Thursday, January 31, 2008

Problems and Solutions

There is not much difference between problems and solutions. In fact no difference. Problems and solutions are not sequential phenomena. They are parallel. They exist simultaneously. Solution always exists. You may not know that. But it exists. So from existence point of view, both exist in parallel. And since, solution eradicate the problems so none of them exist. A problem is a problem as long as it has a solution. If a problem has no solution then it's a fact. Else you would have wrongly formulated the problem.

Our mind's processing is sequential. So you see the problem first then the solution. If your mind start processing parallelly you'd see them parallely. Both will disappear. Which happens in meditation. No problem can exist eternally. It may take you some time to find the solution. That's our limitation.
A problem doesn't know whether it exists or not. We formulate the problem. We identify the problem. We create problems first. We created Fermat's conjcture which remained unsolved for almost 300 years. But solution was alway there. It's our limitation that we came know the solution after 300 years. What if the Fermat's conjecture was not discovered? Nothing would have happend much. No matter how many problems you solve, nothing changes at substratum level of the universe. Becuase at that level problem is non-existent. All problems are created by human. But human is driven by mind. Mind is driven by consciouness. Consciousness is driven by BRAHMAN. BRAHMAN further manifests into consciouness. So, there is a cycle. Every problem has a root origin. Origin could be anywhere across the cycle. The problem you formulate falls in your domain of calculation. Domain could be anything. Depending on your mental state. Say mathematics. Let say you formulate a problem in Number theory. Take any NP-hard problem. Now that NP-hard problem is our creation. Becaue they do not seem to follow certain principles which we have created. A problem, no matter how hard it is doesn't disturb the equillibrium of the universe. Becaue if at all, it had to disturb, it would have distrubed it by now. There is no fundamental problem. There are fundamental facts. It's extremely difficut to create an absolute problem. The problems you see falls in your domain of existence. We have some understanding, some perception of the nature. Since our perception is faulty and incompete it creates problems. For example, all problems in mathemtics are loop-holes of mathematics. Mathematics has stopped progressing. Our basic mathmatics principle are not able to decribe the nature. We need more advanded mathematics to model the universe. That's why I say - problems show our inability. It's not that nature is creating problems for us.
Secondly, sometimes it may so happen that you are not able to get your desired solution. In that case accept the problem as it is. Then it will become a fact. You can solve any problem just by accepting the problem. Solution is another name of acceptance of problem. However, I do not encourage people to practice this at first place. Because, the problem you created was your demand. Fight with the problem. You are not yet ready to accept the problem. Had it been so, you would have probably not created the problem. Sometimes, problems will come to you even if you have not created it. Someone else will impose problems on you. Now this is what is the practicality. Then you act according to your mental status. I do not encourage people to apply fundamental principle in the daily practical life unless you really really intended to do that. Because, your practical life is much grosser than the subtlest level of existence - BRAHMAN.
To summarize - "The problem is only in the mind of the beholder. All the problems are loop-holes of our knowledge system. Root of the nature doesn't impose problems to us. The problems we discover doesn't disturb the root of the nature"

Monday, January 28, 2008


We think that contradiction is a bad word. And we always tries to avoid it. But no. I do not consider "contradiction" as a bad word. Contradiction is also a part of totality. Sometimes, it does appears to be contradictory to intellect. But the more you go deeper into that contradiction you will find them as complementary reality. At root level of existence contradictions are complimentary. If one disappears others also disappears. For example - there cannot be a positive number if there is no negative number, god and bad contradicts - but good cannot exit without bad. If there was no Adolf Hitler forget about Stalin, if there was no British rule in India then forget about Mahatma Gandhi. Contradiction is just a part of totality. Some people do not like contradiction. They always like to be consistent through out their life. But they miss the totality. The great is one who is beyond consistency and contradictions. They walk on the cutting edge. Neither this side nor that side - in between. Those who are consistent, they are bounded to be consistent. Life of consistency is like - "कोल्हु का बैल". Contradiction is the matter of intellect. It's not the reality. If you meditate on contradiction it will disappear. Only pure existence will remain. When the Universe started that time there was nothing, no contradictions, so how can contradiction exist now? Because universe at the root level is still same as it was when it started. That doesn't change. As the consciousness manifest grosser more and more contradictions arise. But they keep on compensating other aspect i.e. consistency. A wise man will see contradiction and consistency as a floating reality over the non-changing substratum of the universe. It's like this - Say a disk is moving in a pure circular motion. Everything moves except the center of the disc. Everything cannot move. One thing has to be immovable in some absolute reference frame. Everything moves around that. It's impossible to have a perfect circle with no center. I am excluding Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This is the most stupid principle the world has ever seen. Heisenberg uncertainty principle is nothing but human inability. A day will surely come when Heisenberg uncertainty principle will be discarded. Also stated by Einstein.
So friends, love to accept contradictions :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

