर अस्तित्व का उपयोग नही हो सकता है। क्योंकि सब उसे समाया हुआ है।

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Love and Marriage

What is the connection between Love and marriage? What is the relation between love and marriage?
Love is the matter of soul. Marriage is the matter of body. Sex is the central figure in the marriage. If you remove sex from marriage no one on the earth would like to marry. At least I wont. Lol. Love has nothing to do with sex. Love is fully transcendental. Actually, society has deprecated the word love. Because, love connects you to God. And anything which will really connect you to God society will start deprecating it. It will start eroding it. Society doesn't want you to love. But society wants you to marry. To create baby. That's why whole Asia has become just a baby factory. In west like USA it's not like that. There people really love. That's why they don't produce much babies. Secondly, sex and baby making can be fully exclusive if girls stop becoming mother. That's what is happening in the west. There girls don't want to become a mother at all. They want career and sex. But no kids. That's why they have less population. Have you ever thought why India has so much population? Because, India had child marriage. Still has in some places. Here girls always want to be mother. That's why India has so much population. But now educated Indian women are just following footprints of women in the west that is USA. Whatever was happening in USA in 70's is happening In India now. India is Just one or two generation behind USA. Now infact having kid's at early age is considered as something done by low society uneducated people. Just one generation back, girls used to become mother at the age of 16-17. That's why they were able to see their grandchildren marriage. My dad's sister is about 95 years old and she has seen her grand grand children. Because, they were used to marry early. They were used to procreate and multiply more as compared to today's educated women. That was the importance of child marriage. If society has to sustain then child marriage should be employed. If you give more education and freedom to woman they would simply stop becoming mother. That's what happened in USA. There is a possibility that USA can face significant reduction in their population. And people from India and china - that is from east will rule USA one day. Because east has so many people. The reason they don't want to become mother is they don't feel like having sex after becoming mother. Because they taste something higher. That is the taste of giving birth. Motherhood is the real feminism. Real feminism is not to wear low waist jeans and tight tops without dupatta. Lol. But is to become a mother. But, they want to have sex. That is why USA has more number of perverted woman than any other country. And India is simply following US footprints.
In the Hindi movie hero says to her mistress - "I love you". Basically, he is just lying and fooling her. His love is fully carnal and fleshly. He can love any other woman of the same reason he is loving her.
Marriage happens with 1 single person. Love happens with whole humanity, with whole creation. You can't say I love this guy but not you. That means you don't love him also. You are just fooling him.
Jesus said - Love is God. He is rightly saying. The love he is talking is universal love. Otherwise, if love is marriage then whole earth would had filled by people like Jesus and Buddha and Mahavir. But unfortunately, the world is full of morons. Full of flesh seekers. I tell you - for thousands of year society is not able to raise it's consciousness more than Flesh. It ends at Flesh level. The love I am talking is at soul level. Hardly anyone is able to do that. That's one reason we have so less number of enlightened being. Jesus was infact not even married (according to new testament) and no one the earth knows about love more than Jesus. So, how can love is marriage? It can't be. Marriage is a social compromisation that society had made so that everyone gets one partner. It's not a solution, it's a compromisation. Love is the solution. Marriage is the compromisation. However, marriage can be the doorway to love. That's true. That I agree.
If you hate or pity even a single human being that means you don't love anyone. Love has to be applied to everyone irrespective of his/her nature.

An ethical question

Say there is a girl. Her parents and only brother love her a lot. They send her outside to study. It's for the first time the girl is ever away from home. She sees a new world. New guys in her class. By the time she finishes her 4 year engg study she develop an intimate relationship with a guy. The guy is from her college only. A good guy. Handsome and intelligent. So is the girl. A perfect couple you can say. Both are happy dating, mating, singing all *ing you can imagine. Both joined same company.
There her parents is totally unaware of this relationship her daughter has developed. Her dad has a very nice guy in his mind who hails from same cast who is equally or more smart and handsome as her daughter's BF. He asks daughter to marry him. But daughter love her college guy who is not even from her cast. Her parents and brother can't imagine her to marry anyone outside the cast. Lets without analysing assume that's how it is. Her family is adamant like Rock. And infact they are right in their own way. Now what should her daughter do? Should she disobey her parents her society and marry her BF. Or should she obey her parents and marry where they want?
She is thinking if I disobey my father then that's value of a father? He loves me a lot. He took so much hassle to bring me at this position. But if I obey my father then what about all those events I had with her BF. All those exchange of notes, practising together of Hindi dramatics, late night roaming in the college streets, they way he gave me a rose on v-day, watching casino royal together, and blah blah blah...you can add more you can think...
Should I disobey my family and marry him? That's what she is thhinking. Help her.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nice Draw with Nagaskaki

