Monday, June 30, 2008

Intelligent people - Updated

To have a happy world we don't need intelligent people. We need contented people. Loving people. Intelligent alone cannot bring happiness. Intelligence alone is like an ash. Unless it is wrapped by love it will rot day by day. Why we have such a perverted civilization? We have been consistently working to attain peace, love and Harmony for last 5000 years. But still we have no trace of love, happiness and Harmony yet. Our endeavour of 5000 years went in vain. Total waste I would say. In the last 5000 years we have hardly created few people who attained peace. What went wrong? So, what is the possibility that in the next 5000 years we will have peace? Only thing we have thought so far is - "It will happen one day". But it never happened. That day never came.
हमने हमेशा से यही गीत गएँ हैं - "हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन"। और वो दिन कभी नही आया। हमारे गीत होने चाहियें - "हम हैं कामयाब"। समाज ने हमें सिर्फ़ भविष्य की तरफ़ ही धकेला है। सबकुछ मिलेगा लेकिन भविष्य मे। अभी कुछ नही मिलेगा तुम्हे। लेकिन बाद मे सब मिलेगा। कल मिलेगा। और वो कल कभी नही आता है। सदियाँ बीत जाती हैं और वो कल नही आता है। आएगा भी नही। समाज ने कभी भी वर्तमान को नही पहचाना है। समाज की सारी अवधारणायें भविष्य मे होती है। इसलिए तो ऐसे गीत गाये जाते हैं- "हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन।" गीत लिखने वाले को यह ठीक से पता होना चाहिए की "कब होंगे कामयाब"। एक दिन से कोई अर्थ नही निकलता है। मान लो अरबों खरबों वर्षों के बाद कामयाब हों तो क्या फायदा - हम तो रहंगे नही उस कामयाबी को देखने के लिए। तो फिर उस कामयाबी मे क्या रखा है। कामयाब हों या न हों सब बराबर है। हमें कामयाब अभी होना है। भविष्य मे नही।
Remember one thing - no matter how great device you make, how intelligent device you make, how great service you provide, they can't make you happy. Devices/Services doesn't bring happiness. Intelligence doesn't bring happiness. We made so many devices - computer, laptop, mobile, airplane, car, Internet etc. We still have problems, we still have anarchy, we still have terrorism, we still have poverty. So, that clearly signifies that intelligence doesn't bring happiness. Happiness is inside. Within you. I have never met an intelligent cum happy person. It will be just slight exaggeration if I say - intelligence and happiness are antonyms. Just slight exaggeration.
The bigger problem, even bigger than the intelligence is the ego. Ego is the cause of all problems. The reason why society failed in reducing people's ego is transcendental nature of ego. Ego goes very deep. Ego is not only that what you read into psychology books. It almost touches to the existence level. Truth is the positive existence. Ego is the negative existence. Truth and ego are both at almost same level. But one is positive another is negative. And at a time only one is active. Unless you become supremely free, you are on negative existence. that is - on ego. Ego is the substrate on which our entire consciousness is doped. What these supremely free people do is - they cut that substrate. When that substrate of ego is cut what remains is the positive existence - that is truth. Society has no idea how to cut that substrate of ego. It's not taught in the school or colleges or universities. Infact, society will never teach you anything which might inadvertently enables you to cut that substrate of ego. Whenever that substrate of ego is cut - truth prevails. Until then it's all dark.
The reason why we have such a perverted civilization is that society never taught us "how to love". They never taught us how to accept the situation as it is. We have not created these winds, these sands, these air, these sky these forest, these animals, birds. So, why using all these. You can use, but you have to pay the cost. Nature never gives anything in the free. Although we have so much scientific development but humans are the most perverted animal. That's the cost I was talking. We progressed, but at the cost of perverted civilization. Another animals have equal rights to use natural resources. We have taken away homes of tigers, lions, elephant and put them into zoo. What a shhit activity! We kill them to make our shoes, to have food. Where your home is now should probably would have home of a lion. Lol. All these things gonna come back to us. In any form. It will definitely come. That's my prediction. Infact, it has started coming. Global warming, flood and so many other environmental problems have started.
The biggest unfortune I would say is - incomplete knowledge. Society never analyzed anything completely. Everything has happened in a haphazard manner. Look at your life. Hasn't everything happened in a hurry? As if a train was missing. It doesn't matter if you miss a train, there is always a next train. So, why hurrying? To my knowledge society has never thought with cool and calm mind even for a fraction of second. Incomplete knowledge is dangerous. Your intelligent mind always gives you incomplete knowledge. Ask why? Because, if intelligence impart complete knowledge then, there is no use of intelligence. Because,knowledge is complete. Now you don't need more intelligence to know more knowledge. That's why intelligence always impart incomplete knowledge. The only way to know the complete knowledge is to accept, is to observe, is to achieve egoless state. Try to understand the word achieve. Don't fight with the existence. No body could ever fight. Do not resist. Just accept. All things will be fine.
That was the theory. But there is an additional constraint here. I think in one of my previous post I mentioned this. We have had few happy people. Buddha was happy, Jesus was happy. But , that's not enough. Because, the constraint is - in order to have happy humanity everybody has to be happy. Even a single unhappy person can make whole humanity unhappy. Unhappiness is more viral than happiness. So, basically every body has to become like Buddha. We never met this constraint. That's why so far have unhappy and stumbling humanity.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lost My Mobile Phone