New posts

I don't want to flood this blog with posts. I cannot write much. Whatever I wanted, I wrote. There is nothing much to write. It's really difficult to write something totally new and interesting. Whatever you write, is kind of repetition of your previous posts. You cannot write totally new. In your next post you change few words, few lines, that's it. You add-subtract from previous post. You try to create a new post, but you cannot. Your each post will have some connection with previous posts. You next post is the linear combination of previous posts. Lol. I really find it difficult to write about something absolutely new. Things do change at surface level. But root level it doesn't change.
Write in a way that there is no scope of further writing on that subject matter. When you write next post, that means previous post was incomplete. You wanted to say something in the previous post, but for some reason you could not say. So, the next post. And it continues...but how long? Whatever starts has an end. You keep on writing writing...because you see many things happening around you. That is because your center of observation is in the object itself. You act like an object totally forgetting your constant nature. Object changes. But you cannot change. If you separate yourself from the object and you observe at a distance you'd find same thing is happening around. I had covered this aspect in my observer post. Talking too much about truth will be repetitive.
If you think from existence point of view. I exist. That's it. Story ends here. Existence is the purest phenomena. But we keep on contaminating that pure existence. We keep on adding - I am this, I am that, I am son, bro, engineer, CEO, poet etc. These contaminate your existence. However, these might bring you some temporal benefit. Nothing more can be done than your existence. Nothing extra is needed also. Whatever has happend is enough. You got a lot. The Best thing you can do is to observe your existence. This I am talking from top level perspective. Practically, always keep on observing your breath. This you should understand. Because, breath is practical thing. Your existence may be causal to yourself, but breath is non-causal for you. So start with breath. And finally you'd reach to your existence.
This post doesn't mean that this blog is inactive :-)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Zero and Infinite

Zero is as vast as infinite. Don't think zero is smaller than infinite. Both are complementorily complete. Both exist in parallel. The zero you know is quantitative zero. Of course, quantitatively, zero is smaller than infinite. But, zero in it's absoluteness is equally vast as infinite. Absolute zero spawns up to infinite. Buddha selects zero. Upanishads select infinite. Ashtavakra select both. Mathematically, God is infinite and absolute zero both. Remember at infinity basic laws of arithmetic fails. If you add 1 in infinity result is still infinity. If you subtract 1 from infinite, result is still infinite. Also you cannot apply addition and subtraction in absolute zero. Because, absolute zero means nothing exist. So, you don't have number 1 to add it. Because, if 1 exist that means absolute zero doesn't exist. And if absolute zero exist, 1 cannot exist. Because there is not space/time for 1 to exist. Everything is spawned by absolute zero. So in either case you cannot apply basic arithmetic in absolute zero. Therefore at infinite and absolute zero laws of arithmetic fails. That's one example. Not only laws arithmetic, in fact nothing is applicable to infinite and absolute zero. You need at least 2 things to apply any laws. Infinity and absolute are example of oneness. One and only one can exist. Trust me. There is not much space in this universe to accommodate two different things. Only one and only one thing exist - BRAHMAN. And nothing else exist.
The world you see is the projection of BRAHMAN. It's a shadow. The world you see has practical importance. It has nothing to do with the absolute. The Sun rises in the east. The Horse eat grass. These are practical knowledge. It has nothing to do with absoluteness. BRAHMAN is absolutely silent irrespective of what does the horse do with the grass.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


We all are humans. Biologically we are. I find "survival of the fittest" is very fundamental theory. However, this theory doesn't guarantee to generate a society full of love. We do not want a great human, we want great humanity. Love is the basis of stable humanity. Without love no society can survive longer. Look at the debacle of Romans. So far we have not witnessed peace. In last 5000 years we fought almost 15,000 times. That includes major recorded war. If you count war in homes that will be even more. That shows the amount of hatred spread ed in our society. We do only two things. Either we fight or we do preparation for the next fight - cold war. War or cold-war. That's what we have done so far.