This was a fantastic draw. I sacrificed my one horse, perhaps for the first time to break computer's castle. I couldn't convert it to win, but yes to draw was a cake wall. Click here to follow the game
In chess, sometimes this happens - if you want to win, you will loose, if you want to draw you will draw. Like in this game, if I had tried to win I would had lost.

Attended Startup Satruday

Today got a chance to attend Startup Saturday at IIM Bangalore. It was organized by NSRCEL. Overall it was very nice. Basically what they do is they try to evaluate your Business Plan. To analyze it's feasibility in the market. And they also help you to implement it if your idea is good. Startup Satruday happens at every second Saturday of every month. But this month due to election last Saturday, it happened today. There were some 60-70 people attending the program. JobeeHive guys demonstrated us what they are about to launch within 2-3 weeks. They are making a platform for startup, and people. Something like linkedin. Go there put ur photos videos, comment on companies, discuss pay structure perhaps anonymously etc. Good Idea. All the best to these Guys. They have been doing this since last 8 months. One more guy gave a demo of skype voice chat recorded. It record your voice chat and upload it to their website. You can also do voice best search in the saved voice chat. Good product he made!
Good Job NSRCEL! Must visit if you have a startup or willing to start.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Who am I

Friday night is an idle time to talk about philosophy ;)
This is what Upanishads ask - Who am I? Of course, life is not just about earning, eating, mating, shitting and sleeping. Definitely it has some purpose. Ramanna maharshi whole his life long he pondered over - Who am i? Single question. He just tried to find the answer of this single question. Whole life at Arunachal ranges, that's what he did. Who am I? What you are trying to do is - you are trying to find answer of many questions. You are trying to do more than what you can do. You ask questions, but that leads you no where. One answer arise another question. And it goes on and on. Then it starts forming a chain. A very long chain of questions. In a nebulous manner. Out of no reason, we just can't take human body and start doing nonsense. It definitely has some purpose.
From where we came? We came due to our parent's physical interaction. A physical interaction created a soul? Fleshial movement can create soul? Looks strange. So where were we before our birth? What's our true age? Don't think your age is just how much old your body is. It is actually infinite. When someone ask my age, sometimes I get into trouble. What a stupid question is he asking. He should ask what is the age of your body? Not yours age. Because, I was existent even before my physical birth. So, the question that - what is your age is wrong. If at all someone ask this stupid question - say him Infinite. Lol.
The world you see is expressed. You can feel it by your five senses. We have no idea of anything beyond these five senses. Even mind is part of one sense. The universe you see exist till where our senses goes. After that it's unexpressed. It can't be understood. So there is an interface of between expressed and unexpressed. One side of that interface is expressed - that is your universe you see and feel by your senses. The otherside is totally unexpressed. The expressed side need sun to lighten it. Unexpressed side doesn't need anything. There moonlit night happens without moon. Difficult to imagine, don't try to do that - it will make you mad. That interface is very important. Mind you, in the unexpressed universe there is no concept of time or space. It's fully transcendental. So, that interface somehow converts unexpressed into expressed and expressed into unexpressed. That's how it balance. I can't give you an equation governing this phenomena. But, something like that definitely happens. Even science as of toay is a baby to grasp this concept. But one day science will understand what I am talking. Science will take at least billions of year to reach to the point I am talking. I am talking at interface level. Science is fully expressed. Since has no concept of unexpressed. It's impossible to have expressed without unexpressed. That's one reason science is unable to give a unified general theory which describe the nature. If something works in relativity it fails in quantum and vice versa. Because, science has no concept of unexpressed. Sciency tries to analyze everytihng in a expressed manner. Even it tries to express the unexpresssed. Lol. Unexpressed is at the substratum of the universe. It's due to unexpressed, this expressed universe is balanced. Else, all the atoms will disintegrate to it's source - that is unexpressed. Someone is holding the electrons to nucleus. How does electron know that it has to revolve around nucleus day and night nonstop. I know all those electromechanical force crap operating between them that's causing them to revolve. But the question is why this force is active? Why doesn't this force cease to exist. There is definitely someone who is applying this force. I call it God's will. Due to God's will those electrons are held by nucleus. Forget all those electromechanical crap you studied in your school physics book. Those were just holy crap. Lol.
Unless you know your source. You know nothing. More than 99% of your knowledge are just bookish or gathered from someone or learnt from someone. Develop your own expression. Don't copy. Know your source. Try to find from where this feeling of I-ness is arising? Actually, you don't see your real I-ness. What you see is your own egoistic manifestation on I-ness. Remove these temporary cloud of ego. And let this real I-ness shine. Once again I will clary between Ego and I-ness. Ego is your own manifestation. That's your own calculation. I-ness is universal manifestation. Fundamentally, the very same I-ness is condensed to take the form of Ego. And it sometimes is so strong that it questions on the existence of I-ness (by taking hidden power from I-ness). That's what you have been doing for centuries.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lost to Nagaskaki

