To have a happy world we don't need intelligent people. We need contented people. Loving people. Intelligent alone cannot bring happiness. Intelligence alone is like an ash. Unless it is wrapped by love it will rot day by day. Why we have such a perverted civilization? We have been consistently working to attain peace, love and Harmony for last 5000 years. But still we have no trace of love, happiness and Harmony yet. Our endeavour of 5000 years went in vain. Total waste I would say. In the last 5000 years we have hardly created few people who attained peace. What went wrong? So, what is the possibility that in the next 5000 years we will have peace? Only thing we have thought so far is - "It will happen one day". But it never happened. That day never came.
हमने हमेशा से यही गीत गएँ हैं - "हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन"। और वो दिन कभी नही आया। हमारे गीत होने चाहियें - "हम हैं कामयाब"। समाज ने हमें सिर्फ़ भविष्य की तरफ़ ही धकेला है। सबकुछ मिलेगा लेकिन भविष्य मे। अभी कुछ नही मिलेगा तुम्हे। लेकिन बाद मे सब मिलेगा। कल मिलेगा। और वो कल कभी नही आता है। सदियाँ बीत जाती हैं और वो कल नही आता है। आएगा भी नही। समाज ने कभी भी वर्तमान को नही पहचाना है। समाज की सारी अवधारणायें भविष्य मे होती है। इसलिए तो ऐसे गीत गाये जाते हैं- "हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन।" गीत लिखने वाले को यह ठीक से पता होना चाहिए की "कब होंगे कामयाब"। एक दिन से कोई अर्थ नही निकलता है। मान लो अरबों खरबों वर्षों के बाद कामयाब हों तो क्या फायदा - हम तो रहंगे नही उस कामयाबी को देखने के लिए। तो फिर उस कामयाबी मे क्या रखा है। कामयाब हों या न हों सब बराबर है। हमें कामयाब अभी होना है। भविष्य मे नही।
Remember one thing - no matter how great device you make, how intelligent device you make, how great service you provide, they can't make you happy. Devices/Services doesn't bring happiness. Intelligence doesn't bring happiness. We made so many devices - computer, laptop, mobile, airplane, car, Internet etc. We still have problems, we still have anarchy, we still have terrorism, we still have poverty. So, that clearly signifies that intelligence doesn't bring happiness. Happiness is inside. Within you. I have never met an intelligent cum happy person. It will be just slight exaggeration if I say - intelligence and happiness are antonyms. Just slight exaggeration.
The bigger problem, even bigger than the intelligence is the ego. Ego is the cause of all problems. The reason why society failed in reducing people's ego is transcendental nature of ego. Ego goes very deep. Ego is not only that what you read into psychology books. It almost touches to the existence level. Truth is the positive existence. Ego is the negative existence. Truth and ego are both at almost same level. But one is positive another is negative. And at a time only one is active. Unless you become supremely free, you are on negative existence. that is - on ego. Ego is the substrate on which our entire consciousness is doped. What these supremely free people do is - they cut that substrate. When that substrate of ego is cut what remains is the positive existence - that is truth. Society has no idea how to cut that substrate of ego. It's not taught in the school or colleges or universities. Infact, society will never teach you anything which might inadvertently enables you to cut that substrate of ego. Whenever that substrate of ego is cut - truth prevails. Until then it's all dark.
The reason why we have such a perverted civilization is that society never taught us "how to love". They never taught us how to accept the situation as it is. We have not created these winds, these sands, these air, these sky these forest, these animals, birds. So, why using all these. You can use, but you have to pay the cost. Nature never gives anything in the free. Although we have so much scientific development but humans are the most perverted animal. That's the cost I was talking. We progressed, but at the cost of perverted civilization. Another animals have equal rights to use natural resources. We have taken away homes of tigers, lions, elephant and put them into zoo. What a shhit activity! We kill them to make our shoes, to have food. Where your home is now should probably would have home of a lion. Lol. All these things gonna come back to us. In any form. It will definitely come. That's my prediction. Infact, it has started coming. Global warming, flood and so many other environmental problems have started.
The biggest unfortune I would say is - incomplete knowledge. Society never analyzed anything completely. Everything has happened in a haphazard manner. Look at your life. Hasn't everything happened in a hurry? As if a train was missing. It doesn't matter if you miss a train, there is always a next train. So, why hurrying? To my knowledge society has never thought with cool and calm mind even for a fraction of second. Incomplete knowledge is dangerous. Your intelligent mind always gives you incomplete knowledge. Ask why? Because, if intelligence impart complete knowledge then, there is no use of intelligence. Because,knowledge is complete. Now you don't need more intelligence to know more knowledge. That's why intelligence always impart incomplete knowledge. The only way to know the complete knowledge is to accept, is to observe, is to achieve egoless state. Try to understand the word achieve. Don't fight with the existence. No body could ever fight. Do not resist. Just accept. All things will be fine.
That was the theory. But there is an additional constraint here. I think in one of my previous post I mentioned this. We have had few happy people. Buddha was happy, Jesus was happy. But , that's not enough. Because, the constraint is - in order to have happy humanity everybody has to be happy. Even a single unhappy person can make whole humanity unhappy. Unhappiness is more viral than happiness. So, basically every body has to become like Buddha. We never met this constraint. That's why so far have unhappy and stumbling humanity.