Long awaited, finally lost my Nokia 3120 yesterday. Perhaps, when I was in the swimming pool. Someone took it from my bag. That mobile I had purchased on 10th Aug 2004. Yesterday only got a new sim on the same number and a new motorolla set - MOTOSLVR L9. Initially, I didn't want to buy any cell phone. I am not a great lover of cell phones. Any mobile with call and SMS faciity would do for me. So, initially I was thinking I am not going to use a mobile unless someone gift me ;) But since, I took a new sim (On the same old number, in order to deactivate the lost sim) so I anyway had to purchase a new mobile to keep the sim active. BTW, I am still open for gifts, FYI, Apple 3G iPhone is coming in India on 22nd July ;) So, friends I have lost all your contact numbers. So, please care to send them. My contact number is same :)
Finally, thanks to the theif to get me MOTOSLVR L9 Lol.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sicilian defence win over Nagaskaki

I started this game in Sicilian style. In the initial game, made opponent's king to leave it's default position. So, king and rook couldn't do castling. That was one slight initial advantage. Most of the time I spend too much energy to take away opponent's horse on C5.
Click here to follow the game

The good news is now you can watch the game in Firefox 3.0 also.

Understanding a person

It takes time to understand a person. How much time? It depends on many factors. It's very difficult to understand a person from day 1. For that you have to spend some time with that person. The biggest problem in this is you don't know what's running into his brain. That's invisible. What you have is just a cognitive perception of him/her. You have no idea of what he/she is thinking. It's not easy to think what other's think.
A person, a living person is a complex creature. Especially his brain, his mind. If you unfold his mind you would get lots of dreams (both fulfilled and unfulfilled) there. When a person is not sleeping a constant amount of thinking is always going on. And it goes deep inside into consciousness. Which can be seen when unfolded. There are layers of dreams upon dreams. Everything is possible in the dream world. Dream plays very significant role in our life. We all dreams. What we cannot achieve in the real life, we can achieve in the dream world. And it happens. At least it happens to me. If we don't dream there is a possibility that we may become mad. Dream allows you to achieve what you can't in the real life. Say I want to have a hot date with Katrina Kaif. Now in the real world it's not possible. But in the dream world, in the fantasy world it's possible. And trust me - you would never know which one is real. May be dream world is real and this world is unreal. Lol. The point I am trying to make is dreams are very important which simply complements our failures, inability of real world. So keep dreaming!!! ;)
Understanding a person can be more difficult than understanding any scientific laws. Because person changes. He changes second by second. A living human being mind is extremely complex and always remains in the constant pensive/thinking mood. As if he is resisting something from inside. He tries to resist the natural evolutions from within. The more person is educated and grown up the more resistive he comes. And whenever you'd resist you would become tired. Resistance brings tiredness. Acceptance brings happiness. The choice is yours. Look at the children. Have you seen a tired dull child. I haven't. They are always playful and energetic. Because they don't resist. They accept the existence as it is. For example - after a journey young people are tired but a child is not tired. Because he was not trying to resist in the journey. He was not trying to disobey newton's third law. We young people always tries to disobey. That's why we become tired. We disobey nature. Out of your ego. Drop this ego, it will ruin you one day.
I have seen a person changes even on his very fundamental idealogy. The person is same, but now he talks different of what he was talking in the past. He has no idea of what he has said in the past. Very few consistent people I have met. The reason why this happens is the person is not aware of his consciousness, of his existence. He just goes on with the situation. Situation drives him. But when you are aware you would drive the situation. And when you are the driver then you know what you are driving - you would be consistent. So, I can say - Awareness brings consistency.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

