Today I played chess with NagaSkaki software. I won. Computer resigned on the 56th move :)
I took many move back. :( still learning...
Here is the PGN file of the game. You can also see the game on the chessboard here
[Event: " ChessGame"][Site: "Home"][Date: "2/27/2008"][White: "Shubh"][Black: "NagaSkaki 4.00"][Result: "1-0"]
1. d4 d52. e3 e63. Bd3 Bb4+4. Bd2 Bxd2+5. Nxd2 Qg56. Qf3 Qh67. Ne2 Nf68. e4 Nc69. a3 O-O10. Rd1 dxe411. Nxe4 Nd712. O-O Qh413. g3 Qh614. Rfe1 Re815. c3 Nf816. Nf4 Bd717. Nc5 e518. dxe5 Nxe519. Rxe5 Rxe520. Nxd7 Nxd721. Qxb7 Nb622. Qxc7 Qf623. b4 g524. Nh3 Re725. Qc5 g426. Nf4 Re527. Qd4 Rae828. Bf1 Qc629. Bg2 Qa430. Ra1 R5e731. Nh5 f532. Nf6+ Kf733. Nxe8 Qxe834. Bd5+ Kg635. a4 Re1+36. Rxe1 Qxe1+37. Kg2 Nxd538. Qxd5 Qxc339. Qe6+ Qf640. Qxf6+ Kxf641. h4 gxh3+42. Kxh3 Ke543. g4 f444. Kg2 Kd445. Kf3 Kc346. Kxf4 Kd447. g5 a648. f3 Kc449. Kf5 Kxb450. g6 hxg6+51. Kxg6 Kxa452. f4 Kb453. f5 Kc554. f6 Kd655. Kg7 Kc6
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Pleasant surprise
I had been posting only philosophical blogs. Now philosophy apart. Time for fun.
It so happend that I was working late night in the office on a pleasant friday. By late I mean from 6:30PM on wards. Lol. Friday is the best day of the week. Because it gives you feeling that today week is gonna end. And Sunday is the worst day. Because it give feeling that tomorrow again week will start. Only satruday is the real cool day. You can sleep. Hug. Kiss. Lol.
So, for some reason I was working late. On friday, people tend to leave early. But I had some debug one my disposal. In the next cube there sits a girl. The girl has recently come to my next cubicle due to reshuffling of cubicles. Apperantly, no body was there on that flour. Her friend (also a girl) came and they started talking assuming nobody is there on the floor. But, I was there in the next cubicle. I was inadvertently listening. I cant close my ears. Lol. Perhapes they did not notice it. Initially, they started talking about some junk project stuff. Then they switched suddenly to boys. For no reason. One girl said "Yaar, I want a boy friend yaar". I was pleasantly surprised. Never heard a gurl saying like this. Other girl said "Arre, You are saying...You can get anyone..why did you reject them". That was a real surprise for me. Although, I was aware that girls like boys but somehow they don't show off :) This clarified my many doubts. Lol :))
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mind is not always helpful. It has to be dropped. I never wanted this much intelligence. I wanted billionth fraction of my current ingelligency. Now it's like a burden in the head. You have to drop to the extent that you have nothing else to drop. Mind is so treacherous that it can act like a heart. Mind is the supreme controller of the body. Buddha dropped his mind. He went beyond mind. And after mind only existence remains. A pure silent existence. In the modern psychology, there is no scope after mind. Mind is the last. In the east, mind is not the last.Existence is the last.
Mind works on logic. And every logic has a counter logic which can negate the use of mind. Mind only knows the past. Your current mental status is the function of past. Mind is never in present. It's in either past or future. None of them exists. So mind doesn't exist. What's all there is just pure present existence. Nothing more can be done than the existence. Impossible. Nobody could do. Existence is the last game. There is nothing beyond this.
Heart is slightly better than mind. Heart is life. Heart is love. Better. Much better than the logic at least. Because logic is always incomplete. Both positive and negative number exist together. God and bad exist together. Both are part of existence. Actually, good is not good, bad is not bad. Good and bad are taking social parameters into account. To society certain things can be good or bad. But to absolute it makes no difference. And since our consciousness is not at the root level so mind becomes active. And once mind is active you will see the dualism. You will see difference. Huge difference. Such a big difference that even you mind is not capable of handing that. When you are at root, mind is inactive else its always active.Let me tell what happened with Buddha. Buddha did intense penance for 6 years. But nothing was happening. He used his mind. He applied many techniques. He started taking extremely low food intake. His body became like thin skeleton. Still no sign of divinity. He thought if I am the consciousness then why do I need food? But later he understood that the body has it's own demand. Finally he became tired. He sat under the Peepal tree in Bodhgaya. That time he had nothing else to do. Nothing. He had tried a lot. Nothing worked. Now his mind has nothing to work upon. Now there is no place for his mind. Remember mind always need something to work upon. That time Buddha's mind has nothing to work upon. So where will the mind will go? The mind will simply vanish. Only pure consciousness will remain. There Buddha's mind dropped and he became infinite. He remained in that super consciousness state for many days. Once can get inspiration from Buddha's life.Mind always need something to work. Because you are always working. You are always thinking. Society has made you a thinker. Buddha was an observer. He was not a thinker. Thinking is opposite of meditation. In thinking mind is active, in meditation mind is inactive.
