Sunday, December 23, 2007

Himalayan Saints

I am reading a book - Living with Himalayan Saints by Swami Rama. An OK book. In the book he has described his experiences about living with so many Himalayan Saints. In fact, I also wanted to meet few Himalayan saints. But never got a chance :( Just wanted to understand their life-style. There are many tales of Himalayan Yogis who can really defy most of the laws of physics say gravitation. Many saints can levitate few foots easily. I do not take the authority if its true, I am just writing what I read in the books. I never witnessed them. These might be hoax also. However, by contemplating on it, it doesn't seem to be impossible.

Swami Rama met many saints in the Himalayas. And each saint he met was famous for some particular kind of power. However he did stressed that enlightenment has nothing to do with these supernatural powers. Out of ignorance, at times, he was rating saints on the basis of power they possessed. Later he realized it was foolishness. His master's master was amazing. He had power of getting vanished. He was really very advanced. Actually, they do not break laws of physics, but they do have access to higher level consciousness by which they can bend the laws of physics in anyway they want. Not Sure. I was thinking more on this. How does a force get transmitted in a bar. Science still doesn't know the answer of this question in its completeness. Say there is a bar of mass M and length L. I apply force to an end. In effect whole rod move ahead although the force was applied at one point. I analyzed this behaviour. The force you apply is transmitted to each and every atom of the bar. That's why the atom of the bar also move. But what is the phenomena which caused these atoms to move although the force applied was entirely mechanical.? And only way electrons can be moved is the electric field. So does it mean that the mechanical force generated electrical field? The business doesn't stop at electron level. Electron is not the fundamental particle. Electrons are also sub-divisible. Then how does that sub-particle move? After getting 581 rank in JEE I still don't know what makes F = mA works? F=mA is the equation of observation. It doesn't tell you why does a force move an object. It's just a quantitative observation. It's not a causal observation. Science has no answer for causal phenomenon. These Himalayan saints has access to that causal. By which they are able to bend the laws of physics. Isn't it?
That was one example. You take any example and analyze in it's completeness. Ultimately you will find science will give up. Science can answer only that which has a reason. And a reason has another reason. Where science lands, spirituality takes off...


Anonymous said...

attacking estbalished things,nice people stuck to technical stuff life long?? keep writing.

Shubh said...

Yeah the technical stuff is boring... Wait for next post - "The Girl" to spice up the blog

admirer said...

As JEE guy your start is ok. But their is an ocean of knowledge out there. We believe gravitational force? An object pulls another object and there is no contact between them!! Never mind.
Science has to learn many things, simple things like What is pain, What is love, desire, fear, growth, happiness and so on...

If you have time please go through this book,

admirer said...
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sudheer said...

Up to some extent your analysis looks ok Mr..., But you also need to understand and analyze more deeply like as you said. Then only science will give u answers. See science will start with observation and ends with theroritical formulation of model which fits for the corresponding cases. At the same time you must also understand what ever science cannot able to explain right now will not be some thing mysterious, it is just science didinot touched it till now are still trying to understand. Dont categorize and link to spiritual theories, what ever we dont understand. But one thing is sure what u are searching is peace then its already with u always but u have look inside for it without mixing other things. But if u r exploring for truth what actually is correct (spiritual or science) u will end up with advanced mode of searching only. One last thing is even though u got that one theory is true not the other, which is just useless because the theories ultimate revelation is the thing what we need actually. The interesting thing is the answer from either of them will deals or end up with ultimate happiness and inner peace which we can found without this inquiry also. But the inquiry is needed which will supports and increase the strength of the faith. The next immediate question one may get is, if every thing is already there and just we have to understand why cant we are not able to?. The answer is not straight forward now here, but i can say that its like that how having knowledge is different fro realisation. One more simple supporting thing is if any one generalised theory will able to explain every aspect of world, then every aspect of the world are should be just different manifestations and outcomes of the theory only. If it is so, then logically we must able to deduct the theory from these outcomes itself. But we are not able to doing so even though we are perceiving at every aspect the same theory behavior only (if a common theory exists). So ultimately one should realize by gaining knowledge and both steps are important.
Its some what lengthy,and dont take negatively (take with open mind). I am not giving you some lecture and not trying to prove some thing, but I want to say is, in lot more directions we need to explore and so much knowledge is there, which should be analysed and critically examined