अमर प्रेम

सत्य को जानने के लिए प्रेम सबसे सरल माध्यम है। ज्ञान से भी सत्य पाया जा सकता है। पर थोरा मुश्किल है। क्योंकि ज्ञान होते ही अहंकार हो जाता है। ज्ञान होने का अहंकार। अहंकार सत्य के प्रतिकूल की दिशा है। हमने जो औपचारिक शिक्षा प्राप्त की उसने हमारे अहंकार को ही तो बढाया है। ठीक है उस से एक नौकरी भी मिली है। पर मूलतः हमारे अहंकार मे वृद्धि हुई है। जिस चीज के बारे मे तुम जानते हो उसकी महत्ता घट जाती है। क्योंकि वो तुम अब जान गए। वो अब तुम्हारी परिधि के अन्दर आ गई। अब उसमे उतना सार न रहा जो पहले था। वो अब नीरस हो गया। बच्चों को देखो। उनकी शिक्षा कम होती है। पर उनके जीवन मे एक क्रांति होती है, एक प्रवाह होता है। एक अखंड प्रवाह होता है। एक सार होता है। वही सार ज्ञान होते ही, किताब पढ़ते ही निसार हो जाता है। इसलिए तो बच्चे लोग खुश रहते हैं। मैंने आजतक एक भी बच्चे को दुखी नही देगा। वो रोते हैं , पर वो स्वभाभिक है। हम नही रोते हैं, अस्वाभाविक है। हम बच्चों के ठीक विपरीत काम करते हैं। जादा ज्ञान हो जाना, जादा पुस्तक पोथी पढ़ लेना समस्या पैदा कर सकता है। और किया है। थोरा सा ज्ञान काफ़ी है। और अरबों खरबों पुस्तक पढ़ के भी वोही थोरा सा ज्ञान मिलता है। उस ज्ञान का कोई मोल नही है जो ज्ञान कारन पे टिका है। जिसका कारण है उसे तुम अज्ञान जानना है। उस तरह के ज्ञान मे कुछ भी नही रखा है। बस प्रतीति होती है, की काफ़ी कुछ है, है कुछ भी नही। वह ज्ञान जो अकारण हो वही असली ज्ञान है। करनिक ज्ञान तो अकरानिक ज्ञान का ही विस्तार है। अगर किताब पुस्तक पोथी पढ़ के ही ज्ञान मिलता तो जीसस, कबीर और रामकृष्ण को कभी ज्ञान नही मिलता। जीसस बकरी चराता था, और सबसे बरा धर्म प्रवर्तक बना। इसलिये शुद्ध प्रेम मे सत्य के प्रकट होने की थोरी बहुत सम्भावना है। क्योंकि उसमे कारण नही होता है। बस होता है। क्यों, कैसे के लिए उतनी जगह नही है वहां। विश्लेषण करते ही शुद्ध प्रेम अशुद्ध हो जाता है। फिर वो प्रेम रहा ही नही, वो वासना हो जाती है।
प्रेम कई प्रकार हो हो सकते हैं। पिता पुत्र का प्रेम, माँ बेटे का प्रेम, भाई बहन का प्रेम, पति पत्नी का प्रेम। और इन सबसे ऊपर आत्म-प्रेम। आत्म प्रेम सबसे ऊपर है। वास्तव मे मैं आत्म प्रेम की ही बात कर रहा था। पहले अपने आप को प्रेम करना सीखो, तब तुम दूसरे को भी प्रेम कर पाओगे। दुनिया मे अब तक जितने भी प्रेमी हुए हैं उन्होंने पहले अपने आप को प्रेम किया है। पहले अपने को जाना है। तभी वे दूसरे को भी प्रेम कर पाये। बुद्ध ने पहले अपने आप को प्रेम किया। फिर उन्होंने दूसरों को, आनंद को प्रेम किया। इसलिये पहले अपने बारे मे जानो तभी तुम दूसरे का कुछ कर सकते हो। तुम्हे अपने बारे मे तो ख़ुद कुछ पता नही। और प्रेम की गंगा बहने चले हो। जीसस ने प्रेम के गंगा बहाई थी। तो सारा रोमन साम्राज्य हिल गया था। प्रेम मे इतनी शक्ति है की रोम जैसे साम्राज्य को तहस नहस कर दे। और ऐसा ही हुआ। जीसस की शूली के बाद रोमन साम्राज्य जादा दिन न टिक सका। टिकेगा भी नही। सीजरों को दयनीय स्थिति हुई होगी। ऐसा अकसर होता है। अगर समाज मे कोई बहोत बरा प्रेमी पैदा ले ले तो समाज उसे झेल नही पाती. उसकी अपर्मर्थिकता समाज के लिए कांटे जैसे हो जाती है। समाज ने कभी भी शुद्ध प्रेम का पक्ष नही लिया है। एक हद तक लिया है पर उस से जादा नही। समाज की एक सीमा है। प्रेम की कोई सीमा नही। प्रेम असीम है। इसलिये समाज उसे झेल नही पाती।

