Since, very beginning the humanity is trying to find how the universe was created and how big it is? And if created then why? What is the purpose behind it? Lots of scientist are spending their whole life to understand big bang, black holes etc. Making hardon collider to simulate it. But, unfortunately these scientists don't know the very nature of the existence. I myself am a student of science. I agree that one day science can find everything, every possible cause but except one thing - that's the existence itself. Except existence science can know everything. Science will never know the cause of the existence. No possibility. It's just there. No matter how intelligent scientists are working to find it. If billions of scientists trillion times more intelligent than Einstien are working to find the cause of existence for trillions of years still they will never know even the small trace of the existence. Only thing they can know is that it's causeless. Existence is causeless. Except existence everything has a cause. That science will find out. If earth exists it has cause - the Sun. If the Sun exists it has a cause - the galaxy. If galaxies exist it has a cause - the clusters. If clusters exist it has a cause - the cluster of clusters and so on... The phrase "so on..." is very important. It's approaching to infinite. So, the universe is actually infinite. Scientists say the size of the universe is the length travelled by the light since big bang till today. This is full bullshhhhh-it. A holy bullshhhhh-it. The length of the universe has to be infinite. If it is finite then what is there just after where universe ends? No space there? There is. Our consciousness may not go there but it exists. Yes there is a practical limit of the universe. And that's the distance travelled by the light since big bang happened.
One thing I can certainly state - Something like big bang had definitely hap pend - an explosion. A massive explosion in a random manner. If you look at the formation of the earth it's random. Random, rocks, random stones, random sands random lands. I don't see an symmetry in the mountains. It looks like it was broken, it was exploded. Otherwise you would see the symmetry everywhere. So, definitely the earth is created out of an explosion. Only an explosion can create such a random terrain. But if you look at the atoms and molecules it's very symmetrical. Anything symmetrical was created in a planned manner. Electrons move in a symmetric path. Therefore it's planned. Someone planned it. But the rocks are random. So, it came out of explosion. But the atoms within the rocks are symmetrical. So, someone planned. Planned thing will be symmetrical. Unplanned thing will be explosive. But again solar system looks symmetrical. So, there is a possibility that a random explosion can create symmetrical systems - such as solar system. So, it's certain that some explosion had definitely happened. But, can an explosion create anything useful? Lol. Ususally, explosions are always disastrous. So, big bang explosion was useful? Think on it...
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