As I said, we want great humanity not the great human. Remember our great human. Be it anyone. Due to them we fought a lot. I don't want to take their name. But know that so called great people are not always healthy for a better humanity. They create disparity out of their greatness. Great people might do some temporal benefit to the society. We must appreciate that. But then their greatness creates so much disparity that we start fighting. Because, there are many great man. They have many followers. Followers of two different great men are enemies. Which can cause war sometimes. And if war happens all the benefit done by great people are destroyed. People like good people. People do not like very very very good people. You will hate extraordinarily good people. Trust me. To justify this - person like Jesus was crucified, Socrates was poisoned. People threw stones at Buddha and Mahavira. If you can throw stones at Buddha, to whome will you love then? Trust me, people do not like extraordinarily good people. if you have some bad qualities people will like you. Because, then you become compatible with other rest of other people. Society always tries to maintain the state of equllibriam. Your extraordinary good qualities disturbs that equilibrium. People get frightened with that. But still if you want to inculcate extraordinary good qualities, then keep that for you only. Do not spread. Keep it with you. You might not know, there are many saints far much greater than known great saints. We know only those saints which are mentioned in the books. There are many other great saints also. They did not come forward. They never wanted to disturb the entropy of the society. So they did not came to society. We have no idea about them. It happend to Buddha also. After he got enlightened, he remained silent for many days. He never wanted to speak at public places. He wanted to keep the knowledge with him only. But later many gods persuaded him to speak. So He spoke. This applies in science also. That's why I say we do not need great human we need great humanity.

Secondly, no matter how great you are, there will be always some people to criticize you. That's due to survival of fittest. Therefore you should not raise your status far above than the average. Great people create huge deviation in the society. Although they teach love and non-disparity but unknowingly they create huge disparity.

Humanity is made up of average people. Normal people. But whenever a great person come that equilibrium is disturbed. So you'll find great war happens in the time of great great people. May be after they died. Because after they die, lots of minor sects are created. And they start fighting. Mind you, I am not criticizing great people. I am just looking their long-term effect on humanity.

We should cultivate love. Without love we will be fighting like ever. Least disparity and maximum love is the sign of healthy humanity.

Friday, January 18, 2008


I cannot tell you what is that. Even if I tell you wont get it. No one told that before. No one heard that before. But everyone talks about that. Brahman - is the final ultimate reality in Hinduism. One who knows Brahman knows everything. One who doesn't know Brahman knows nothing. In that case you just have some fractional perception of this universe. Some idea. That's it. What you all have is an idea of this world. A mindset. You have no idea who you are? From where have you came? Where do you go? By applying the ultimate concept of Brahman it doesn't seem to be problematic thoough. Even problem itself is part of Brahman. Everything emanate from same Brahman. Do not slot. Let the things be connected. Don't say this is mine, that is yours. If you say so you are trying to divide which is non-divisible. Brahman is both manifested and non-manifested. The universe you see is floating in the Brahman. Just like a boat float on the vast ocean. Brahman was always there. It will be always there. Keep one thing in mind. You cannot understand Brahman by reading texts. Never. However, reading text will motivate you.
Just for the sake of better understanding we devide Brahman in two part. Atman and Parmatman. It's not that Atman is different from Brahman. Atman is Jiva. What you call is soul. Jiva desire to be merged with Parmatman i.e Brahman. This is called - Athato Brahm Jigyasa.
This is the first step. Jigyasa is the key. If you have no quest, forget about it. No harm. Actually it doesn't matter whether you aspire to be Brahman or not. But it does matter practically. We live in the practical world. Not in the idle world. Which is insigificant when viewed from broader perspective. That's why I say all are good. For example...I actually do not see much difference between Buddha and Anand. On the root level they both are same. The difference you see is the difference of practicality. Practically they are different. Buddha may have more love in him. But same Brahman is indwelling in both in different form. And Buddha knew it. Same brahman is fully active in Buddha. But the same Brahman is slightly dormant in Anand. Brahman manifest himself in the different form. Same Brahman sometimes manifest as stone sometimes as flowers. Difficult to understand by the intellect. Isn't it.
You can understand everything if you look from Brahaman perspective. The other practical thing is you have to drop your ego to see the real picture of Brahman. Lets understand this by this example. There is only one chair in the room. And there are two person. Person A, person B.
Person A is little bit egoistic and person B is gentleman. Now whats gonna happen. When person A is sitting on the chair, B cannot sit on the chair. Person B is so saintly, that he wants to sit on the chair if and only if person A let him sit. Now replace person A by you and person B by Brahman. That's the case with you. You don't' let Brahman to descend on you. Your ego comes in between you and Brahman. And Brahman is extremely silent. He wont disturb you. He wont abuse you back if you abuse him. The glory of Brahman is non-describable.
Rig veda confirms that Brahman is the highest God in the hinduism. However, some other sect who worship God with manly form keeps the status of Brahman slightly lower than their diety. Brahman is so glorious that it doesn't matter to him at what position you keep him. Brahman is attribute less. You say Brahman is highest god or lowest god, its all same for Brahman. So, those sect who keep the status of Brahman slightly lower than their diety is also part of Brahman itself. Hence ok. No offence.
More later...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On My 27th Bday