Friday, June 20, 2008

Funnny monkey video

Was just searching for videos on tigers. Got this funny video. I laughed too much on this video. Watch this video and I bet you can't stop laughing. Lol

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

To many IITs...

I don't know why Govt. is starting so many IITs. 7 IITs are enough. Earlier IITs used to have only 2000 seats. Now it has increased to almost 7000 (although JEE takers also has increased). That means getting into IITs are are easier now. Unlucky were those guys who got 2000+ but < 7000 rank in older JEEs. IITs are center of excellence. If govt. starts more and more IITs, IIT brand name will be diluted. Of course, we need engineers, but that can be done by resurrecting existing engineering colleges. You can produce IITs but you can't produce brains. IITians are finest brains in the world. I am totally against of opening new IITs and increasing seats. I want to see companies going for placement into MIT(Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology) too. I would not like to go to IITs if MIT gives placement.

Lately, I was looking at JEE'08 question. Now, it's damn objective test. No subjective. I didn't know it deteriorated this much. No wonder many students are failing in the first year of their study. Lol.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Adjectives, Adverbs, Qualifiers

If I were the king of the world, I would simply remove adjectives and adverbs from dictionary and grammar. Whosoever created the concept of adjectives and adverbs must be a moron. I hate these qualifiers. I hate them so much that I cannot describe. I hate both good and bad. I look in between good and bad. Buddha's philosophy of middle path is spectacular. Middle path simply ask you to transcend. At the ambiguity, transcend. At the transition, transcend. Transcend these adjectives, these qualifiers, these modifiers. Suppose someone says - "I am happy". Now this statement is wrong. To me it's wrong. It doesn't make any sense. Because there is qualifier of existence - "happy". You are trying to qualify, to attribute the existence. That's impossible. Existence doesn't has any attributes or qualifiers associeted with it. I have problems in saying even - "I am". I am not even comfortable in saying "I am". "I am" is a wrong statement. For me it's wrong. I am not talking about you. Because there two things - one is "I" and other is "am". So that means "I" is separate from "am". "I" and "am" has to be together. So I merged it. I am slightly comfortable in saying just "I" or only "am". Little bit okay. At least better than "I am". Say someone says "He is a good boy". This statement is a headache. The word "good" is a pain here. It will confuse the boy. Because someone else can say "He is a bad boy". To some person he is good, to some he can be bad also. So, the boy is confused in this case. He doesn't know what he is. He got conflicting feedback from society. This is when he needs to transcend. That's why I said - "At the ambiguity, transcend. At the confusion, transcend". If he doesn't transcend these feedback his personality will be mixture of good and bad. He will be a confused personality. This happened to me. In my student life I got feedback from my teachers - "I have never seen a student like you". But some said in positive sense. Some said in the negative sense. I got confused what I am. That's how society confuses you. They will give you conflicting feedback. So, simply transcend it. And be happy (:=)

