I think there is a reason why the universe is infinite. If universe were finite it would have looked ugly, perhaps.
In math any finite number divided by infinity tends to 0. Does it mean that any amount of work we do is also zero at grand infinity scale? Not sure, but it does mean that irrespective of what you do the total effect on the universe is probably almost 0 because the universe is Infinite. The question arises is - does universe which is infinite, has a purpose? If you have a purpose but if universe doesn't have purpose then your "Karma" is of no use. And if universe has a purpose and you don't have a purpose then you are in trouble. The other possibility is if universe has a different purpose than yours then also the situation is bad. But how do we know we are living in one universe or there are multi-verses existing parallelly at same time. There is a possibility that there could be infinite number of infinitely large universe all existing at the same time parallelly.
Recent study says there could be holes in space-time fabric which connects to other universes. Scientist studying in this field have to describe other universes physics. We are not able to understand the physics of this universe(3D space + time) then and how we are going to understand the physics of other universe which is not even accessible. And who know if we access to that universe there might be another universe behind that universe and it continues upto infinite infinity..
Or other theory can be -- this universe or that universe end of the day it can be termed as one universe which is infinite.