Played terribly bad. Lost this game. Click here to follow the game

Draw with Nagaskaki

Click here to watch the game As usual use IE
Game Analysis:
I had one pawn advantage after 13th move Bxd4. I would had converted it into a win. I played bad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Win over Nagaskaki

Click here to watch the game


सत्य कैसे मिलेगा? सत्य की स्थिति उस मृग की भांति है जो वन वन भटकता फिरता है उस कस्तूरी के चक्कर मे। और कस्तूरी उसके नाभि मे होती है थिक इसी प्रकार की स्थिति है हमारे साथ भी। हम कहाँ कहाँ सत्य को नही खोजते। कभी मंदिअर कभी चर्च फिर भी कहाँ मिलता है सत्य सत्य तुम्हारे अन्दर है मिलेगा? छूटा कब जो मिलेगा। सत्य टू हमेश से था। उसके छोटने के बात ही ग़लत है। तुम्हारे पंडित पुरोहितों ने यही टू सिखाया की सत्य खो गया है उसे फिर से खोजना होगा। वास्तव मे खोया कभी नही था। खोता टू तब है जब तुम अपनी किताबी बुद्धि का इस्तेमाल करते हो। जब तुम, तुम्हारे और सत्य के बीच मे आ जाते हो। तुम्हारी ही अभिव्यक्ति सत्य को अभिव्यक्त नही होने देती। अगर तुम देखो टू सत्य का प्रवाह हमेशा से है ऐसा एक क्षण न था जब सत्य न था तुम न थे, पर सत्य था तुम न रहोगे, पर सत्य रहेगा थोरा उस दिन के बार मे सोचो जब तुम्हे सब कुछ छोरना परेगा उस दिन टू सब छूट जाता है सब माँ बाप, भाई, बहन, सगे सम्बन्धी सब छूट जाते हैं। कुछ भी टू नही बचता तुम रत्ती भर भी नही बचा पाते। तुम ख़ुद ही छूट हो। उस दिन तुमने जितने पोथी पुस्तक पढे वो सारे ज्ञान मिटटी मे मिल जायेंगे। तुम्हारे वही ज्ञान जिसपर तुम्हे इतना गर्व हुआ करता था उस दिन वो कोई काम ना आएगा। उस दिन तुम्हे सारे किताबी ज्ञान को छोरना होगा। वो ज्ञान अब तुम्हारे मशित्श से हटकर वो मिटटी मे मिल जाएगा। मिटटी भर से जादा मोल नही है तुम्हारे किताबी ज्ञान का। अगर कोई किताब तुम्हे आत्मा तक न ले जाए टू समझ लेना वो किताब तुम्हारा शत्रु है। वो किताब राख से जादा कुछ भी नही है। वहाँ सिर्फ़ काले अक्षरों मे शब्द छापा हुआ है। थोरी बहोत सूचनाएँ है उसे किताब मे। इसलिए टू किताब पढने से समाधि नही लगती। आनंद की वर्षा नही होती। तुमpar ऊपर ऊपर किताबी ज्ञान की परत बढ़ती जाती है और तुम अन्दर ही अन्दर खोखले होते चले जाते है। पर हो सकता है - की तुम्हे किसी भी किताब मे सत्य के दर्शन हो जायें। पर उसके लिए परिपक्व चैतन्य चाहिए। लओत्सो जैसा चैतन्य चाहिए। एक पत्ता काफी है सत्य को जानने के लिए। जैसा की लओतोसो को huaa। तुम एक पत्ता को साधारण पत्ता मत समझो। उस पत्ते मे सारा सार छिपा है। पत्ता टू बस ek माध्यम है। माध्यम कुछ bhi होहै। एक फूल तुम्हे सत्य का दर्शन कर सकता है। वो फूल फूल की क्या जो सत्य से न मिला दे। इसलिए मैंने कहा था - जो तुम कर रहे हो उसके प्रति तुम थोरे भी साक्षी रहो to सत्य के दर्शन हो सकते hain.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Vote to find out biggest problems

