I wanted to stress out that that Pranayam is not a simple practice. It looks simple though - Just playing with breath. But if done in wrong manner it can be hazardous to the health. Averse effect may happen to health. So, it's always better to do it under the proper guidance of Yoga teacher preferably under a guru.
Breath is the most vital thing. Infact, whole of Yoga system is laid on the breath. Even is Aasan concentration is upon breath. Asan is not just a physical posture as it appears. Which whole of the west understands. Different physical posture channelize the Pran in different directions. That's what is the purpose of Aasan. For example "Paschimmotansan" channelizes the pran into naval centre. There are some 8 millions number of asans Lord shiva has taugt. Shiva is the greatest yogi. All the knowledge about yoga comes from him. So, before practicing yoga we must pay our reverance to Lord Shiva. But I guess you cant do 8 millions asaans. There are asans on the name of almost every animal. Few asanas can be done is - Siddhasan, Padmasan, Paschimottanasan, Dhanuransan, Bhujangasan, Chakrasan, Sheershasan, Sarvangasan etc. Asan should help in Pranayaam.
But remember these are practical things. These aid in attaining the truth but truth has nothing to do with it. This is tricky. If by doing pranayam only we get the truth then Pranayam is greater than truth. Then pranayaam is encircling the truth. Truth simply knows no boundaries. So, it's not that without doing pranayam you cant attain truth. You can attain(provided you've lost, you cant attain something which you havn't lost, which you just think is lost for some stupid reason), but again it needs extremely ripe consciouses, what Ashatavakra had. What Ramanna Maharshi had. What Lao Tse had. What Jesus had. Look at the Jesus. A simple shepheard with love is ruling the half of the humanity for any reason possible whatsoever. Knowledge can simply bypass all these practices. There are lots and lots of practical things to know in yoga. But all these are one side and knowledge is one side. Knowledge is the final resultant of doing all the pranayam and asan. That's why Ashtavakra starts with samadhi. He doesn't bother much about pranayam and all. Infact he doesn't bother at all. Definitely he must be a high class saint. He starts from where it ends and ends there only.
Breath is the most vital thing. Infact, whole of Yoga system is laid on the breath. Even is Aasan concentration is upon breath. Asan is not just a physical posture as it appears. Which whole of the west understands. Different physical posture channelize the Pran in different directions. That's what is the purpose of Aasan. For example "Paschimmotansan" channelizes the pran into naval centre. There are some 8 millions number of asans Lord shiva has taugt. Shiva is the greatest yogi. All the knowledge about yoga comes from him. So, before practicing yoga we must pay our reverance to Lord Shiva. But I guess you cant do 8 millions asaans. There are asans on the name of almost every animal. Few asanas can be done is - Siddhasan, Padmasan, Paschimottanasan, Dhanuransan, Bhujangasan, Chakrasan, Sheershasan, Sarvangasan etc. Asan should help in Pranayaam.
But remember these are practical things. These aid in attaining the truth but truth has nothing to do with it. This is tricky. If by doing pranayam only we get the truth then Pranayam is greater than truth. Then pranayaam is encircling the truth. Truth simply knows no boundaries. So, it's not that without doing pranayam you cant attain truth. You can attain(provided you've lost, you cant attain something which you havn't lost, which you just think is lost for some stupid reason), but again it needs extremely ripe consciouses, what Ashatavakra had. What Ramanna Maharshi had. What Lao Tse had. What Jesus had. Look at the Jesus. A simple shepheard with love is ruling the half of the humanity for any reason possible whatsoever. Knowledge can simply bypass all these practices. There are lots and lots of practical things to know in yoga. But all these are one side and knowledge is one side. Knowledge is the final resultant of doing all the pranayam and asan. That's why Ashtavakra starts with samadhi. He doesn't bother much about pranayam and all. Infact he doesn't bother at all. Definitely he must be a high class saint. He starts from where it ends and ends there only.
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