There is not much difference between problems and solutions. In fact no difference. Problems and solutions are not sequential phenomena. They are parallel. They exist simultaneously. Solution always exists. You may not know that. But it exists. So from existence point of view, both exist in parallel. And since, solution eradicate the problems so none of them exist. A problem is a problem as long as it has a solution. If a problem has no solution then it's a fact. Else you would have wrongly formulated the problem.
Our mind's processing is sequential. So you see the problem first then the solution. If your mind start processing parallelly you'd see them parallely. Both will disappear. Which happens in meditation. No problem can exist eternally. It may take you some time to find the solution. That's our limitation.
A problem doesn't know whether it exists or not. We formulate the problem. We identify the problem. We create problems first. We created Fermat's conjcture which remained unsolved for almost 300 years. But solution was alway there. It's our limitation that we came know the solution after 300 years. What if the Fermat's conjecture was not discovered? Nothing would have happend much. No matter how many problems you solve, nothing changes at substratum level of the universe. Becuase at that level problem is non-existent. All problems are created by human. But human is driven by mind. Mind is driven by consciouness. Consciousness is driven by BRAHMAN. BRAHMAN further manifests into consciouness. So, there is a cycle. Every problem has a root origin. Origin could be anywhere across the cycle. The problem you formulate falls in your domain of calculation. Domain could be anything. Depending on your mental state. Say mathematics. Let say you formulate a problem in Number theory. Take any NP-hard problem. Now that NP-hard problem is our creation. Becaue they do not seem to follow certain principles which we have created. A problem, no matter how hard it is doesn't disturb the equillibrium of the universe. Becaue if at all, it had to disturb, it would have distrubed it by now. There is no fundamental problem. There are fundamental facts. It's extremely difficut to create an absolute problem. The problems you see falls in your domain of existence. We have some understanding, some perception of the nature. Since our perception is faulty and incompete it creates problems. For example, all problems in mathemtics are loop-holes of mathematics. Mathematics has stopped progressing. Our basic mathmatics principle are not able to decribe the nature. We need more advanded mathematics to model the universe. That's why I say - problems show our inability. It's not that nature is creating problems for us.
Secondly, sometimes it may so happen that you are not able to get your desired solution. In that case accept the problem as it is. Then it will become a fact. You can solve any problem just by accepting the problem. Solution is another name of acceptance of problem. However, I do not encourage people to practice this at first place. Because, the problem you created was your demand. Fight with the problem. You are not yet ready to accept the problem. Had it been so, you would have probably not created the problem. Sometimes, problems will come to you even if you have not created it. Someone else will impose problems on you. Now this is what is the practicality. Then you act according to your mental status. I do not encourage people to apply fundamental principle in the daily practical life unless you really really intended to do that. Because, your practical life is much grosser than the subtlest level of existence - BRAHMAN.
To summarize - "The problem is only in the mind of the beholder. All the problems are loop-holes of our knowledge system. Root of the nature doesn't impose problems to us. The problems we discover doesn't disturb the root of the nature"