Click here to vote to find out biggest problem we are facing today. You don't have to register to vote. But I would suggest you to register. You can vote as many times you want.

If you register you will get space to do blogs, forum, writing books, see other profiles and many things...

Why do you blog at wordpress or other when I can give you sapce to blog at my server :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Routine of a Yogi

I was thinking how much it takes to start a new religion. A unified religion. If I do couple of passover meals, few miracles, if few monkey comes and give me bowl of honey, if I go to battle field and make everybody my disciple, If I bring back life to a dead man, if winds start obeying me, if I am crucified on a Jews Cross, If my baptist declare me son of god at Jordan river, are these enough, if I know my apostle will betray me, if i profound my own truth. Perhaps no. It won't be that easy to start a new religion now. In fact none of the religion was started by prophets. When they die, it's their disciple who creates religion. Then John, Mark, Luke, Mathew start writing new testament. Then Roman caesar will change it the way they want. Then he will create pope which will create a huge propaganda of prayers. That he will pray for you and he will take you to kingdom of Godhead via Jesus. That's one reason catholics hate meditation. In meditation you are simply bypassing them. You are simply bypassing pope and Jesus and even God. You yourself connecting yourself to your source. None of the religion wants you to do that. Then what's the role of Pope and priest if you are directly able to connect to God. They will become unemployed. Lol. In Hinduism Upanishads allows you to do that. You know - temple priest hate Upanishads like anything. Because Upanishads will simply take away his job. And what to speak of Ashtavakra. They would get mad to see Ashtavakra geeta. Lol.
I again started philosophy. Philosophy apart. This post is all about life style of a Yogi. So here it goes:
He should wake up at dawn. At 4:30 am. He should go to river performs calls of nature, take bath there. Then he should start practising Yogasan. He should sit on Kushagrass. This is just to have an insulating material underneath. Otherwise there is possibility of energy getting grounded to the earth. Then he should perform Asan. Padmasan, siddhasan mayursan, chakrasan, paschimottanasan, sarvangasan, sheersasan etc. He should fouces on his breath while doing asan. Then he should to Pranayam. Before that he should do Nadi shodhan kriya. This is must before doing pranayam. Then he should do pranayam - kapalbhati, ujjai, bhastrika etc. Then he should do pratyaaahar. That is contracting consciousness within. Just like a tortoise contracts his legs. Then he should dharna. There is snkalp involved in dharna. It could be anything. Then he should do meditation. The savikalp samadhi should happen. Then nirvikalp samadhi should happen. That's one session from asan to samadhi. Then he should do his/her daily work. Like going office, going school college etc. At work place he should neither work too hard or too less. Then in the evening he should again do one session from Asan to samadhi. He should not eat meat, spicy, rotten, food. He should eat lots of butter, fresh fruits nut, grains etc. Yogis best food is rice cooked into clarified milk. He should not eat too much. Nor too less. He should treat every woman as his sister or mother except one. He should live a plain life. Simple life. Not too much of expectations. He should avoid greediness and cleverness. He should be always happy and cheerful. He should follow strict brahmcharya. He should not watch TV and vulgur scene. At night he should pray to god for giving him a wonderful day. Then he should rest on the lap of sleeping mother.
Above was for Patanjali Yogi. I mean those who follow patanjali yogi. Now coming to those who want to follow Ashtavakra geeta. He should do what he is doing. Coz, whatever he is doing is part of existence. He doesn't need to do pranayam, dhyan described above. Just little bit of understanding is enough. It can happen within a second. Ashatavakra says within a second you can be englightened. That's why I say where Patanjali ends, Ashtavakra starts. Patanjali ends at samadhi, Ashtavakra starts at samadhi. Huge difference. Jameen aur aasman k aantar hai.
So, friends choice is yours - Patanjali or Ashtavakra.
God Bless!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Do girls get viagra emails?

To get over the torture of the previous post. This is the post I am posting just for fun.

I get lots of viagra emails spam both in Yahoo! and Gmail. Which of course goes directly into spam folder. I check my spams also. Lol. I was wondering whether girls get viagra emails or not. Because viagra is of no use for them right? May be in the worst case to forward it to her BF if any she has. Technically, they must be getting becuase email address doesn't reveal gender. Wanted to ask some girls but you know... But one thing is - Girls get more emails than boys sent by boys. Lol.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

JEE Days

JEE days were one of the more arduous days. My favourite subject was mathematics and Physics. Those were the days when used to imagine to win Noble Prize in Physics. I still remember when I first bought Resnick Halliday, the supposedly best book for theoretical Physics. The whole night I had read the first chapter. On vector. That was the enthu. This Holi, I went to my home and saw dust lying on that book. The same which used to be life-saviour book was mingled with dust. That's the effect of time. Time is very powerful. We are just slave of time. Lol. Anyways, philosophy apart. Some of other books - Irodov, Krotov, Tipler etc. Books of Russian write used to be very good. And in Maths there was K C Sinha and Asit das Gupta books. Asit das Gupta's daughter used to study in KGP. Thought to talk to her but you know...Lol
My chemistry was pathetic. Although chemistry is scoring subject. But my crave towards physics never prompted me to study chemistry. Somehow just managed to learn the basics. Wanted to get top 10 rank but got slipped to 581 Lol. That was the second shock of the life. The first was not getting into Netarhaat school :((((((( One of the lost dream, which I can never achieve now :(((( Although I had cleared the First written test, but the second test was horrible :(((. Wish I had power to reverse the time flow. I want to time to go back to my 5th class. It should be possible to reverse the time. A time machine? If time cannot be reversed then it cannot be forwarded. I will think more on this how time can be reversed so that I get into Netarhaat vidyalaya. Even after completing masters from IIT I am still ready to study in Netarhaat Vidyalaya starting from 6th std. Such is the craze of Netarhaat for me.
You knwo how does time progress? It's all in the memory. If our memory is lost, we cant feel the past then. Time means, something happened in the past. Time is one of the biggest mystery. Time is a separate orthogonal dimension. I can't believe that time cannot be reversed. It can be reversed. May not be in our dimension. But in some other dimesion. X, Y Z and T are our dimensions. There can be thousands of dimensions. But we can't perceive them. For example - 1/x, 1/y, 1/z, 1/T is another dimension. I call it as reciprocal dimension. In this dimension everything happens in opposite manner. That death happens before the birth. So basically, people life goes from 100 to 0. Difficult to conceive bit it can happen. That's what I mean by reversing the time. Time moves in a particular direction. And that direction can be changed.
All the laws so far we have studied are incomplete. If you take the snapshot of the universe at T = T-dt and at T=T+dt. So, total differential configurational change is equivalent to change in time. If the configuration of the whole universe is constant then time cannot move ahead. It's a vis-a-vis situation. Configurational change drives time and vice versa. What I am saying is - if in an absolute inertial frame all the atoms of the universe are static, then in that inertial frame time will stop. So, we stopped the time. And it doesn't take much to reverse the time. That's why you wont find much influence of time in deep subspace.
Whatever laws in the physics we studied are only approximations. They are not exact. There are lots of exceptions and assumptions. We still do not have a unified theory to describe the nature. It's neither quantum not relativity. Heisenberg uncertainty was one of the most stupid principles I have seen. I just laugh at this theory. You cannot limit any happenings by some junk plank constant. We need a T factor in all the equations we studied. For example F = mA. That's Newton's second law. Now this equation has nothing to do with time. What it says is it will always be valid. But that's not the case. It won't be valid after 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years. It's valid today. That's true. But it may not be valid billion's year later. Because the configuration of universe will change. It may valid provided configuration of universe remains same. So, we can modify this euation like this:
F = mA + F(t). Today F(t) =0 but what will be F(1000000 years)? God Knows.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A call from a friend

Today, got a call from a KGP friend. He was asking me to join ISKCON. We had 34 min talk session over phone. He is a sincere guy, following ISKCON regulations. He persuaded me to join ISKCON. I said - friend, I have nothing left to achieve. I am done. You are asking to a wrong person. He gave me many logic. Of which many were really logical. No harm in doing them. But at some point of time all the logic of life fell down.
ISKCON is all about bhakti. Bhakti marga is one path to achieve God. Perhaps the so called easiest path. There you have one Deity - it could be anyone - Krishna, Shiva, Ram Kali etc. In ISKCON it's Krishna. He asked me to serve lotus feet of Krishna. I laughed within. They have strong foundation of Philosophy. They however don't follow strict vedas. They have concoct the theory according to their needs.
I told him in clear cut manner - "I do not believe in anything but the existence". Except existence everything else is propaganda. In fact the word God is the greatest propaganda ever created. The person who intoduced the concept of God was billion times intelligent than Einstein. According to me - "Men created the concept of God who created men". What an unbreakable theory of God he proposed. Which we have been following since ages.
Thing I understand is the existence. After that there is nothing. I told him - Unless you exist what will you serve Krishna? He had no answer. Existence always come first. Everything else comes later.
I had attended their few lectures in KGP. Ok guys. But extremely bookish. Once I asked him "What have been you doing if scriptures you follow were not written?". They take too many parameters into account. I told him God is parameter free. That is one reason I don't read much books. Little bit of reading is enough.
Finally we settled down peacefully.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Simplification of Truth

We have many prophets. Every body profounded their truth. Jesus said - "Love is god", "Knock and it will opened" etc. Buddha said that 8 rules. Everybody profounded something right? What they profounded was correct. Very correct. No body can question on that. So, what does it mean exactly? Does it mean that those who don't follow their principles won't get truth. No, that's the not the case. Truth is even more simpler. More than what they stated. Today, I am going to profound my truth. Which none of the prophet profounded ever. Mind you, I am not saying they were wrong. They were all right. There must be some reason why they didn't tell you. Or may be they told but it was not documented anywhere. Propaganda. But, now I will reveal that truth to the whole world. And it is so simple that you would be surprised. But before I do that I will describe another view of the truth they profounded.
Take example of Jesus. He said - "Love is GOD". So, that means he is asking you to love everybody. That is love as much you can. Right? If you do so, you would attain truth. That's true. But what if one doesn't do so. He won't get the truth? All prophet says if you follow my guidelines you will get truth. But they don't say if you don't follow what will happen. Right? They didn't tell you that whole universe is in the process of natural evolution. So, even if you don't follow them you would get truth but sometime later. May be next life, next to next life...When you follow their guidelines, you get truth faster. Which you were to get in thousands of life time, you can get in this current life. That's what they are saying to you. Their teaching will only speed up the process. And trust me, it doesn't matter you attain the truth today or billion years later. Time has infinite existence. Somewhere in the future you will hit the truth. Even if you don't follow any path, you would be part of natural evolution. But, it will happen slowly. On it's own. You don't have to do anything. Even if you hate everyone - doesn't matter. Your hating is part of existence, and when it will spread across infinite existence of time it will fade away. Everything will fade away ultimately, be it good or bad. Only difference these Prophets make is that they accelerate the natural evolution I just described. There are many reason this knowledge was not downpoured in any religion. This knowledge is so powerful that it has power to eradicate all the religions and prophets and Gods or anything. That's why it was not told to you. But, now I revealed that knowledge which had been laying in my heart since many years. Trust me, they didn't tell you many thing. Many things were left for you to understand. They just gave you a push, an impulse. After that it's all yours.
Ashtavakra was quite close to what I am saying. He said every thing is happening on it's own, just observe them. Be the observer. I am saying even if you don't become observer - still OK. So, whatever you are doing (good or bad) is OK. Go ahead with that. Just do (good or bad). Don't worry whether you are doing good or bad. Whatever you do is OK. Your good and bad deeds will fade away in the infinite existence of time. And whatever is there in your consciousness that's anyway part of existence. And only existence is all there is!!!So here I am simplifying the truth for you:
"Whatever you are doing is the truth"
None of the prophet dared to say simpler truth than this. No body in the entire history. Not even Ashtavakra. But Ashtavakra was very close to what I am saying...This will be probably the last post on the truth unless otherwise required. Because, there is nothing beyond this.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

