The game started with 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. e3 Nf6. I don't know the name of this line. I think 6. b3 would had been better than 6. Nf3 coz this will keep pawns on c4 d4 squares. The another mistake was had to play 11. Re1 instead of 11. e4. and then 12. e4. Perhaps a better line. Could not again appreciable advantage in the middle game. However, I did like queen's pawn opening.
Click here to follow the game
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
ज्ञान शब्द को हमने ठीक से नही समझा है। ज्ञान का आनुभौतिक अर्थ है मुक्ति। किताबों मे जो ज्ञान हैं वो ज्ञान नही हैं वो सूचनाएँ हैं। वो ज्ञान के बारे मे सूचनाएँ हैं। मुझे आश्चर्य है की ज्ञान को प्राप्त करने के लिए अरबों खरबों प्रकार की पुस्तकें लिखी गईं। ज्ञान की काफ़ी गहराई मे अज्ञान ही बचता है। हम ज्ञान को पकर लेते हैं। और आजीवन परके रहते हैं। ज्ञान यही कहता है की मुझे पकरो नही। मुक्त रहो। ज्ञान अपने जगह पर है, हम अपने जगह पर हैं। लेकिन कभी कभी हम अपनी अभिव्यक्ति ज्ञान के ऊपर रख देते हैं। इतना ही नही हम यह सोचने लगते हैं की हम ही ज्ञान हैं। ज्ञान सिर्फ़ इतना कहता है की मुझे जानो और छोरो। पकरो नही। समाज मे जब जब अज्ञानी लोगों की संख्या बढती है तो उस समाज मे पुस्तकों की संक्या बढ़ जाती है। पहले तो हम यह समझे की हम सही मे अज्ञानी हैं। हम अज्ञानी हुए कब? हमने कभी कुछ ऐसा तो किया नही की हमारा अज्ञान बढे। हो वही रहा है, हम अज्ञानी नही हैं पर हमने मान लिया है की हम अज्ञानी हैं। अज्ञान मान्यता का है, सत्य नही है। बस मान्यता गिर जाए तो उसी समय अज्ञान ज्ञान हो जाता हैं। किताब पढ़ के जादा कुछ होता नही है, सिर्फ़ हमारी मान्यताएं ही गिरती हैं। और कभी कभी अज्ञान जिसको हमने ज्ञान मन लिया है वो वास्तविक ज्ञान को होने से रोक देता है। ज्ञान ज्ञान को रोक देता है। अज्ञान ज्ञान को रोक देता है। ज्ञान कुछ भी हो उसका मूल अर्थ इतना ही है की ज्ञान अपने जगह पर है। हम अपने जगह पर हैं। हम मे और ज्ञान मे जादा कुछ लेना देना नही है। बस साक्षी भाव का sambandh है। हम ज्ञान के प्रति साक्षी हैं। ज्ञान अपने जगह पे, हम अपने जगह पे और हम ज्ञान के प्रति साक्षी हैं। हम ज्ञान नही हैं। हमें ज्ञान को पकरना नही है। हम जीवन भर उस ज्ञान को पकरते हैं। और जीवन के अन्तिम क्षणों मे हमारा वोही ज्ञान हमारे किसी काम नही आता। सारे ज्ञान विदा हो जाते हैं। विदा की बात तो तब जब हमने उस ज्ञान को पकरा हो। इसलिए हमें दुःख होता है। क्योंकि सारा जीवन तो हमने उस ज्ञान को पकर के बिताया। इसलिए अगर हम ज्ञान को पकरे नही तो ज्ञान के विदा होने का प्रश्न ही नही है। फिर जीवन सुखमय होगा। बस इतना ध्यान रखना की "हम ज्ञान को पकरे नही" यह भी एक प्रकार का ज्ञान है और इसे मत पकर लेना।
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Except truth everything change. We changed. So many things changed and still changing...The only thing which never changed is the truth. So change happens only when we are not in truth. That means anything which changes is false. Because, it's changing. It's not stable. Only unstable thing change. That's why I say, "At the change transcend". Simply transcend the change. And the moment you transcend the change you are with truth. Because that change is transcended now. Whenever we change that means previous state was not stable. Something was bugging in the previous state. Something unholy was there in the previous state. So, we move to the next state, then to the next and it continues...till the last breath of the life. So, whole life we move from one state to another state to another...but still in spite of so much of change one thing never changed through out the life. That's you! You never changed. Self doesn't know any change. But unfortunately we never realize our true self. So many things we learnt, but never our self. We have absolutely no idea from where we've come, what are we doing and where we will go. Remain unchanged amidst of all the changes. That's what is the fundamental meaning of change.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Back to Bangalore
