Where are we drifting...? It is a journey without any destination. There appears to be no destination. Only journey exists. A travel... a march... a voyage. No voyage ever ended. If journey was started then it has to end. But it appears to be an eternal journey which will never end. If it had to ended then it would have ended. And since it didn't end that means it will never end. So much time has elapsed. Travel in time in the backward direction. Go back in the history. Infinite years of history exist behind us. And infinite years of future is ahead of us. And between this two extremal only present exists. Perhaps, the only thing which ever existed was this very present moment. Present is nothing but the transcended form of past and future. When both past and future are transcended, the present persists. We do so many things. So many things we did. For what? To attain the stability. The moment you do something, you essentially try to nullify the cause of that work. This is tricky. Extremely tricky. The very nature of any kind of work is to nullify it's existence. Because the very core of the existence is void. Therefore, all our activity drifts towards the nullification of the existence. Any task or work tries to nullify it's cause. So, the whole humanity, infact the whole universe drifts towards the void. We may not observe it casually. But when you think calmly you would see it. Let me put few examples to support this fact. When I eat, that means I am nullifying the cause which had forced me to eat. So, after I eat that cause doesn't exist anymore. That was the purpose of eating. By eating I simply nullified the cause which had forced me to eat. It universally applies everywhere. We read so that we don't have to read that again. And this process is done best by love. Because love is an expression of heart. Heart doesn't know any mathematics. Mind knows mathematics. Then it will start calculating. And moment you calculate you cannot nullify the cause. The easiest way to nullify the cause is to transcend it. And nothing can transcend better than love. Therefore love has to be transcendental. Only a pure transcendental love can nullify the cause of existence and merge with truth. Mind cannot transcend. Because, it will be trapped in calculations. So, your love should be of very high order. Like Romeo and Juliet.
The reason why most of love marriage breaks is the absence of pure love. Love marriage will blossom only when they have pure love. Love marriage is a beautiful thing. But make sure you love him/her like anything. You can cross all the boundaries for him/her. In order to get him/her you are ready to even die. That much degree of love is required. You should cross the mountains, rivers, desserts for her. The other parameter of love is the sacrifice with no expected returns. Love her unconditionally. However, it doesn't seem feasible in today's world where everybody knows the language of RoL. Lol.
The reason why most of love marriage breaks is the absence of pure love. Love marriage will blossom only when they have pure love. Love marriage is a beautiful thing. But make sure you love him/her like anything. You can cross all the boundaries for him/her. In order to get him/her you are ready to even die. That much degree of love is required. You should cross the mountains, rivers, desserts for her. The other parameter of love is the sacrifice with no expected returns. Love her unconditionally. However, it doesn't seem feasible in today's world where everybody knows the language of RoL. Lol.