Thursday, October 22, 2015


I love to purchase books. I am in process of making a mini-library in my house. Somewhere I heard you need three things to run your life smoothly - 1. Library, 2. Garden, 3. Friends. I am determined to have first two, luckily have last one. Reading books always gives many insights. However, at times my interest to read them is inversely proportional to the thickness of the book. I want to have almost all of world's best classical books ever written. Some of the books currently I have on my shelf are - Sherlock Holmes, Pride and prejudice, Gulliver's Travels, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Tales of Mystery and Imagination, The Iliad, Childhood, Father and Sons, Tales from Shakespeare, How to win friends and influence people, Think and grow rich, The Book of Mirdad.

And following are in my wishlist:
  1. Meetings with Remarkable Men
  2. The Rubiyaat of Omar Khayyam
  3. Tao Te Ching
  4. Jonathan Livingston Seagul: A story
  5. Thus Spake Zarthustra by Freidrich Nietzsche
  6. Healthy living according to Mahatma Gandhi
  7. In search of lost time
  8. Ulysses
  9. On Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  10. The Divine Comedy
  11. The power of positive thinking
  12. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
  13. The Book of Secrets by Osho
  14. The Book of Nothing: Hsin Hsin Ming
  15. The Sermon On The Mount
  16. Tertium Organum by P D Ouspensky
  17. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
  18. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky