Wednesday, May 21, 2008


How to get knowledge? But first make sure you don't have knowledge. Sometimes this happens. You have knowledge and you are searching knowledge. It's easy actually. It's so easy that it has become word's most rare phenomena. It's extremely difficult to do extremely easy task. Because, that's what society had taught us. Society always taught us to think big, do something great. They never taught us to do something simple, something easy. The more arduous problem you solve the more society will praise you. That's why we have forgot how to do easy work. We can do difficult work but not easy work. Self-realization is actually the easiest phenomena but yet the rarest. Why it happened to Buddha and it's not happening to you? Imagine that night when Buddha was sitting under peepal tree. Amazing would had been that night. That was the night? of knowledge. What he did that night? What actually happened that night? Except that night he was doing something before. That was the first night he stopped doing anything. And it happened. The whole existence descend in him. He become one with entire creation. The moment he stopped from within he became infinite. Supremely free. It happened within a second. He did so much penance in the past that's not that important. The important moment is when it happened. Actually nothing happened that time. Before that it was happening. That's why it was not happening. Because it was happening.
Happenings can prevent happenings. Knowledge can debar you to gain knowledge. Remember Kaalidaas was cutting the same branch of tree on which he was sitting. Something like this happened with Buddha that day. He cut that substrate on which his ego was sitting. And when that substrate is cut he became one with whole consciousness. Again it's not your fault. This is how society has been progressing. Society simply doesn't want you to become like Buddha. Society wants you to help society growing and multiplying. This is what they have taught you. You would need huge amount of momentum to overcome the inertia society taught you. Only thing the society taught you is the crap. They have not taught you anything except crap. The whole education is crap. Because, it is mind based. Mind is the worst part of the body. Heart is probably the best part of body. Society never created a school where heart development is taught. Not even a single school in the whole world where heart development is taught. That's strange. Society doesn't what you to laugh. Society doesn't want you to be happy. People actually get frightened to see happy person. They start thinking why he is happy for no reason? They become mad to see a happy person a lovable person. This is what you did with Jesus. He was happy and lovable person. You crucified him. Didn't you throw stones at Buddha? You did. Why? Because trust me - you don't like happy and laughing people. Society wants crying people. Crying humanity. Society doesn't want contented humanity. The more you cry the more crap you do the more society will praise you. If you want society to help you keep crying. Cry as much you can. But if you are happy for no appearent reason society will send you pain. And the moment you try to do something on heart level. They will simply crucify you. Jesus was perhaps the first and last person who ever dared to work at heart level. And he was crucified. After that no body dared so far. Who wants to be crucified? Society will never let you to use your heart. Society will ask you to use your mind. Because, mind can't open the doorway to God. No possibility. There is some chance that heart can open the doorway to infinite. That's why society has closed it. They closed all the doors by which you can merge into infinite. But some people like Jesus and Mahavira had that momentum to overcome that.

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