अब कुछ लिखने का मन नही करता

अब जादा कुछ लिखने का मन नही करता। जितना लिखा काफ़ी है. अगर तुम एक बात भी समझ गए टू काफ़ी है. जादा लिखने से तुम confuse हो जाओगे. तुम पहले से ही काफ़ी confuse हो. मैं तुम्हे और confuse नही करना चाहता. सत्य को जादा बार लिखने से उसकी पुनरावृति होने लगती है. क्योंकि सत्य एक है. जितना मैंने लिखे उतना ही है. इस से जादा लिखने का कुछ है भी नही. मेरे और बुद्ध मे जादा कोई भेद नही है. क्योंकि अस्तित्व हर जगह बराबर है. बुद्धत्व का मतलब अस्तित्व से जुड़ने से है. वहाँ व्यक्ति नही रहता वहाँ शुद्ध अस्तित्व रहता है. सिद्धार्थ टू उसी दिन मर गया था जिस दिन उन्हें ज्ञान मिला था. शरीर टू बस माध्यम है जिसमे सत्य प्रकट होता है. जिसमे सत्य का आविर्भाव होता है. तुम हटो तभी तुम्हे ज्ञान मिलेगा. तुम ही ज्ञान को तुम तक नही पहुँचने देते. तुम्हारी किताबी बुद्धि सत्य को तुम तक नही पहुँचने देती. इसलिए टू विद्वान आदमी को सत्य नही मिलता है. सत्य मिलता है निर्मल ह्रदय की आदमी को. शुद्ध वृत्ति हो जिसकी. किताबी आदमी ऐसे स्लेट की तरह होता है जिसपर कुछ पहले से ही लिखा हो. अब उसपर कुछ नया लिख पाना सम्भव नही है. सत्य उसपर कभी नही लिखा जाएगा. क्योंकि वह पहले से ही लिखा हुआ है. अब उसमे सत्य को लिखने की कोई जगह नही है. सारा जगह अहंकार से भरा हुआ है. कहाँ लिखोगे? लिखने के लिए थोरा खाली स्थान टू चाहिए? अहंकार ने सारे स्थान को भर लिया है. इसलिए मैं कहता हूँ अहंकार त्यागो.
अगर तुम ध्यान करोगे टू तुम्हे सत्य के दर्शन हो सकते हैं. मई ये नही कहता की बिना ध्यान किए सत्य नही मिलता है. खूब मिलता है. बिना ध्यान किए ही सत्य मिलता है. बस ध्यान थोरा प्रायोगिक है. करो टू थिक न करो टू भी थिक. एक बात जो मुझे कभी ध्यान मे पता चला था वो तुम्हे बताता हूँ. अभी भी अव्यक्त का बहोत कम हिस्सा व्यक्त हुआ hai. इसलिए टू इस ब्रह्माण्ड मे जादातर स्थान खाली है तुम एक कमरे को ही लो. कमरे का ९९% से अधिक हिस्सा खली होता है. वहाँ सिर्फ़ हवा होती है. तुम परमाणु को ही लो. एक परमाणु मे भी ९९% से अधिक हिस्सा खली होता है. परमाणु के नाभि और एलेक्ट्रों को बीच मे बहोत सारा खाली स्थान है. तुम अगर सौर परिवार की भी लो. वहाँ भी वही हाल है. सूर्य और पृथ्वी के बीच १५ करोर किलोमीटर का खली स्थान है. उसी तरह से अगर तुम पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड का आयतन निकालो और ठोस पदार्थ का आयतन निकालो टू तुम पाओगे की ठोस पदार्थ का आयतन खली स्थान के आयतन के सापेक्ष कुछ भी नही है. इस से पता चलता है की अभी अव्यक्त थिक से व्यक्त नही हुआ है इसलिए इतने खाली स्थान हैं.

जब तुम्हे सत्य मिलेगा टू तुम यकीन नही कर पाओगे की अरे ये इतना आसान था पर जब तुम्हे सत्य मिलेगा टू तुम, तुम न रहोगे तुम ख़ुद ही सत्य हो जाओगे।
मेरा बस तुमसे एक निवेदन hai. तुम मेरे शब्द को मत पकारना. तुम हमेशा से यही करते आए हो. तुम शब्द ही पकर लेते हो. तुम शब्द मे छिपे भाव को पक्रो. शब्द टू बस माध्यम hai, जिस से भाव प्रकट होता hai.

Win over Nagaskaki

Happy May day.
Today no work, so I played chess at home :))
Click here to watch the game Use Internet Explorer.

This was a long game. Advantge of one pawn fetched me win :)