Mind works on logic. And every logic has a counter logic which can negate the use of mind. Mind only knows the past. Your current mental status is the function of past. Mind is never in present. It's in either past or future. None of them exists. So mind doesn't exist. What's all there is just pure present existence. Nothing more can be done than the existence. Impossible. Nobody could do. Existence is the last game. There is nothing beyond this.
Heart is slightly better than mind. Heart is life. Heart is love. Better. Much better than the logic at least. Because logic is always incomplete. Both positive and negative number exist together. God and bad exist together. Both are part of existence. Actually, good is not good, bad is not bad. Good and bad are taking social parameters into account. To society certain things can be good or bad. But to absolute it makes no difference. And since our consciousness is not at the root level so mind becomes active. And once mind is active you will see the dualism. You will see difference. Huge difference. Such a big difference that even you mind is not capable of handing that. When you are at root, mind is inactive else its always active.Let me tell what happened with Buddha. Buddha did intense penance for 6 years. But nothing was happening. He used his mind. He applied many techniques. He started taking extremely low food intake. His body became like thin skeleton. Still no sign of divinity. He thought if I am the consciousness then why do I need food? But later he understood that the body has it's own demand. Finally he became tired. He sat under the Peepal tree in Bodhgaya. That time he had nothing else to do. Nothing. He had tried a lot. Nothing worked. Now his mind has nothing to work upon. Now there is no place for his mind. Remember mind always need something to work upon. That time Buddha's mind has nothing to work upon. So where will the mind will go? The mind will simply vanish. Only pure consciousness will remain. There Buddha's mind dropped and he became infinite. He remained in that super consciousness state for many days. Once can get inspiration from Buddha's life.Mind always need something to work. Because you are always working. You are always thinking. Society has made you a thinker. Buddha was an observer. He was not a thinker. Thinking is opposite of meditation. In thinking mind is active, in meditation mind is inactive.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Your Knowledge
This post is kind of continuation of previous post but with a different subtitle :)
Have you ever noticed, your knowledge put constraints on you. Your knowledge binds you. Generally, we think the more you know, the more good you are. I would say, the more you know the more polluted you are. You've stuffed your mind with external information. However, this might be necessary from the survival of fittest point of view. The survival of fittest is not the full story. It's just one aspect. There exist two things - beauty and logic. Society chooses logic. Buddha chooses beauty - Internal beauty. There exists being and body. Society chooses body. Buddha chooses being. In one of my previous post I said great people create disparity in the society. That' true. That's required. Someone has to show the total aspect of life to society. Society is blind. It doesn't bother to dive deep into consciousness. You get up, you open your eyes, you see this world, and you think that's what all it is. The world which is so important for you was the least important to Buddha. That's why he became Buddha. He became infinite. Society had been always in hurry. Always. Hurry up!. When you hurry you miss. Everyone is in hurry. The word "Hurry" gave so much disaster to society that even thousands of Osama cannot do that. The effect one word is enough to distract the entire human civilization. Aren't you always in hurry. You think time is moving faster. When you go office you are in hurry to reach time. I had a friend in KGP. He always used to go class on time. You can see his hurryness to catch 7:30am class. He will walk fast. He will eat fast. His face will be slightly tensed. As if something very very great thing gonna happen in the class. And when you reach to class, the professor start stuffing information in your brain. Basically, society had made you like that. It has not started today or yesterday. It's running from centuries. When you were in hurry going class did you listen the bird singing? Did you watch the morning nature's beauty? Did you see the morning dew glistering on the grass? Did you see the flowers blossoming? Did you feel the cool breeze touching your body? No you did not. You were in hurry going class. Again, it's not your fault. Society made you like that. Society forced you to do like that. Because that way society is making you part of their system. They are just making you cog in the wheel. Of course you get some benefit out of that. You get good grades by hurrying. But you will miss the beauty of nature. Beuty of nature is just a small part. Basically, you miss your being itself. You miss your existence itself. Society always attack on your existence. First they will force you to forget your existence. So, from totality point of view someone is 10 pointer or 6 pointer make no difference to toality. The 10 pointer guy always kept his head busy with books. The 6 pointer may be busy watching nature, watching movies, singing etc. Both are complementary. But to society complimentary things can be of different importance. To society 10 pointer guy can be more valuable. Because, he has followed what society wanted him to follow. He is an obidient slave. He didn't miss class. He was always on time in classes. But that 6 pointer guy missed many classes, was seldom on time but he watched the nature. He observed the being. He broke the rules of society. Then society will penalize you. Jesus was also penalized in the similar manner. They will give you low grade. GPA is given by society. Not by GOD. Infact, number is creation of society. God doesn't create numbers. He creates just pure existence. Society needs love. Love can bind people. Look at children. They don't know much. But they are happy. You know a lot, you are unhappy. Your knowledge increase your ego. I have seen many knowledgeous people. They know the things. But it's just mechanical. They know, but they dont feel. They have some perception of the nature. A perception made from periphery. Not from centre. They try to gather as much information as they can. They know bits and pieces of many things. But nothing in total. Whosoever said "Little knowledge is dangerous" was a genious. Your knowledge brings you a prejudice. It completely change your attitude. The problem is everyone thinks that I am the best knower. I like Japanease culture. In Jaapan, in a group of people everyone thinks that I am the least important here. But that everyone thinks. In India, everyone thinks, I am the most important here. That makes difference.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Not knowing
I know, that I know nothing – Socrates.