ज्ञान प्रेम और सत्य

ज्ञान अकेला नीरस है। जबतक उसमे प्रेम के फूल न खिले टू उसे व्यर्थ जानना। ज्ञान मन की अभिव्यक्ति है। प्रेम हृदय की अभिव्यक्ति है। और सत्य पूर्णतः पारमार्थिक है। सत्य, प्रेम और ज्ञान के ऊपर है। जब प्रेम और ज्ञान मिल जायें टू सत्य उपलब्ध हो सकता है। मन चंचल है। इसलिए ज्ञान भी स्थिर नही रहता। हृदय थोरा स्थिर रहता है। इसलिए प्रेम मे थोरा स्थायित्व रहता है। शुद्ध प्रेम स्थायी होगा। पर जो प्रेम ज्ञान के आधार पर टिका हो, जो विश्लेषण के आधार पर टिका हो, जो शर्तों के आधार पर टिका हो वो प्रेम स्थायी नही होगा। वो प्रेम होगा ही नही। वो कुछ और होगा। वह विवाह होगा। कोई भी नाम दे दो। अगर विवाह मे प्रेम की थोरी भी संभावना होती टू अब तक अरबों खरबों बुद्ध जैसे आदमी पैदा हो सकते थे। क्योंकि अरबों खरबों विवाहें हुईं हैं। पर थोरी संभावना टू है। की विवाह के माध्यम से प्रेम को जाना जाए। विवाह एक सामजिक व्यवस्था है। शायद समाज ने प्रेम को समझने के लिए विवाह का ईजाद किया हो। सत्य के मार्ग मे प्रेम और ज्ञान दोनों बाधाएं हैं। क्योंकि दोनों ही अभिव्यक्ति है। अभिव्यक्ति सत्य का दर्शन नही कराती। पर प्रेम उतनी बरी बाधा नही है जितना बरी बाधा ज्ञान है। प्रेम टू सत्य के काफी निकट है, पर सत्य नही है। ज्ञान बहुत बरी बाधा है। तुम्हारी ९९% से भी ज्यादा अभियक्ति पूर्णतः मानसिक होती है। क्योंकि आज का समाज पूर्णतः मानसिक हो गया है है। प्रेम भी मानसिक हो गया है। मानसिक प्रेम । तुम जिसे प्रेम करोगे उसे अपने मन के तल पर तौल के देखो को वो खरा उतरता है या नही। तुम प्रेम का विश्लेषण करो। पहले ऐसा नही होता था। पहले सिर्फ़ शुद्ध प्रेम होता है। वहाँ विश्लेषण के लिए कोई जगह नही होती थी। टू फिर लैला और मजनू जैसी जोड़ी पैदा होती थी। क्योंकि उनका प्रेम पूर्णतः ह्रदय के तल पर है। वहाँ मन के लिए कोई जगह नही है। मैं जो ये लेख लिख रहा हूँ, यह भी मानसिक है। मन के माध्यम से ह्रदय को व्यक्त करने की कोशिश करे रहा हूँ। ऐसा हो सकता है। मन ह्रदय की अभिव्यक्ति को शब्द मे ढालने मे सक्षम है। कवि लोग यही टू करते हैं। पर ह्रदय मन की अभिव्यक्ति क प्रकट नही कर सकता। इसलिय कभी कभी यह समझ पाना की कविता मन के तल से लिखी गई है या वस्तुतः ह्रदय से लिखी गई है मुश्किल हो जाता है।
थोरा सा ज्ञान काफी है। बस इतना ज्ञान हो जाए की ज्ञान व्यर्थ है काफ़ी होगा। सारा ज्ञान टू यही कहता है की ज्ञान व्यर्थ है। समझने वाले समझ लेते हैं। बुद्ध, महावीर समझ गए थे। हो सकता है तुम न समझ पाओ। पात्रता चाहिए। थोरी पात्रता चाहिए। पानी १०० डिग्री पर ही उबलता है। वस्तुतः पात्रता भी नही चाहिए। वस्तुतः कुछ भी नही चाहिए। पर यह बात अति-पारमार्थिक हो जाती है। इसलिए तुम समझ नही पाते। पर पात्रता तुम समझ लोगे। की पात्रता है या नही। इसलिए टू जादातर योग का आधार पात्रता है। अष्टावक्र के योग का आधार पात्रता नही है। उनके नजर मे सबकी पात्रता बराबर है। उनका आधार अस्तित्व है। अस्तित्व मे कुछ भी छोटा या बरा नही होता। अस्तित्व हर जगह बराबर है। बस इतना ही समझ लेना काफ़ी है। इससे जादा कुछ है भी नही समझने के लिए। यही सत्य है।

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Partial Chess Game

I was sick of draws. Still sick. So now I am playing slowly and thinking too much about each move. Analysing all the pros and cons of the moves. I will be updating this game as and when game progress. It will take indefinite days to finish this game.

Click here to see the first 10 moves
As usual use Internet Explorer to view the game. It won't work in firefox. After you click the above link wait for some time for GUI to appear. Then click on the play button to watch the movie of the game.

Converted this game to win. Click here to watch the complete game

The Girl - part 4

Existence has three layers - 1. Physical Layer, 2. Mental layer, 3. Spiritual layer. At mental layer there are not much difference between males and females. At spiritual layer there is absolutely no difference. But, at physical layer there are magnanimous differences. At the subtler layers difference will be less. Grosser layer will have more difference. Initially, at the beginning of the civilization society was primarily physical layers based. At that time demand of physical strength was more for survival. Physically stronger people used to rule and survive better. That's natural also. If females were physically more stronger they would had ruled males. That's why it was easy for males to dominate the society for the simple reason they were physically stronger.
Now society has moved to mental layer. Now society wants mind, not the physical strength. As I said - at the mental layer there are not much difference between males and females. That's the reason status of females in the society is rising. Because at mental layer they are equal to males. Because, now society needs brain and mind. Whenever society will be centered at subtler layers status of women in the society will rise. And whenever society will be centred at carnal layer that will be deleterious for females.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Liked this video and song

I don't know who is the gal dancing in this song. But whosoever she is, she is great. She is dancing with 8 earthen pots on her head. Amazing. What a spectacular balance she has. And apart from that the song is also mollifying to ears.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is everything predestined?