Yesterday's journey was memorable. My brother had booked the flight for me from Kolkata to Bangalore which he said is scheduled at 7:30 pm. Due to hectic schedule at Jamshedpur, I couldn't take the printout of the e-ticket. So, decided to take the printout on the day of the journey itself that is yesterday in Kolkata. I caught steel express and reached Howrah at 11:00am. Then I went to a cyber cafe to take the printout of e-ticket. And lo! the flight was at 7:30 am instead. That time I remembered God for a moment. I think God does play dice. My brother wrongly understood that flight is in evening 7:30 pm. That time I had two luggage in my hand and no tickets at Howrah station. I decided to go to the airport quickly. Fortunately, got an Indigo flight scheduled at 4:50 pm via Hyderabad. I reached Bangalore airport at 8:45pm. Then way back to home by bus. I reached my home earlier than if flight were not missed.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Blogging frequency
I am not a blogger. But, I just write few words. I know my blogging frequency has decreased and it will possibly continue to decrease for a while say 10 days as I am out of station. My intention is not to create a blog on the every aspect of life. Only thing I know is the truth. Except truth, I don't know anything. I wrote few posts on truth. But that was nothing as compared to truth. I can't write truth, I can only write about the truth.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The origin of terrorism
The recent terror attack in Mumbai was heart wrenching. So many people died. It can happen with anyone, anywhere :-(
I was thinking on the origin of terrorism. One of the most important reason I see is the advent of hardcore fundamentalists who lack love. There is no love at all in our society. Because, we are not taught to love. Charity might begins at home but terrorism definitely begins from home. Terrorism is the outcome of wrong education. Wrong education is the outcome of the advent of so many religions. Humanity cannot sustain too many religions. Now, the time has come to converge all these religion into the religion of humanity. I call it - "Convergence of the Religions". Which anyway gonna happen some time later - I'm sure about it. And the basis of that religion should be love. Love is the only way to unite humanity. Except love there is no practical way out. Except otherwise everybody has the level of understandings of what Buddha had, what Jesus had, what Lao-Tso had. Which unfortunately is highly improbable.
The most disgusting situation is when we think something is right which is actually wrong. And when we think something is wrong which is actually right. Some of things we have learn t in the exactly opposite manner. That's why conflict arise. Those terrorist believe on something which we don't believe. If we (we + those terrorist) had same common education of love, such things would had not possible.
I was thinking on the origin of terrorism. One of the most important reason I see is the advent of hardcore fundamentalists who lack love. There is no love at all in our society. Because, we are not taught to love. Charity might begins at home but terrorism definitely begins from home. Terrorism is the outcome of wrong education. Wrong education is the outcome of the advent of so many religions. Humanity cannot sustain too many religions. Now, the time has come to converge all these religion into the religion of humanity. I call it - "Convergence of the Religions". Which anyway gonna happen some time later - I'm sure about it. And the basis of that religion should be love. Love is the only way to unite humanity. Except love there is no practical way out. Except otherwise everybody has the level of understandings of what Buddha had, what Jesus had, what Lao-Tso had. Which unfortunately is highly improbable.
The most disgusting situation is when we think something is right which is actually wrong. And when we think something is wrong which is actually right. Some of things we have learn t in the exactly opposite manner. That's why conflict arise. Those terrorist believe on something which we don't believe. If we (we + those terrorist) had same common education of love, such things would had not possible.
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