Not knowing, one knows, is best – Lao Tse.
Indeed very true statements. These two people are great philosopher. Lao Tse is the central figure of Tao. He was born old. 60 year old. He born with white beard. That shows his wisdom. He got sudden englightenment. He was sitting under a tree. A dry leaf fell out of the tree. Lao tse saw that and went into samadhi. He understood that life is nothing more than this dry leaf. One day this life will fall like this dry leaf. That was enough for him. It may not be enough for us. But it was enough for him. His consciousness was more mature. Was already at peak. We also see dry leaves but nothing happens to us. Because, our consciousness is dormant. We have tendency of neglecting the things. Postponing the things. So, it get acumulated. And one day it burst into infinite sorrow - death. Death is the biggest taboo in this world. It is made like that. I will talk on this some time later. We talk everything except death. The similar thing happened with Buddha also. He saw a diseased person, he became unhappy. He saw a corpse, he understood. We also saw some corpse, but we just neglect them assuming nothing gonna happen and everything will be fine as always :) People say be positive. But, this is half story. It should be - be positive without neglecting the reality.
See, everything has a context. We live in a practical world. The ideal world is different. Above two quotes are valid in the ideal world. If you apply them in the practical world, you would be in the trouble. Most of the people live in the practical world. Again there are reason behind this. I will cover this in future post. So you follow the rules of practical world. Above quotes are true in the ideal world. For example - If you need to appear for an interview, and there you say I know, that I know nothing. The word need is the key here. Think on it. You would be rejected at the first place. You are telling write but, you are telling at the wrong place - in an interview. So try to understand the context. Lao tse always lived in the ideal world. He can say that. But you cannot. You are part of a practical system. Lao tse was not part of any system. He created a system - Tao. In which others take part. He saw what he wanted to see. You are seeing what you are shown. He was a master, you are a slave. So your context is different than Lao Tse. So, don't copy Lao Tso in the practical world. You will be in sheer trouble.
I do not condemn any world - ideal or practical. Both world are contextually important. The moment you say I know something. That means your brain has gather some information. Some chemical reaction happened in your brain. Neurons adjusted themselves to hold that information. But how does it affect to totality? It doesn't. Remember all these ideology are made keeping totality into mind. And totality is always unaffected. If you can alter totality that means it was not total. There is no scope of altering the totality. It is complete. Problem come when you try to alter the totality out of your knowledge. That boosts up your ego. Ego of knowing. I know this, I know that. I am engg, I am MBA. These are all ego. Our education system simply boosts up our ego. The more higher degree you get the more egoistic you are. Lao Tso did not have formal education. In fact no prophets have formal education. That's one of the vital reason they could grow so much. So, they saw what they wanted to see. In our education system we are shown what society wants us to see. Remember your society will never like you to see what you want to see. Society will always impose their ideology on you. A formal education has an upper limit of growth. Because society imparts formal education. So, society will never like you to be bigger than soceity. Society creates you. And creater is always bigger. Therefore you cannot be bigger than society. Hence, society imposes an upper limit of growth on you. Self-education has no limit. It can reach upto infinite. It may not affect the entire society. Because society has its own intertia. A huge inertia. That's why none of the prophets could affect entire human civilization. They touched a large mass. That's true. But not the entire humanity. That's one of the reason we have so many religions. Because, the society has its own intertia. Your self realization needs that much momentum to overcome that intertia. Which no prohets could do. And its difficult also. Because, there are many great men. So, they collide. Ego start forming new form. A subtler ego. But still ego. I would say it's ego of society. Not of a person. Ego of two society collide. And separate religions are created. Becuase society is always worried of it's existence. They need some superhuman to protect their existence. So, they made their local great men as ideology. And they move forward. So different religions are creation of society. For example - there was no Buddhism at the time of Buddha. Budhism was created by the soceity after buddha left his body.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The first and the last