Almost 5 year after his parents marriage a boy took a birth on the 16th January 1981, 12:52 pm at Sultanganj. The boy is me :). Today is my bday. 27 years went like a flash. Will do some party with friends. Thank you everyone for your wishes :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Girl - Part 2

How to define a girl? What is a girl? A girl is nothing but full of compassion. Girl's biggest ornament is her shyness. If a girl is not a shy she is not a girl. She is something else. Every female is not a girl. The modern girls do not shy. The reason is they try to act like boys. They wear like boys, they speak like boys, they think like boys and the behave like boys. There is not harm in that. But they lose female personality being a female. Neither they can't achieve total 100% male personality. So their personality is mixture of male and female personality. Girls in villages are still maintaining their female personality. Far better than city girls. City girls are mixture of male and female personality. That's why they don't land anywhere. This is due to ongoing rat-race to raise their social status. Which is perfectly okay keeping a note that they had been treated unequally.
In India, where we worship goddess Durga as the goddess of power, there females are treated so unequally. What a hypocritical civilization. I don't need to give examples to make this post more interesting. Anyway just to add it, why did Ram question Sita's character when both Ram and Sita were separated from each other? If Sita can be questioned then Ram can be also questioned in a similar manner. No, it's not my bias towards Sita because Sita was a maithil girl. This was not expected from Maryada Purushottam Ram. That's the typical example of male dominant society. Ram may not be Maryada Purushottam but Sita was definitely Nariottam. Nariottam means the best among females. Infact, I do not like the character of Ram. Ram is bounded by Maryada. He is not free. He has to meet social expectation. That's why Ramavtar is not considered as a complete avtar. Krishnavtar is called purna avtar. In him Brahman descended in it's totality. That's why you will find krishna is not much worried of social obligations. He will steal curd, butter. He will break promises. He will run-away from battlefield. He will marry almost 16000 girls. He will steal bathing girl's clothes. Many things. But, Ram cannot behave like that. He is bounded of Maryada.
Girls most favourite word is "No". Sometimes big a "Nooooooo...". They need to stop being dependent. There do exist fundamental problems with them. At least boys can go to forest and meditate. So far, no female ever went to Himalayas to meditate. They can't go. They think many things are happening. Although nothing is happening. They are brought-up with the mindset that "all boys are bad, don't talk to them". Boys are brought up with mindset that "Follow brahmcharya, do not even look at the girl until you marry". This happens in India. And this prevents love to sprout between them. The so called bf-gf you see in the shopping malls is just slightly more than the carnal attraction. Love is dormant there. Unless humanity learn how to love each other we would never have peace. Like so far we have not witnessed peace. At least I did not. Either we fight, or we do preparation for the next fight.
Those sages who incorporated Brahmcharya in vedic society could not imagine what's gonna happen in 20th century. I do believe the real meaning of brahmcharya is totally contaminated. Brahmcharya literally means whose action is like Brahm. It has nothing to do with a girl. However it does boils down to that to some extent. But not fundamentally. Fundamentally, one who is firmly established in brahman is the real brahmchari. And that he can do irrespective of how many gf's he has. Krishna is one example.
Our education should not impart us mathematical forum ale, equations rather should prepare us to cultivate the love.
Great love cannot happen in the same gender. You would never find two great female friends. Impossible. They can be good friend. A very good friend. But not a great friend. It has to has to in the opposite gender. The advantage they have is they are so close to divine. Their curiosity is like a child. Look at Gargi. Only a child can ask such question to Yagyawalak. The behaviour wise there is not much difference between girls and children. Both are delicate. Both are innocent. So, they should be protected.