Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Book of Mirdad - Chapter 1

Decided to write a commentary on "The Book of Mirdad". Osho Rajneesh has rated this book as no. 1 book. And when Osho says there must be something in it. The book is really a book of big words and big meanings. The book which speaks off the relationship of blood and flesh with the space and time. My aim is not to create a literature out of this commentary. My aim is not to make you more knowledgeable. My simple aim is to look at the book the way I see it. Here it goes...

Thus, Mirdad unveils himself to unveil you. There are class of people who would not unveil themselves unless someone unveils them. Mirdad says your eyes and your ears which itself are veil, how can they show the path of enlightenment. Mirdad himself is very surprised that eye can only veil, but cannot pierce the veil. But his surprise is natural. This is the game of nature that for an individual will not be very easy to understand. And perhaps he will never understand. According to me, eyes should always unveil. I also just don't understand why do eyes always veil and the purpose behind. However, Mirdad shows a way to unveil. That's fine. The way is fine. Sooner or later you will find. But the very question is still open - Why do eyes veil? And this is the point almost every so-called enlightened being has missed out. I do not favor individual enlightenment. I support mass enlightenment. Mass enlightenment is something which has never happened in the history of human civilization. Only one Jesus and rest all followers. Only 1 Buddha, 1 Bodhidharma. It's not enough. One Buddha cannot do much. Unless each and every person on the earth will become Buddha the question will remain open. And perhaps they knew it. If you allow me the freedom of speech and syllables - according to me - Each and every person should start meditating and keep meditating forever leaving everything onto the nature. And everybody should get released from clasp of known time and space continuum.

Mirdad is pointing to a different kind of eye that is needed to pierce the veil. He is saying first correct your eyes, because your eyes itself is a veil. Basically, he is saying to correct yourself. Eyes speak more than the mouth. Look at the eyes of Osho. I have never seen eyes like him. What a calm, radiating eyes. Those eyes are not of this world. If you want to understand the person look into his eyes. His eyes will tell you what he is. He is right there in his eyes. He cannot deceive from eyes. Eyes are the most lively part of the body. These are practical matter, but in theory he is saying to change yourself. A change is needed. It's a must. Because, the man is almost sleep. Don't think just because you are not sleeping that means you are waking. Even when not sleeping you will be sleeping which you will never know unless awakened. Mirdad is demanding a change. And the change has to be at very fundamental layer. I am in complete accordance with him at this point. The first will be the man has to be awaken. He doesn't even know that he is waking. All his activity are in sleep, in deep deep sleep. By the time you will finish reading this line, that moment will drip into the eternity of the past. And so much of sleep-time is being dripped into the eternity of past every moment. How does the nature accommodate this? Only nature knows...

The change has to be applied to each and every person on the earth. Individual enlightenment is absolutely absurd to me. The humanity has to achieve it together. Not even a signal person should be escaped. That is the only and only possibility the humanity will be cheerful and contented. However, this possibility is a remote possibility. Because, it has never happened so far. Many have tried to achieve this possibility, but all have failed, utterly failed. And if they have failed, it's not their fault. Because, this is the very nature of the existence itself. You have a plan and the existence itself has it's own plan. And at many times these two plans contradict. Because you don't know the plan of the nature nor the nature knows your plan. At this point of existential contradiction the highest degree of intelligence suggests to just be an observer. Whatever happens you are just an observer. This will allow the whole of the existence to complete it's plan. The existence created you to fulfill it's purpose. Through you, the existence wants to achieve some goal. Whatever be the goal, that's immaterial. But you never allow the existence to complete it's plan. That's what your teachers have taught you. But, they can't be blamed about it, because they were taught by their teachers. And it's a big chain, a big viscous circle . That's why Osho says the world is mesh. He is absolutely right. The whole nonsense have been taught for centuries and centuries. And since it has been taught over the centuries it look like a truth now. If you keep lion in a cage for long time he will forget that he is a lion. In the beginning we were all lions, but now we are lame. The degradation is only possible, if elevated.

Not that you don't want to help others. Not that they didn't teach you to help others. They have tried their level best to teach you "so-called" good values. But those "so-called" values were incomplete. They have made you lame and asked you to help others. This may be the propaganda of society. Being lame no help can be done, so it creates guilt. Even if you want to help other, you would do disaster to him/her. That's why Mirdad says your world is a baffling riddle, it is because you are that baffling riddle.

To be continued...



a good book.reading this book is just like listening a pleasant song.rading this book just like a leaf floating ona water.osho had given good feedback to know what the book really it is.


a good book.reading this book is just like listening a pleasant song.rading this book just like a leaf floating ona water.osho had given good feedback to know what the book really it is.