If I say everything is predestined then I am not able to find any flaw in it. I was thinking to comeup with a statement that can approximately describe the nature. So, if I say whatever is happening, whatever happened and whats gonna happen - all are predestined. Is there any flaw in this? So, far I am not able to find discrepancy in this statement. Basically it's saying something like 1=1. But the same time you can also say nothing is predestined. It's equivalent to say 1 != 2. These statements are so trivial that it essentially contains no information. It's too trivial. And perhaps God is too trivial. So, when you say everything is predestined or nothing is predestined makes absolutely no difference. These are just another layer of logic. One is positive logic - Everything is predestined. Another is negative logic - Nothing is predestined. And in totality both logic nullifies each other. And that's where truth prevail. That was one reason I had said everything has a cost associated with it. Say someone creates a multi billion $ company. But he creates that at the cost of working hard, working at odd hours. Here his success is positive logic. And his hard working at odd hours is negative logic. Both logic exist together. You need to have an insight to decipher both the logic and look in between the logic - that is middle path. That's what Buddha meant by following middle path. He is simply asking you to transcend both positive and negative logic. Then you don't have to follow middle path explicitly. The moment you transcend both positive and negative logic you will be following middle path and truth will prevail.


What is success? To me it's totally relative. In general, making money, fame and prestige is what is termed as success. The more money you have, the more successful you are, in general. Success has a parameter associated with it. Someone may be successful on one parameter but may be totally failure on other parameter. Success is predominantly determined by society. And anything which is determined by society is false (to me). May not be for you. But to me it's false. Most of the time success doesn't matter to me. I give zero value to academic and professional success. To me success means self-realization. Because, academic and professional success are ephemeral. One day it won't be there. Self-realization will be always there - that is existence. Except existence everything is crap. It has to be crap. Even if I solve the most sternest problem of mathematics it wont gonna help me or you. Say I solve NP-hard problem. If I decide to solve it won't take me much to solve it. Say I give you the unified general theory in physics which can describe the nature. So what? It's not gonna solve the problem. To me it will be just re-discovering the wheel in a wrong manner. That's why I am no going into this business. I am just taking a shorter and better route. I accept the problem. I accept NP hard problem. I don't solve NP hard problem. Because, essentially a problem doesn't exist. In the existence there is no NP hard problem. Whatever problem we face that's flaw in our own system, in our own assumption. If you make a faulty rather I should say incomplete number system that will create intractable problem. Change you number system, that is the way you count, intractability will be lost. So, all the problem you see can be pointed to some flaws, some anomalies in the basic system we created. Existence has no anomalies. All anomalies are created by human. That's why we have so many intractable problems. If I have to define success then - Success means innocency, cheerfulness, happiness (I am assuming demand of survival is met). Usually what you call a success is actually the demand of survival. It's day by day survival. Assuming you have no problem in survival then success is love, compassion, happiness, joy, innocency. Remember- if you know that you are innocent then you are not innocent.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Girl - Part 3

What is real feminism? Is it what you read in Femina? Is it what to achieve academic success and professional success. No. Working in an MNC on onsite is not success. That's survival. The need for survival. Day by day survival. The real feminism is the motherhood. Feminism means motherhood. Feminsm doesn't mean to show off your figure in the shopping malls. Western civilization, MTV, these magazines on feminism has destroyed Indian Culture. The normal city girls read these magazine these tv and learn culture from them. I was talking to a gal, I asked her what's your hobbey? She said "meeting guys". Thank god she didn't say "mating guys". But in near future they might say. If they can say meet then they can say mate also. Be it however by a stupid mistake. But they can say. And a time will come when they gonna say. The distance between meet and mate is not much. Even Manhatten distance is not much. Lol. It was a shock for me. Infact a news for me. I was on Pluto after hearing this. This was not happening few years back. It's happening now. It started suddenly. Globalization ruined our culture on the cost of technical development. Such hobbies are kept by actress of Hollywood. Basically, bollywood actress learns from Hollywood actress. And city girls learn from bollywood actress (in Hindi movies). So, knowledge in transferred from Hollywood actress to bollywood actress to city girls to village girls. From hollywood to a village. That's a big chain of knowledge transfer. That's one result of Information Technology. Information is everywhere. Few days back a highly educated gal used a F words on her blog (That post is deleted now). That was another news. Indian is definitely progressing. F words are used in USA most. And they are the most developed country. So basically, F words are the sign of development. That girl is highly successful both academically and professionally and she used F words. That's the progress she has made. A big applaud to her.
I had said earlier - Everything has a cost associated with it. There is nothing free in This universe. Only existence is free. Except existence everything has a cost associated with it. You cant simply just improve at zero operating cost. You have to pay a cost to improve. Those who are not progressing they don't pay the cost of improvement. They are fine. That's how it get balanced. You can improve, you can do wonder but, at the cost of something. Let me put an example. Say there is a woman A who is CEO of a big billion $ MNC. There is another woman B who is a simple housewife who doesn't have much hunch in her life. Woman A is always busy with office work and meetings and travelling. But she has a maid to take care of her kids. Woman B simply stays at home and she has ample time to spend her time with her kids. Because she doesn't work. Now which woman is more successful? A or B? To my view B is successful. Woman B is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000times more successful than A. Because, she is doing real feminism - The motherhood.