For anything first and last is kind of special. Particularly special. Lets understand this in terms of life. Birth is the first thing of the life - the very first breath. Which you don't remember. Death is the last thing of the life - the last breath. Which hasn't come. Life exists between these two breath. Indian yogic system gives too much stress on breath. Even in Buddhism breath is immensely important. In Christianity it's not that important. Because Christianity is primarily based on the prayers. On the pope. On the priest. On the father. Father will pray for you, then only you can go to kingdom of God. But, essentially this is not the case in Hinduism. That's why Hinduism has produced great meditators. Hinduism give you more freedom. But some people do not like it. There are reason behind this. A temple priest wont like to see you meditating. Ask why? Because, when you meditate you are trying to connect yourself with infinite. You are trying to contact God directly. You are bypassing the channels made by others. Made by priest, Pope, Muhammad. So, these people get frightened with that. Your meditation questions on their existence. Because, in meditation what you are doing is, you are simply bypassing them. And they don't like it. They want you to follow their paths, their rules. So that, their paths and rules remain always active. And this is what happened in the almost every religion excluding some sects of Hinduism.
Birth is important. Someone taking birth at midnight, and someone taking at midday will make a difference. Best time to take a birth should be in the morning around 8-9-10 am. That time nature is charge with freshly awaken people. Everybody is fresh, enthusiastic about the day. Everybody is optimistic. So all these positive environment will affect the kid positively. And the reverse is true in the night. There are many other factors as well. An astrologer would know it better. Lol. Few moments before the death is also special. Person's behaviour is unpredictable. Unpredictable in the sense that he is just about to die. He feels rejuvenated just before death. Death of enlightened person will be even more special. Yoga students in hiamalayan region are taught to watch the death of yogis. You will find them totally abnormal just before death. Because his life force is at the peak. In just a few minute it will be mearged into infinite. His entire life force gears up to take the final flight. It's like just few seconds before an air plane takes off. There are various ways Pran can exit out of the body. Yogi's Pran will exit out of crown of the head. Also called Sahasrar. And it is said, if it exits from the crown of the head. You are done!! Your rebirth won't happen again. You are freed, liberated. Else you will again take birth. And again life will will again learn A B C D...Lol :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Children Part 1
All children are enlightened. Their level of enlightenment is far more than that of any great saint. But there is a difference. A child is like a brand new slate on which nothing was written ever. A great saint is also a clean slate but it was rubbed. Something was written on it, it had become dirty so, it has been rubbed out and now it is clean. Both are like clean slate. But one is rubbed. One is brand new. Saints are rubbed. A Child is a brand new. That's why great saint just endeavors to become like a child. But a child doesn't mimic great saints. He doesn't need to.
The two most important attribute of a child is innocency and curiosity. Both are inter dependent. I remember I used to ask many question (stupid for them) when I was a small kid. Other's used to take it as stupid question. That' fine. There are reason behind that. I will come to this later. I used to ask questions like How does aeroplane fly in the air? Aeroplane runs faster or helicopter? If Ram and Hanuman fight, who will win? If Luv and Kush fight who will win? Of course to a learned person these are stupid question. But if you look from child's point of view that was just a curiosity. An innocent curiosity. But I used to be scolded for asking non-sense question many a times. The reason is, they don't know the answer. Because they were also scolded when they were kids. So, their curiosity was suppressed. Kid start's thinking that I am asking stupid questions, others are laughing at me. So I should not ask such questions. And he gradually stops being curious. And once curiosity is suppressed he becomes dependent on books. Then he knows only what he reads in the books, TV, radio etc.
Child is pure manifestation. The more he grow the more he get contaminated. His brain is filled with books, events and many things. If you just traverse back in time you will reach to destination. I remember when people used to lift me up on their waist and walk. Do you remember anything when you were 1 month old? when 10 days old? when 2 day old? when 1 day old? when 0 day old? when -1 day old? when -10 day old? when -4 year old? when -500 year old? when -1000000000000 years old?...Do you remember what were U doing inside womb? You cant remember all these. But it all happened. It's somewhere stored in the deep sublevel of your consciousness. No information is lost. The information signals remains vibrating at extremely low amplitudes. Buddha was able to recollect his previous 10,000 births. We are not able to recollect even this current birth. See the difference. Again I wont encourage people to do any un-solicited practice in order to recollect negative time unless otherwise absolutely required.
More in the next post...
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