This weekend

This weekend is going nice...Yesterday went to AoL headquarter Bangalore. These days Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is staying in Bangalore aashram. So, just thought to make a visit to him. I along with my friend reached there arouns 2 pm. It's situtate at Kanakpur Road some half hour drive away from Banshankari. It was a rainy day. I enjoyed the beauty of nature there. Sky was filled with black cloud and winds were flowing at huge speed as I was standing on the third floor of Vishalakshi. I saw the horizon when sun was settling down. Amzing it was. I thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of nature over there. Plateu and forest beauty. Then it started raining for non-stop 3 hours while I meditated at the ground floor of Vishalakshi. It was amazing beauty of nature. At 7:30pm rain stopped then attended Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Wanted to talk to him but he is always surrounded by crowds. So, could not talk to him. That's the problem. Don't grow so large that it becomes uncontrollable. That's what is happening with him. He has too many followers to pay individual attention. It has become almost mechanical now. Spirit is dying. Which for some reason he is not able to recognize. I am not against him. But I am in difference with him. I never believe in Individual. My believe is - there is nothing extraordinary when a given person is good or great. It's absolutely normal for me. To me even Buddha, Jesus and Mahavira are extremely normal person. I believe in totality. I AM NOT A INDIVIDUALIST. Never. I believe in whole. In completeness. In everybody. If I am great, it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me when everyone is great. Everybody has to be treated equal. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar treat himself slightly superior to others. For the reason he ask his followers to worship him. I do not object it, but I do not support it either. Personal greatness is nothing. It's your personal matter. Keep it with you. If you are great, keep it with you. Don't shout. Let others find their self. Do not interfere about other's enlightenment. One person has knowledge an rest all is in grave is bullshit. Everybody should gain the knowledge. In Buddhism there is no one like Buddha. In Christanity there is no one like Jesus. In Aol there is no one like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. So, my point is one great person cannot produce another great person. A great person has to be produced by itself. You probably would not have to be worried about other's enlightenment. Trust me you cant do that. Buddha could not do. Everybody has individual life. Let him live his life. Do not interfere. What you are doing is - you are simply interfering. So far I have not seen in any religious organization where a follower has become greater than it's founder. They won't let it happen. Pope wont let it happen. Why founder will be always greater? Why everybody looks towards Sri Sri and not other Saints/Swamis in AoL. What's so special about him. Nothing. There is nothing special about it. There can't be special about it. Everybody is special and unique. Equal. That's one reason I had said great people create too much disparity in the society. They do more damage to society than benefit. Imagine what will happened if Buddha and Jesus meet on a street. Two great soul meets on the street. What will happen? Most probably nothing will happen. The best thing that can ever happen is nothing to happen. But something can happen between their followers. Perhaps a war. A world war. Extinction of humanity. Don't feel surprised if Christians and Muslim fight and the whole world is extinct. That can happen. I see that. Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed there :)
Today, went to attend entrepreneur meet at M G Road this morning. There were tens of young entrepreneurs/aspiring-entrepreneurs. We discussed ideas, problems, solutions that a stratup can face. Lots of things are happening in Startup world in Bangalore. Sometimes, I feel like to leave job and become entrepreneur. Lol